
Total Results: 1,104 records

Showing results for "going".

    January 01, 2023 - in response to that signal, we don't have a way to know as emergency physicians that this person's going
    January 30, 2019 - If we’re going to make this happen faster by working together, we need to understand what we’re all … • We need a picture of what’s going on today to address these needs; for example, what tools are people … • Many thanks for your engagement and input – we’re going to do great things together! 25
    January 01, 2019 - Therefore, while adding an extra diabetes medication may save a 40-year-old individual from going blind … The second novel technology that was going
    December 15, 2011 - Question 5: Can you provide any guidance on the best ways to stay apprised of what is going on with … These associations tend to track what is going on as it pertains to researchers, especially at the Federal … Question 5: Can you provide any guidance on the best ways to stay apprised of what is going on with regulations
    January 12, 2025 - So, when a cancellation comes from Epic … it doesn’t tell you why it was cancelled or what’s going on … understand, especially for our critically ill patients, why we’re doing what we’re doing because they’re going … to ask us and if we don’t have that information at our fingertips, we’re going to struggle, waste
    January 01, 2024 - That tool quantifies the complexity of what the patient is taking in the ICU with the goal that it's going
    January 01, 2024 - That tool quantifies the complexity of what the patient is taking in the ICU with the goal that it's going
    January 01, 2011 - Substance Use Risk Reduction Going out tonight? Be safe. Party smart.
    September 17, 2007 - • Recommendations going forward should support ongoing training and education of all key stakeholders … reference number is an optional field • No marketplace demand “Even if a physician wants it, who is going
    January 01, 2023 - "I can know what's going on before I get sick."
  11. Title Page (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - Enhancement of HVHIE with Community Viewer After analyzing the survey results from physician users and going … Our enhanced and on-going combined implementation and support method is only possible because the bulk
    September 13, 2018 - You can wait until most of their prescriptions are going to be up for renewal, and therefore will not … My guess is that in the real world, there will be both types of patients that we’re going to want to
    January 01, 2023 - Tool 7.3: Timeline for IHA EHR Transition Way before Go-Live   Process Assessment Assess Charting process Begin chart abstraction process using Internet Chart Abstraction Tool (ICAT) Documentation of paper workflows 3 Month Before Go-Live   Kickoff …
    November 14, 2014 - Going to State- or region- wide provider databases from local medical societies or boards of registrations … Going to State- or region-wide provider databases from local medical societies or boards of registrations … Going to State- or region-wide provider databases from local medical societies or boards of registrations … Going to State- or region-wide provider databases from local medical societies or boards of registration … Going to State- or region- wide provider databases from local medical societies or board of registrations
    January 01, 2013 - EMR In the medication adherence module, the TLC-C system begins the interaction with patients by going … An important concern for designers of innovative health technologies is whether the technology is going … Thus: “…let us know if something is going to kill our patients” via a page. … It was reiterated that taking an extra dose of aspirin or Prilosec is not going to harm a patient. … So, if it is used for heart failure- I am going to be more anxious and concerned about that.
    January 01, 2023 - "Scared to go to the hospital": inpatient experiences with undesirable events. Citation Haldar S, Filipkowski A, Mishra SR, et al. "Scared to go to the hospital": inpatient experiences with undesirable events. AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2017 Feb 10;2016:609-17. PMID: 28269857. Link https://www.ncbi.…
    October 11, 2023 - s a whole lot different knowing that than sitting at home by yourself thinking you’re the only one going … o We have a test going on: Google Home-stranded participants are doing their own meetups… 51
    March 01, 2024 - ......................................................... v What is the Technology and What is it Going … ... 25 v How to Read This Document What is the Technology and What is it Going … administering CAT-based PROs, a computer uses a validated algorithm to determine which question is going … When administering CAT-based PROs, a computer uses an algorithm to determine which question is going
    May 22, 2009 - SMOKING (PRE-VISIT CALL, ASSESSMENT) SMOKING (PRE-VISIT CALL, ASSESSMENT) NEED TO CREATE THESE VARIABLES: Line # Desc Age Group PHP Text Smoke_FU_01 Logic ALL - Smoke_FU_02 PHPReviewSmoking ALL PHP The last time we talked, I asked you some questions about your smoking, and you told me that you smo…
    May 29, 2012 - • Living in a data, and knowledge, tsunami • Lots of clinical data going online • Lots of genetic

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