February 24, 2011 - Will I need help eating, bathing, or going to the bathroom? For how long? … Tips for Going Home
Patients and families at [insert hospital name] wrote these tips to help you get … Going Home Too Soon? … If you feel that you are going home before you are ready, call [insert name] at [phone number].
September 01, 2012 - There are other things going on in my life that are
my health.
)Check the box and write notes … There are other things going on in my life that are
my health.
)Dr. … There are other things going on in my life that are affecting my health. … There are other things going on in my life that are
my health.
)August 2012
September 01, 2015 - Implemented
Basket of small gifts to reward staff for reporting
problems, making suggestions, or going … above and
Going Forward
• Report results at the
quarterly provider/
management … Implemented
Communication Openness
Change Implemented
Near-Miss Documentation
Change Implemented
January 31, 2013 - CALLER: I’m going to ask you a few questions about each one of your medicines to see if there is anything … Clarification of Appointments
CALLER: Now, I’m going to make sure you and I have the same information … Are you going to be able to make it to your appointment? … CALLER: I understand that [name of caregiver] was going to help you out at home. … If no, CALLER: Are you going to call [name of caregiver] to see if she [or he] is going to be able to
February 14, 2013 - CALLER: I’m going to ask you a few questions about each one of your medicines to see if there
is anything … Clarification of Appointments
CALLER: Now, I’m going to make sure you and I have the same information … Are you going to be able to make it to your appointment? … CALLER: I understand that [name of caregiver] was going to help you out at home. … If no, CALLER: Are you going to call [name of caregiver] to see if she [or he] is going to
be able to
April 01, 2013 - The flow is going to be we’re going to have three presentations. … And that, of course, is where we’re going. … You’re going to use your evidence-based practice. You’re going to do a system analysis. … I’m going to stop here because I know we’re going to leave time for questions at the end, and I’m going … It’s going really well so far. Thank you.
May 01, 2017 - In this part, we are going to talk about disinfection and sterilization record keeping and also storage … Slide 3: High-Level Disinfection/Sterilization: Instructions for Use (IFU)
First, we're going to … If it's too low, you're not going to be blowing out these solutions. … That prevents the bacteria from the caregiver's hands going on to the scope. … Again, what we're going to do is, we're going to protect it.
October 01, 2014 - The continuum is laid out as follows:
Buy , then line going down to:
"Contracting with a single vendor … ", and another line to the right going down to:
"Contracting with multiple organizations, typically … local or regional" Assemble
To the right of Assemble is a line going to:
"Developing partnerships or … Memorandums of Understanding with State universities or State agencies" Build , then line going down
October 01, 2013 - I am going to talk to you a little bit about how to do that. … Zema (opening), Slide 20
So I am going to first introduce Linda Sparks. … We are going to have a formal Question-
and-Answer session at the end. … First I am going to introduce Rick. … So I am going to go ahead and open up
that evaluation but I am going to continue with some questions
April 01, 2022 - I think this is a more traditional concept that is going away over time in favor of
establishing a more … They may feel like
they're going to be told that they're wrong. … They may feel that their concerns
are going to be brushed off. … That is really going to affect the way that the person that you're talking to
receives your feedback … I am the patient's advocate for right now, so I'm
going to say something.”
May 01, 2017 - Is something going on?”
“Oh it’s fine. I know my job, and it’s fine.” … I’m going to stop. We need to do something.”
“Look Dr.
March 01, 2016 - With that, I'm going to turn this over to Rick. … I'm going to talk about that more shortly. … I'm going to
share with you some specifics about that area. … Small changes are not going to make a change in our CAHPS survey. … No one is ever going to yell at their doctor.
November 01, 2016 - Ernie's going to touch on that a little bit later in our presentation. … These are the things that we want to focus on, and they're not going to disappear unless we all begin … That way we can really inform the access to care issues that were going on. … I'm now going to get into the key findings from the report. … Nancy Wilson: Well, I also think that access is going to require us to change our habits.
January 01, 2017 - And as you do that, I'm going to read through the options. … Now, I'm going to ask one more. … And so, there were a
couple things I'm going to cover. … If you're going to post them online, let them know that. … We're going to
try to get to as many as possible.
June 01, 2022 - I'm going to give you some examples
here. … So now we're going to switch over to SOPS
Research Datasets. … Famolaro,
So now I'm going to turn it over back to Laura who's going to talk to you about SOPS resources … Now we're going to switch to the Q& A portion of the webcast. … Theresa, I'm going to send this next one to you.
September 01, 2012 - There are other things going on in my life that are effecting my health.
)Dr. … Are you going to be able to make it to your appointment? … If no, CALLER: Are you going to call [name of caregiver] to see if she [or he] is going to be able to … CALLER: So tell me, how are you going to take your Lasix tomorrow? … How are you going to get there?
PATIENT: My sister is going to take me.
January 01, 2020 - This last segment is going to address a number of possible uses of CAHPS
survey results, and we're going … Dale, I'm going to pop another one over to you, if you don't mind. … So Dale, I'm going to put this one back to you again. … going to be cheaper than a vendor. … I'm going to shoehorn two more quick questions in.
August 13, 2015 - staff do not always speak up during meetings
• During the survey period, our endoscopy center
was going … tasks
• Response to Mistakes: Continued treating
mistakes as learning opportunities
Going … Pressure & Pace
Change Implemented
Staff Training
Response to Mistakes
Change Implemented
May 01, 2017 - Infrastructure
Human resources
Are the internal/external human resources in place to sustain the effort going … Are external supports in place to sustain the effort going forward (describe—e.g., mentors, advisory … Are information systems in place to support the effort going forward?
January 01, 2007 - Infrastructure
Human resources
Are the internal/external human resources in place to sustain the effort going … Are external supports in place to sustain the effort going forward (describe—e.g., mentors, advisory … Are information systems in place to support the effort going forward?