April 25, 2013 - This is
important for patient safety research, because if I’m going to set error rates, if I’m
going … They don’t state explicitly
everything that’s going on. … So the system that I’m going to talk about today, I’m going to call it
barcode/eMAR and this is a system … I’m actually going to discuss two
different projects. … Now we’re going to
begin to take questions.
October 02, 2014 - Since some of these questions I am going to ask you are of a sensitive nature, I would like to
make … Overall, how do you think the text messaging program is going/went? What did you like
about it? … For
example, have you been better about taking your medication or going it to your medical
August 01, 2003 - Never going back.
January 01, 2020 - I need to be able to quickly assess what's going on at any time. … If the cognitive tasks aren't supported by the workflow and the health IT systems, then there's going … just assigning the patient based on an alternating pattern, the nurse has to have a sense of what's going
January 01, 2019 - , many high-risk patients do not get screened, contributing to approximately a quarter of T2D cases going … Wells hopes that by “going directly to the patient and empowering them to get screened” the tool will
September 03, 2009 - We are going to go ahead and
get started. I will be introducing our moderator. … Then we are going to focus on these
particular tools. … A third tool that we are going to look at is
the task flow. … They want to know what is going on. … People who know the process and know what is going on.
June 01, 2008 - Going onto a basic structure of clinical decision support. … or am I going to get another reminder? … What is going to prompt if
you're waiting for the clinician to initiate? … Finally, the timing: at what
point that's going to be done. … He is going to try. It is a long question.
I am sorry.
August 01, 2012 - If all was going well, we just would monitor and wait to see how things
were going. … Those are the things we already have going. … I am going to begin with
the questions. … ANGELA LAVANDEROS: I am going to go over, I think I am going to try to get the contact
information and … I believe mobile technologies are going to play a big role.
April 25, 2013 - So we're excited that they're going to be able to share that with you today and that we're going to be … Going to go on. … So for a time period going
forward, we are going to continue to include all types of code sets in our … to go into it and it's going to get better every
year. … Henry, how do you think it's going to go?
April 01, 2009 - Today we are going to be starting a series of four conferences on electronic prescribing. … I’m going to start with what is a prescription? … We’re going to pause in two places today
for questions. … I don’t really have a timeframe of when the next
round of that is going to happen. … I’m going to ask you a few questions. There’s one that I’m going to throw out.
December 01, 2005 - I'm going to switch gears and talk to you about a framework. … I'm going to talk to you about that here. … I'm going to switch gears and talk to you -- really the meat of this talk is
going to be talking about … None of it's going through a network. It's going peer-to-peer. … I think
that's where the country’s going to go.
January 01, 2012 - Today he's really going to be talking about the challenge
of one of the first things that has to get … He's
going to finish up with an overview of some of the political and regulatory issues that we're now … There are issues with prompting patients to use this, if it's going to be useful. … Prescribing and who are going to be using EHRs. … That's going to be a difficult one.
August 01, 2008 - An Overview of Core Characteristic Components
I wonder if in a couple of years we‘re going to have … that put together and we‘re going to start
building all that cool AI stuff. … I‘m going
to talk about 2 aspects of health information exchange. … So, by going to the source, you minimize issues around that. … They can view
it as, you know, what‘s the angle, how are they going to take us over, how are they going
April 10, 2007 - A story from “The Globe” isn't really true that the communities are going to
be the first ones that … We think that there are a lot of fixed costs that we can leverage going forward. … And we have a very good plan but we're going to have to see how things turn
out. … In the long run, the Collaborative is
not going to be paying for everything. … It is thought that use of ePrescribing within the Collaborative is
going to be pretty high.
November 02, 2007 - So that’s what I was going to show you for the secondary data. … I’m going to talk about the Northeast Ohio, or NEO, e-prescribing pilot. … These are the characteristics that we noticed going in. … About half of them were going to a combination of CVS,
Rite Aid, and Walgreen’s. … I was just going to say, yes, it’s definitely a function of where you are.
September 19, 2008 - Teresa told you about me, not going to repeat any of that. … I am not going to repeat things like the article that says that
55% of the time people get the care … they're supposed to get, and I am going to simply say that we really
need to make the right thing to … Those are going to wind up as prescriptions
rather than as sets of orders. … And I am just going to offer one quick thought.
September 17, 2007 - I am not going to get into detail with those, as our presenters are going to
be doing that today. … to test and how they were going to test the standards. … But I’m actually going to
talk more about that in the next talk. … That’s going to be in the
next set of talk. … But I’ll be
going into those results in a little bit more detail.
May 09, 2016 - (Slide)
We're going to start by looking at the traditional disease management, and we're going to be … Okay, we're now going to hear
from our last speaker. … They aren't really going to be necessarily interested in it. … They're not
going to have access to computers. … Okay, so at this point we're
going to move into the Q&A session.
September 01, 2010 - Roper, MS, MPH
June 2, 2010
THQIT Agenda
On-going efforts to synthesize and
disseminate … presentations and publications
Summary of THQIT Initiative is
On-going … Color-coded
relative costs: green,
blue, red
– Electronic or fax
prescription to the
On-going … Multiple Stakeholders
– Planning grants
– Implementation grants
– Value grants
In conclusion
On-going … January 2010
THQIT Synthesis and Dissemination
AHRQ’s Interest
Summary of THQIT Initiative is
September 30, 2008 - We are going to go ahead
and get started. My name is Walter Suarez. … You can see the picture, just a simple
example going from Minnesota to Wisconsin. … We are going to be focusing purely and on that
particular cost at this time. … I am going to move from the wording to more of a graphical description. … No, we are not going to give you access.