April 13, 2017 - In this part, we are going to talk about disinfection and sterilization record keeping and also storage … (Slide 3) First, we're going to talk about high-level disinfection/sterilization looking at the instructions … If it's too low, you're not going to be blowing out these solutions. … That prevents the bacteria from the caregiver's hands going on to the scope. … Again, what we're going to do is, we're going to protect it.
December 01, 2017 - So, for my part, we're going to start with a case. … What is going on in your unit? … So they were going into it low. … And how are we going to do that in CUSP? … That's not going to go away.
December 10, 2013 - So here in the 21st century, not everything’s going as well as we would like. … The doctors said no nurse is going to stop take off. … And I’m going to go ahead and push the results.
Susan Hohenhaus:
Ah, good. … And I’m going to go ahead and push the results.
Susan Hohenhaus:
Great. … to put in so many catheters; this is what we’re going to do.
April 01, 2016 - So with
that, I’m going to turn this over to Karen, and welcome. … It’s taking this insight, and what are you going to do with it? … I was going to answer the second piece. … So Karen, I’m going to go back to you. … So with that, I think we’re going to end now.
May 23, 2013 - Nurse shift changes occur when nurses who are
going off duty share information about your care
with … Nurse bedside shift report is when the nurses
going off and coming on duty meet by your
bedside to … During nurse bedside shift report, the nurses
going off and coming on duty will:
• Introduce themselves … • Talk with you about your health, including
the reason you are in the hospital and what is
November 04, 2014 - I’m going to get started, and if I could advance the slides? Terrific, thank you. … First we’re going to have a polling question. … I’m now going to turn things over to Kathlyn who is going to talk about validation project that she’s … I’m going to talk a little bit more about that in a later slide. … December is going to feature Dr.
December 01, 2017 - this is just how we are going to do it." … It's not going to happen overnight. … Continue to engage in failures because you're going to continue to have them. … I'm going to turn it over to Ginger Dickens.
Ginger: Good afternoon everybody. … to sustain the work that's been going on?
November 01, 2016 - And I'm not going to go through all of these little numbers. … [Slide 23]
Gerry Shea: I'm going to finish with a success story. … When are the Feds going to do their share of this?" … So, I'm going to lob these to Gerry and to you. … I was going to suggest something like that.
September 01, 2019 - So, that's what I'm going to be talking to you today about. … Those are the results I'm going to present to
you today. … which kinds of things were not going to be helpful. … which
kinds of things were not going to be helpful. … I think those
messages are going to be pretty universal.
February 24, 2011 - Nurse shift changes occur when nurses who are going off duty share information about your care with nurses … Nurse bedside shift report is when the nurses going off and coming on duty meet by your bedside to talk … During nurse bedside shift report, the nurses going off and coming on duty will:
Introduce themselves … Talk with you about your health, including the reason you are in the hospital and what is going on with
April 01, 2013 - So I’m going to hand it over to Jeane Decosmo at the Maryland Hospital Association. … I’m going to tie this into our journey, how we used this information to make some decisions. … And so I invited Sean and his manager to my office, and while Sean might have thought there was going … So with that said, I’ll move it on to slide 30, and I’m going to turn it over to Judi. … You know, we had EOC rounds, we have all kinds of rounds that are always going on.
May 13, 2014 - So, for my part, we’re going to start with a case. … What is going on in your unit? … So they were going into it low. … And how are we going to do that in CUSP? … That’s not going to go away.
December 01, 2012 - Exercise
TeamSTEPPS® Enhancing Safety for Patients With Limited English Proficiency Module
We're going … We are going to discharge [patient name] today. … I'll be going over your discharge instructions with you. … Interpreter: [ interprets ]
Patient: [ nods ]
Nurse: Next, I'm going to go over your medications
April 29, 2011 - Fagnan in Portland, Oregon, and I'm going
to build on what Dr. … Some,
about a quarter, were just going to provide written reports only. … And some said, you know, we're
not going to do anything with it. … And our first question here, I'm going to direct to you, John and L.J. … Fagnan: I am going to speak as an individual network.
October 01, 2018 - I'm going to talk a little bit
more about the elements of that story in a minute. … Grob, Slide 22
And now I am going to pass it over to Tara to talk about the NYP project. … She’s going to come back in a few minutes and talk a bit more about what’s to come. … I am going to now give the ball back to Tara to talk about phase two. … We’re really going based on emotion.
January 01, 2014 - this is just how we are going to do it." … It's not going to happen overnight. … Continue to engage in failures because you're going to continue to have them. … I'm going to turn it over to Ginger Dickens.
Ginger: Good afternoon everybody. … to sustain the work that's been going on?
May 22, 2013 - Tips for Going Home
Patients and families at [insert hospital name] wrote these tips to help
you get … Going Home Too Soon? … If you feel that you are going home before you are ready,
call [insert name] at [phone number]. … • Will I need help with eating, bathing, or going to the bathroom? For
how long? … Ask:
Tips for Going Home
Going Home Too Soon?
May 01, 2012 - Well, our practices were experiencing some high front end denials, meaning that our claims were not going … Podcast
May 2012 www.cahps.ahrq.gov | 2 of 5
Lisa Sergy
First, I looked at what was already going … I mean, we had training before
so my fear was that they were going to think well this is just another … How are you going to support this behavior change back on the job if you don’t even
know what we’ve … Lisa, thanks for providing us with an update on how things are going, it’s so great to see this program
January 31, 2013 - CALLER: I’m going to ask you a few questions about each one of your medicines to see if there is anything … CALLER: So tell me, how are you going to take your Lasix tomorrow? … CALLER: Now, I’m going to make sure you and I have the same information about your appointments and tests … How are you going to get there?
PATIENT: My sister is going to take me.
February 14, 2013 - CALLER: I’m going to ask you a few questions about each one of your medicines to see if there
is anything … CALLER: So tell me, how are you going to take your Lasix tomorrow? … CALLER: Now, I’m going to make sure you and I have the same information about your
appointments and … How are you going to get there?
PATIENT: My sister is going to take me.