January 01, 2023 - Use Case
A use case is a set of instructions that an individual in a process completes to go through one single step in that process. It describes what the user does to interact with a system.
To understand how a user is aided by a system when completing a specific task.
January 01, 2023 - exemplified these needs:
• “I think they could better communicate, when you’re released, what’s going … to tell the nurse, “we need to be in
contact with the people that are gonna be supplying her care going … to use, and I
like it.” ~ patient 1
• “Listening to the man talk [informational video], and then going
January 01, 2023 - This information is for reference purposes only. It was current when produced and may now be outdated. Archive material is no longer maintained, and some links may not work. Persons with disabilities having difficulty accessing this information should contact us at: https://digital.ahrq.gov/contact-us . Let us know th…
January 01, 2015 - The direction we should be going is asking why this technology isn’t the standard of care. … • Draw an analogy to the hiring process: If you want to hire someone who is going to
make a huge … What is it going to take to get clinicians and practitioners to do measurement? … and action; passive, objective measurements in
the environments that help people understand what’s going
August 06, 2013 - .............................................................................................. 14
Going … Going Live
● Finalize all the “documents” (software) required in the kickoff phase. … Delay going live until the key elements of demographics, labs, drug allergies,
medication list, and … Modifications to the EHR User Interface and Data Transfer Technology
Working With Vendors
Going Live
August 06, 2024 - Clinical Decision Support (CDS) for Chronic Pain Management
Clinical Decision Support for Chronic Pain Management
Practice Orientation
Project Aims
What is Opioid Tapering?
Why is Opioid Tapering Important?
Changes to Practice Workflow
What is Next?
Project Aims
Clinical Decision Support (CDS…
August 06, 2024 - Clinical Decision Support (CDS) for Chronic Pain Management
Clinical Decision Support for Chronic Pain Management
Practice Orientation
Project Aims
What is Opioid Tapering?
Why is Opioid Tapering Important?
Changes to Practice Workflow
What is Next?
Project Aims
Clinical Decision Support (CDS…
January 01, 2023 - Potential Problem Analysis
A potential problem analysis (PPA) is a systematic method for determining what could go wrong in a plan under development. The problem causes are rated according to their likelihood of occurrence and the severity of their consequences. Prevent…
September 29, 2009 - Master Visit Registry Helps Improve Transitional Care For Patients In Hawaii
The phrase 'Pupukahi i Holomua' is Hawaiian for "unite in order to progress." With this spirit in mind, the Holomua Project to Improve Transitional Care in Hawaii launched a four-year project to help community health centers and hos…
September 14, 2016 - Health Information Technology Survey for Physicians, Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners
Health Information Technology Survey for Physicians,
Physician Assistants, and Nurse Practitioners
Chadron Community Hospital and Health Services, Chadron NE
This is a questionnaire designed to be completed by nurses …
January 01, 2023 - Contingency Diagram
The contingency diagram uses brainstorming to generate a list of problems that could arise from a process. Once problems are identified, then solutions to the problems are determined.
When identifying causes of potential problems.
When developing soluti…
March 28, 2007 - Qualitative and quantitative examinations must
be on-going
You are never done because the interaction
December 07, 2010 - research based on the patient
population we see, which is rural and has special
needs that aren’t going
March 05, 2008 - Responses to Additional Web Conference Questions
Responses to Additional Web Conference Questions
A National Web Conference on Personal Health Records: An Overview
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
March 5, 2008
Q: What is the legal status of personal health record (PHR) information used in a…
January 01, 2023 - Tool 7.2: Oregon Community Health Information Network Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Implementation and Planning Tool
6 Months Prior Leadership & CIT (Clinic Implementation Team) Engagement
6 Months Prior Engagement: Work Processes CIT Meets Monthly
4 Months Prior Communic…
July 01, 2011 - Some states, e.g.,
Tennessee, are going further by integrating financing and services for
all physical
January 01, 2024 - What happens after people go home, or wherever they're going, is what determines their health outcomes
October 12, 2023 - We talk about how things are going with them, what positive things have
happened to them in the last
January 01, 2017 - I didn’t hold back because she was virtual,” while another said “A computer is not a person
that’s going … allotted to read graphics: “Sophie shouldn’t leave time for patients to
read the graphics if she’s going
January 01, 2008 - collection through two weeks following the “go-live” date and did not include personnel time for
on-going … the direction of the health
services researcher who also designed the audit trail system to allow on-going … of systems
Annual Costs Update of clinical and pharmaceutical information on CDS
Annual Costs On-going