March 06, 2013 - The staff liaison will meet with you regularly to get your feedback on how things are going. … family advisors (e.g., meetings to review advisors’ work and to get their feedback about how things are going … When someone is speaking, it is natural to think about what you are going to say in response. … Talk to your staff liaison about your participation, including what is going well and what skills you … pain was managed, and whether they had the information they needed to take care of themselves after going
March 06, 2013 - The staff liaison will
meet with you regularly to get your feedback on how
things are going. … advisors (e.g., meetings
to review advisors’ work and to get their feedback about
how things are going … When someone is speaking, it is natural
to think about what you are going to say in response. … Talk to your staff liaison about your
participation, including what is going well and what skills
you … pain was managed, and whether they had
the information they needed to take care of themselves
after going
April 01, 2011 - Some patients are going back to a home that is less than ideal. … Ask them to think about what they need before going home and at home and check off where they indicate … booklet as a starting point for discussing the patient’s and family’s questions and concerns about going … Explain that these may be different from what he or she was taking going into the hospital. … chance to ask questions or voice concerns they have about the discharge
Jack and Emily express comfort going
May 01, 2023 - Going Lean in Healthcare
https://www.ihi.org/resources/Pages/IHIWhitePapers/GoingLeaninHealthCare.aspx … Toolkit
Four Ways Healthcare HR Can Inspire Teamwork
A Framework for Safe, Reliable, and Effective Care
Going … Going Lean in Healthcare
5. Hospital Inpatient Waste Identification Tool
February 01, 2021 - I’ll be honest with you, if I said ‘Six Sigma is going to be good for patients and nurses and quality … is going to get better,’ I betcha I couldn’t have sold it. … insightful lessons learned from the Six Sigma adoption experience:
Keep people engaged; keep the momentum going
December 01, 2017 - and specifically infections, so care of coordination or handoff from post-discharge to home aren’t going … SSI prevention is going to help keep these patients from being readmitted. … We are going to talk about these later as “emerging evidence” to prevent SSIs. … The CUSP method is going to empower the front line to be part of this.
May 01, 2017 - Situation awareness: The state of “knowing what’s going on around you.” … As a hospital leader noted, “If we don’t fix the
problems…we’re not going to get out of the situation … …It’s
just going to cycle back around again.” … “It was
something that I just knew was going to be the best thing
for our unit and our patients, so … However, as one project leader soon recognized, “If
we’re going to do a [hemorrhage] risk assessment
May 01, 2017 - Situation awareness: The state of “knowing what’s going on around you.” … As a hospital leader noted, “If we don’t fix the
problems…we’re not going to get out of the situation … …It’s
just going to cycle back around again.” … “It was
something that I just knew was going to be the best thing
for our unit and our patients, so … However, as one project leader soon recognized, “If
we’re going to do a [hemorrhage] risk assessment
January 01, 2003 - what they need to do to prepare
for a procedure, ask them if they can teach
back to you how they are going
January 01, 2012 - This mission is achieved through on-going practice-based research aimed at characterizing clinical practice
January 01, 2023 - The plans and providers themselves are going to be particularly interested in how they compare to each
July 01, 2017 - For example, you could say, “We’re not going to culture for a catheter-associated urinary tract infection … We’re going to look at other causes. If anything changes, we haven’t lost any ground.
October 01, 2015 - where you are (Current State)
Step 2: Know where you want to go (Unit Goals)
Step 3: How are you going … Section B: Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Initial Reactions (What’s Working):
Step 3: How Are You Going
January 01, 2016 - Shaller (opening), Slide 7
Given the large number of participants on today's event, we're going to be … And that's going to generate a PDF version of the presentation that you can download and
save. … I'm going to start with one that asks about the generous benefits that you
provide without carve-outs … Of
course, that keeps our ears wide open for what's going on with our families. … Sellers, Slide 32
So where are we going from here?
March 01, 2024 - Because we now use the publication year, there was no report labeled 2020; the sequence has a gap, going
March 28, 2006 - To provide an example of how to deliver this change management module, I'm going to turn this presentation … Today I'm going to be working through the change management slides with you. … Going back to my examples with the OB department here within UW Medicine, the work we're doing with them … Going back to my examples with the OB department, that first session we did with them years ago, some … There were a lot of great things going on, and we didn't always give that the attention needed.
July 01, 2023 - To-do list
Timelines and ownership
S ituation Awareness & Contingency Planning
Know what's going
March 07, 2019 - exhibit very good situational awareness:
She seems to “walk in a cloud” and not have any idea what is going … Take a few moments to consider this before
going on to the next slide. … This individual seems to walk in a cloud and not have any idea of what's going on around her. … waiting room and said innocently—but too loudly—to her coworker at the front desk, "These people are going … Take a few moments to consider this before going on to the discussion on the next slide.
April 01, 2022 - that reducing the number of infections to zero is possible or to find the passion to keep this work going
June 01, 2014 - A horizontal arrow going both ways between Another Setting and Inpatient is labeled n=3.