
Total Results: 1,031 records

Showing results for "going".

    September 01, 2008 - I am going by memory, so this point should be cheked very carefully Thank you for pointing this out. … What is the meaning of the arrows leading from the subpopulations boxes to the major arrow going from
    December 16, 2014 - I think that if you are going to give estimates based on the report, it would be important to point … or, at a minimum, appropriately acknowledge the PBT Survey evidence, promise of the findings and on-going
    September 15, 2008 - Updating Current Effectiveness Reviews Assessment of the Need to Update Comparative Effectiveness Reviews: Report of an Initial Rapid Program Assessment (2005-2009) Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850…
    April 01, 2018 - CER 205 Disposition of Comments for Physiologic Predictors of Severe Injury: A Systematic Review Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report Research Review Title: Physiologic Predictors of Severe Injury: A Systematic Review Draft review available for public comment from August 16, 2017 to Se…
    January 01, 2010 - see the work by Rouse showing the success of augmentations once the time to continue Pitocin before going
    May 13, 2014 - I suspect that if we are going to predict who is going to respond to a specific medication, it may … Reviewer #3 Results Page 49, Disuflram versus naltrexone: I thought in the meta analysis you were not going
  7. Schwitzer_ECCS2012 (pdf file)
    July 23, 2012 - Schwitzer_ECCS2012 Slide 1: Addressing  Tensions  When Popular Media and Evidence-­‐Based Care Collide Gary  Schwitzer Publisher, Slide 2: Infoxication We are drowning people who are thirsty for just a sip of balanced infor…
    May 24, 2013 - Therefore comparison between the 2 groups is always going to introduce preferential bias favoring the
    November 01, 2010 - Data entry will be on-going during the abstraction process.
  10. PEPTIC ULCER #11 (pdf file)
    December 01, 2014 - Experts expected to see additional scrutiny of teduglutide’s safety and its impact on cost of care going
  11. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    September 01, 2009 - Finally, as this report was going to press, the U.S.

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