January 01, 2011 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number(s): 0335a-b
Document Completion Date: 02-25-11
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Local therapies for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and unresectable hepatic
metastases will go forward for refinement as a systematic review. T…
January 01, 2008 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number: 0174
Document Completion Date: 7-28-10
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Biomarkers to guide treatment for iron-deficiency anemia in renal dialysis patients will go forward for
refinement as a systematic review. The scope of this topic, incl…
October 23, 2014 - Topic 0614 Tonsillectomy NSD FINAL CC
Tonsillectomy for Recurrent Infection and Sleep Disordered Breathing
Nomination Summary Document
Results of Topi…
January 01, 2007 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number(s): 0111
Document Completion Date: 5-19-09
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Urinary incontinence will go forward for refinement as an update to or expansion of an existing
comparative effectiveness or effectiveness review. The scope of thi…
January 09, 2014 - Topic 0484 Treatments for Fecal Incontinence NSD FINAL SJ
§ Comparative effectiveness of treatments of fecal
incontinence in women- Nomination Summary Document
May 22, 2013 - Topic 0559 Disruptive Behavior Disorders in Children NSD FINAL SJ
Comparative Effectiveness of Treatments for
Disruptive Behavior Disorders in Children
Nomination Summary Document
June 07, 2013 - Skip to main content
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
Contact Us
Effective Health Care Program
Powered by the Evidence-based Practice Centers
January 01, 2013 - methodology
To encourage greater dialogue and resource sharing between the CBPR and PCOR research communities going
August 01, 2017 - or the bedroom and to establish consistent sleep
patterns (e.g., using the bedroom for sleep only; going
October 25, 2022 - In the planning stage, we considered with
our technical expert panel (TEP) the idea of going
back to … In the planning stage, we considered with
our TEP the idea of going back to 1990, but
ultimately rejected … In the planning stage, we considered with
our TEP the idea of going back to 1990, but
ultimately rejected
June 20, 2012 - AcademyHealth REACH Challenge Worksheet:
AHRQ EBC Challenge Worksheet:
Steps for Developing a Strong Project Submission
So you have an idea for the EBC challenge, but how do you go from big-picture concept
to focused idea? What are the essential components of a submission that will convey
your idea and…
October 01, 2011 - local health practitioners have a difficult time aggregating information or
understanding what is going … This gives insight into how
the process is going each step of the way, while also building trust among
Skip to main content
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
Contact Us
Effective Health Care Program
Powered by the Evidence-based Practice Centers
January 01, 2013 - Topic 0451 Celiac Disease NSD FINAL
February 19, 2014 - Topic 0410 Imaging to Diagnose and Statge SCLC and NSCLC NSD SJ clean
Imaging for Diagnosing and Staging Lung Cancer
Nomination Su…
January 01, 2009 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number: 0175
Document Completion Date: 3-24-10
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Serum free light chain assay analysis for the diagnosis, management, and prognosis of plasma cell
dyscrasias will go forward for refinement as a systematic review. T…
January 01, 2009 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number(s): 0051
Document Completion Date: 6-12-09
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Therapies for autism spectrum disorders will go forward for refinement as a comparative effectiveness
or effectiveness review. The scope of this topic, including pop…
December 15, 2015 - that mature HIE
implementations cannot be evaluated
now, and our call for a more detailed
taxonomy going … Methods Key question 7: The term “implementation” includes
operations but to me it seems like on-going … Once providers have interoperable
EHRs they are not going to withhold sharing patient
information to … HIOs are trying to
demonstrate value to users, so they are also not going to
withhold key clinical … Examining
exchange is going to become more complex as open-APIs
become ubiquitous, and exchange is
November 07, 2012 - Reviewer #1 Results I would have liked more summary description of the 36 studies in the
text before going … measures, data collection, etc.) which would need to be addressed in
order to conduct rigorous research going … Perhaps this is going beyond the mandate of the
reviewers, but at some point experts concerned about … Ideally, research funders would collaborate with policy makers going
forward to assess what kinds of
January 01, 2010 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number: 0307
Document Completion Date: 02-25-11
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Post-traumatic stress disorder will go forward for refinement as a systematic review. The scope of this
topic, including populations, interventions, comparators, and …