January 01, 2011 - They observed that this was going to be the way
medical practice would operate in the future. … have to do it, but we don’t have to like it” (Clinician
Interview A); and “This is the way it is all going
January 01, 2016 - short and simple
Use a calm voice
Gently remind the patient where he or she is and what is going … on
Talk about current events and what is going on nearby
Talk about childhood memories or favorite
Section 1 - Introduction
Begin by developing a clear picture of central processes and concepts, such as the medication management cycle, CDS intervention types, and challenges and opportunities related to medication management.
Consider how the “CDS Five Rights” apply to improving processes related …
January 01, 2007 - Rural Iowa Redesign of Care Delivery with EHR Functions - Grant Final Report Grant ID: 1UC1HS015196-0.
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: 1UC1HS015196-0
Rural Iowa Redesign of Care Delivery with
EHR Functions
Inclusive Dates: 09/01/04 – 11/30/07
Principal Investigator:
Donald K Cranda…