September 29, 2008 - Typical research practices have the researchers going into the care environment, telling staff how to
December 31, 2007 - "There is no going back."
January 01, 2011 - The focus going forward until the end of the study period will be to conduct the clinic site visits and
January 01, 2012 - was described as a more convenient way to get medical care for children because it does not require going
January 01, 2010 - Once it became clear that true exchange was not going to be feasible during the project’s term, the team
January 01, 2021 - they were either shown a black-and-white version of PRO data
plotted on two line charts with y-axes going … the same direction, or black-and-white version of PRO data
plotted on two line charts with y-axes going … rates of the 3 charts with the highest performance from our pilot
study: the line chart with axes going … in the same direction and color encoding, the line chart with axes going in
different directions and
May 27, 2009 - How they decide priorities regarding which
medicines to take if they’re not going to take them all as
January 01, 2024 - We need to start learning how to collect and use that information if we’re going to get anywhere in medical … wonderful quantitative measures; they need to be supplemented with personalized information that’s going
January 01, 2023 - your most important pharmacies (e.g., the top 20 pharmacies that your patients use) know that you are going
January 01, 2014 - looking at the same information
on a computer screen and the provider is saying “let’s see what’s going … it was tailored for parents, it was updated, and it included descriptions of the
viruses that were going … Some agreed it would be nice to know what’s going around in their area specifically. … “Can I know what is going around at my school?” … more times per day and
82% agree that their patients expect them to know which germs are active, or going
December 31, 2007 - now have access to these images without having to maintain the system or pay for the associated on-going
January 01, 2005 - After going live, "the front desk had to use new on-screen forms to record telephone messages; pairing
January 01, 2018 - to make that call if they’re safe when you don’t really
know what their environment is that they’re going … therapists saying ‘This could help
the inpatient therapist...to tailor the treatment to what the patient’s going … You might change
what you do based on what you know the patient is going to have to do at home’.
January 01, 2012 - was described as a more convenient way to get medical care for children
because it does not require going
June 02, 2010 - AHRQ Presentation Template
Going It Alone?
January 01, 2010 - Once it became clear that true exchange was not going to be feasible during the project’s term, the team
January 01, 2011 - The focus going forward until the end of the
study period will be to conduct the clinic site visits
June 05, 2006 - AHRQ Planning Grant
AHRQ Planning Grant
Lessons Learned
• Each HIT project is unique
• Unique on-going
September 21, 2016 - We often have interim things we’re trying to
achieve like blood pressure control or going on a trip
August 29, 2013 - Going forward, the
project team will continue to develop STEPStools to
enhance its capabilities to