January 01, 2008 - surgeons, medical specialists, and primary care physicians), none advocated for abandoning the system or 'going
January 01, 2023 - Research Spotlight
Going the Last Mile: Bringing Evidence to Bear on Healthcare
January 01, 2020 - Planes are going to be safer when there are computers on board that help the pilots and air traffic control
March 06, 2008 - "Some of the hope is that this is going to bring up things that doctors aren't very good at asking,"
September 29, 2008 - "I can know what's going on before I get sick."
January 01, 2008 - number who complied with physicians' orders that involved time-consuming or unpleasant actions (e.g., going
May 23, 2016 - So what kind of tools and features were we going to implement in the EMR to
evaluate. … We’re now going to move into the Q&A, question and
answer, portion of today’s call. … Bush that we were going to be all connected in 2014. Nothing happened until
2010. … And most health centers are not going to be
able to have customizations. … But they
also said that as of 2015, they were not going to be in the business anymore.
November 13, 2014 - percent of laboratory orders and results electronically by
the end of the initial 12-month period after going
April 18, 2005 - data Amount of missing information
Provider Orders test Volume of redundant tests
Again, going … want plan to develop a scale
Looking at Usage Data
Great way to tell how well the intervention is going … Life (data collection) is like a box of chocolates…
You don’t know what you’re going to get until you
January 01, 2012 - ’s going to be an ongoing problem.” … to triple
your premiums on your life insurance policy’ or ‘you’re not going to get health insurance … One day we are going to get sued.” … You’re going to be on that list and nobody’s contacted the patient, so that would be an issue. … Off the record: Avoiding
the pitfalls of going electronic. NEJM. 358(16): 1656-
January 01, 2020 - What happens after people go home, or wherever they're going, is what determines their health outcomes
June 15, 2023 - I think going from an academic research model to a
maintenance and commercialization model is problematic … Maintenance is going
to be needed and the main thing is having somebody who is willing to pay for it
November 27, 2007 - impact of a project, think about where the project will be
implemented and what stakeholders it is going … Going to statewide/region wide
MD databases from local medical
societies, FOLIOS, board of
registrations … The teams must
come together to decide what
constitutes an ADE and how it is
going to be measured. … Going to statewide/region wide
MD databases from local medical
societies, FOLIOS, board of
registrations … Graph on-going trends Graph ongoing trends
Graph trends over time,
for different provider
types at
January 01, 2009 - They’re interested in the whole meds coming in;
they’re interested in discharge medicines going out. … Themes Pre-HMVR 3 months post HMVR
Don’t understand what’s going on – told by provider what to do; … information for follow up X
Involve family in patient’s care – recall; family understands what’s going … X
Follow instructions; does exactly what doctor says X
Length of waiting time is deterrent to going … X
Financial responsibility is a barrier X X
Avoid going b/c unable to pay (shame) X
Avoid going b
January 01, 2014 - before, and they've had
neutropenic fevers and they've gone to the unit, chances are good they're going … there, what we're worried
about, what their labs are, and what their clinical status is, who we're going … to call and why we're worried
about it, or why we're going to call them. … …And then I'm probably going to look at what they've written
down and I'm going to let them work with … For this nurse, the transition was not going well.
April 10, 2007 - Q: How will MAe-hc going forward relate to the new round of ONC/NHIN RFP's? … Q: $50 million/450 doctors = $90K/physician; what do you see as sources of support going forward?
March 01, 2010 - The rollout of the QTool has been going well, although adoption remains a challenge.
March 01, 2010 - The rollout of the QTool has been going well, although adoption remains a challenge.
January 01, 2023 - children would benefit from the system, and 67 percent said they would be willing to use it on an on-going
January 01, 2004 - the time
Most of the
Contacted after a visit to see how
things were going … of
the time
Most of the
Asked how my visits with other
doctors were going