December 19, 2017 - One of the participants stated that she “felt very prepared in terms of what [they]
were going to be … S/he was then sent a list of the parameters/questions that were going to be investigated in
the draft … And then the final copy was sent, and also [we were] told where it
was going to be posted for final … going to be asked…. … someplace, has
gravitas going forward, that something is going to be made of your participation as
March 01, 2011 - dimensions are important for the work they’re
doing and really just be clear about what terms you’re going … Typically what that means is they have no idea how
they’re going to do the analysis and they just either … were used
interchangeably, so I think it’s hard to get real rigid about ... particularly if you’re going … “…just be clear about what terms you’re going to use and what they mean, because there’s no
shared view … So I'm just going to use the one that's simpler and cheaper.’
January 01, 2009 - usual actions
Atypical cases that require “off-‐template” care
Slide 21: Hyperlinking
EHRs: Going
January 01, 2012 - Transmitted knowledge (the media = 7%)
Slide 15: Yes, the media are influential, but there is
a lot more going
March 01, 2022 - While this is no longer an issue going forward for this review, future LSRs will likely
have to plan … introduced;
ensure that scope
changes are clearly
described and whether
changes are retroactive or
going … Risk of Bias No Ongoing assessment
was successful, given
the small volume of
None; on-going
November 28, 2023 - fed principally
human milk (0-6 months)
was excluded in order to
prevent duplication of
other on-going … principally
human milk (0-6
months)” was excluded in
order to prevent
duplication of other on-
going … New references added to
the protocol to document
the on-going U.S.
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Teen Development
Definition As a teenager, you go through many physical, mental, emotional, and social changes. The biggest change is puberty, the process of becoming sexually mature. It usually happens between ages 10 and 14 for girls and ages 12 and 16 for boys. As your body change…
January 06, 2017 - And the important thing to note is that there's stuff going on behind the
November 01, 2019 - Others, however, found there to be too much “going on”
on the screen, and reported feeling overwhelmed … I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with Abstrackr.
2. … I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with DistillerSR.
4. … I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with RobotAnalyst.
6. … “Distiller seemed complex, there was a lot "going on"
and sometimes I found it hard to navigate through
October 01, 2017 - COPD and it shows up, so something I can find on Google that's high-quality evidence is
definitely going … So I'm going to point again at the ASCCP [American Society for Coloposcopy and
Cervical Pathology], … 12
comes as a really digestible synopsis format that I can skim while I'm drinking coffee,
going … You’re going to hate this. … We are going to be talking to some other
decisionmakers from your institution and from other health-systems
January 01, 2010 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number: 0298
Document Completion Date: 03-19-12
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Perinatal depression treatment will go forward for refinement as a systematic review. The scope of this
topic, including populations, interventions, comparators, and ou…
January 15, 2016 - Peer reviewer #3 Discussion 19) When discussing laser therapy, important to note that
PDL is only going … clinicians
reading this report who don’t have much experience/
expertise in the management of IH are going … Results While intralesionalTriamcinolone may be an effective agent
for a bulky localized IH, it is not going … Peer reviewer #3 Results Other comments:
1) I do not think going back to 1966 is a good idea for CQ
May 15, 2023 - year (US)
► Market estimates: 150-200 million patients/year (US)
• Common goal: Find patients who are going … Mullainathan, Science 2019
Dissecting the bias
• We’d like to understand
where the algorithm is
going … wrong
• One clue: where it is
going right
• Algorithm predicts total
health costs well for
January 11, 2019 - Maternal and Fetal Effects of Mental Health Treatments in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: A Systematic Review of Pharmacological Interventions
Research Protocol
January 11, 2019
Management of Infantile Epilepsy
Research Protocol
February 3, 2021
July 01, 2016 - Imaging Tests To Check for Kidney Stones in the Emergency Department
Imaging Tests To
Check for Kidney Stones in
the Emergency Department
Checking for Kidney Stones in
the Emergency Department
First, the emergency doctor will
give you medicine to help stop
your pain. The medicine may
be given by mouth. Or…
January 01, 2012 - It is the facilitator’s role to ensure that all participants
understand what is going on, what is being … The advantage of this method is that participants can “see” what is going on, and
can help ensure the
January 01, 2009 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number(s): 0170
Document Completion Date: 1-13-10
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
The use of procalcitonin for the diagnosis and management of sepsis will go forward for refinement as
a systematic review. The scope of this topic, including popul…
December 29, 2020 - Are
you going to treat diabetics with water
instead of insulin. … If a patient has a heart
attack and they are in tremendous pain,
are you going to give them Tylenol … Is the pat on the back going to
be worth the pain you allow people to go
through. … We spend our lives going from
body part specialist to specialist. Each with
a different answer. … I
thought I was going to lose my mind. I
wanted to die.
January 01, 2009 - Effective Health Care
Topic Numbers: 0207
Document Completion Date: 1-11-10
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Allergen-specific immunotherapy will go forward for inclusion in the scope of an in-process systematic
review on immunotherapy for allergic disease. The scope of this…
July 29, 2016 - Imaging Tests to Check for Kidney Stones in the Emergency Department
A Review of the Research for Adults Consumer Summary July 29, 2016 Download Main Document PDF 976.4 KB
You have come to the emergency department and the emergency doctor has recommended an imaging test to check for kidne…