
Total Results: 2,353 records

Showing results for "going".

    December 01, 2017 - and specifically infections, so care of coordination or handoff from post-discharge to home aren’t going … SSI prevention is going to help keep these patients from being readmitted. … We are going to talk about these later as “emerging evidence” to prevent SSIs. … The CUSP method is going to empower the front line to be part of this.
    July 01, 2021 - “improve overall performance on quality of family/caregiver written discharge instructions content, going
    December 18, 2014 - Directions to the Interviewer: 1 Before the test, the interviewer should say to the examinee: “I’m going
    January 20, 2006 - Office-Based Care 5 Situation Monitoring Tools Situation Monitoring=Scanning and assessing what is going
    March 01, 2024 - Going through the prescribed four steps guides the thinking process into breaking down the task into … Steps to execute: Here is where you will write the steps that you are going to take in this cycle. … You will want to include the following: • The population you are working with—are you going to study … • The time limit that you are going to do this study—remember, it does not have to be long, just long
    July 01, 2018 - Situation— What is going on with the patient? "I am calling about Mrs. Joseph in room 251. … process of continually scanning and assessing a situation to gain and maintain an understanding of what's going … Situation awareness is the state of "knowing what is going on around you."
    January 01, 2016 - CHIPRA practices improved on this measure over time, going from 50.7 percent in 2011, to 54.9 percent … Measure performance also improved over time in Medicaid as a whole, going from 26.9 percent in 2011, … Measure performance also improved gradually over time in Medicaid as a whole, going from 51.9 percent … CHIPRA practices improved on this measure over time, going from 12.6 percent in 2011, to 17.9 percent … Measure performance also improved gradually over time in Medicaid as a whole, going from 6.2 percent
    April 01, 2024 - Using these pills, can you show me how you are going to take them?" … With one mother and her child, I concluded the visit by saying 'So tell me what you are going to do when
    July 01, 2023 - I am going to get a little help so we can start this IV and get your blood pressure under control and … In order to keep the patient apprised of what is going on and help her remain calm, Kim says, "Sorry … What’s going on, Kim? Kim, triage nurse Ms. … Communicate the following information: Situation―What is going on with the patient? … Kim is going to tell me what’s going on.
    July 01, 2023 - In order to keep the patient apprised of what is going on and help her remain calm, Kim says, "Sorry … What’s going on, Kim? Kim, triage nurse Ms. … Melanie, charge nurse SCRIPT Melanie comes into the triage room and asks Kim what’s going on. … • Communicate the following information: o Situa�on―What is going on with the pa�ent? … Kim is going to tell me what’s going on.
    February 10, 2011 - Provide input as we implement bedside shift report, where nurses who are going off duty share information
    May 16, 2013 -  Provide input as we implement bedside shift report, where nurses who are going off duty share
  13. Obsrounds (doc file)
    August 07, 2012 - Were team members able to maintain situational awareness (awareness of activities going on in the unit
    Going back in time: Increasing penicillin susceptibility among methicillin-susceptible staphylococcus
    February 01, 2019 - We are going to watch him closely. Let's help him drink more fluids. … history with only the important information A ssessment Summarize the facts and what you think is going
    June 01, 2021 - Normal WBC The chest x ray does not show any acute changes to suggest pneumonia What do you think is going … Based on the information provided so far, what do you think is going on with Peter?
    September 14, 2023 - short • Prefer not talking to someone on phone • Can stay home in COVID Barriers to Use • too much going … about reporting symptoms vs reporting SAFETY • No follow up leads to lack of knowledge of where info is going … “What have you done to keep things from going wrong?”
    May 01, 2017 - She wants to know what’s going on. … after no further opportunities for teamwork and communication are apparent, but aim to keep things going … She wants to know what’s going on.
    May 01, 2017 - “I feel like I’m going to throw up.” … after no further opportunities for teamwork and communication are apparent, but aims to keep things going … “I feel like I’m going to throw up.”
  20. Slide 1 (ppt file)
    January 01, 2013 - reasonable surgeon…If you come in and you’re an internist …into a group of surgeons …the first thing we’re going … to do is we’re going to say, ‘Look, you’re not one of us’…the way to get buy-in from surgeons is you … If you come in and you’re an internist …into a group of surgeons …the first thing we’re going to do is … we’re going to say, ‘Look, you’re not one of us’. the way to get buy-in from surgeons is you got to

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