
Total Results: 2,353 records

Showing results for "going".

    November 01, 2020 -   CLINICIAN QUOTE "The patient has a wealth of information that the physician’s not going
    December 01, 2017 - We're going to talk about how we can define the patient and family engagement not only in the emergency … Going to give you some examples of how leading organizations have engaged patients and families not only … That's a really important next step we're going to talk about before we close out today, that building … It's typically easier to say we're just going to, for the next few months, really expand how we're using
    May 01, 2015 - GOING FORWARD Participation in the SPPC provided a wonderful opportunity to organize and methodically … As a hospital leader noted, “If we don’t fix the problems…we’re not going to get out of the situation … …It’s just going to cycle back around again.” … “It was something that I just knew was going to be the best thing for our unit and our patients, so … However, as one project leader soon recognized, “If we’re going to do a [hem- orrhage] risk assessment
    May 01, 2011 - or not their colleagues will trust them to deliver safe care to patients, and if the organization is going … the event is also known as a “tripping” or “triggering” event and can occur when the second-victim is going … The second-victim is often fearful at this point about what is going to happen next and whether or not … I thought, ‘These people are never going to trust me again.’”   … relieve the clinical staff involved in the event, notify clinical staff involved in the event what is going
    December 01, 2017 - Question 8: Document the patient’s temperature in preoperative area prior to going to operating room, … on arrival to preoperative area. ____ o C or NA * Temperature in preoperative area prior to going
    December 01, 2017 - plan to— Deep-root your data as an ongoing part of your quality improvement efforts Define who’s going … If you’re going to use NHSN data, always use NHSN data. … If you’re going to use NSQIP data, always use NSQIP data.
    May 01, 2008 - MedicineGet Medicine 7 Get HelpGet Help Tell your family, friends, and people you work with that you are going
    October 29, 2018 - with medical attention needed and over booked herself to attend to his pre-op check up as he was going
    October 01, 2016 - 11 SBAR Tool Design S – Situation: A concise statement of the problem (what is going on now). … A – Assessment: Analysis and consideration of options (what you found/think is going on). … Nursing Home Antimicrobial Stewardship Guide Determine Whether To Treat Toolkit 3/Tool 5 12 We are going … We are going to review each box at the top separately side by side, starting on the left, before we follow … Now here, I know you are going to ask, what if your evaluation comes up with “NO,” do you still need
    December 01, 2017 - SAY: Once you know what is going on, how can you prevent it from happening again? … What were the patients going through at the time? … What else was going on? What happened that actually may have helped ameliorate the situation? … As you start tackling individual defects, you are going to need some resources. … Learn From Defects ‹#› AHRQ Safety Program for Surgery – Sustainability 19 ASK: How are we going
    July 01, 2023 - Partner doesn’t understand what’s going on. "Is she in labor?" … "I think I’m going to throw up." … Partner doesn’t understand what’s going on. "Is she in labor?" … "I think I’m going to throw up."   Trigger #4 Tonic-clonic seizure activity stops.  
    July 27, 2021 - How long have you been going to this provider? 3. … How long have you been going to this provider?
    September 01, 2022 - He is worried that he has pneumonia because the cough has been going on for so long and asks if he should … As you can see from the study depicted on this slide, although guidelines going back to at least 2001
    December 01, 2017 - They also help your team determine what is going well and identify areas for improvement. … Positive reinforcement is integrated by celebrating the things that are going well and what makes your
    April 01, 2015 - It’s constantly evolving; if you get one thing going, there’s always something else you can improve … It’s constantly evolving; if you get one thing going, there’s always something else you can improve
    August 01, 2013 - But we realized that leadership was going to be key to hospital participation and our Executive Team … We don’t think for one minute that we’re going to get safer and improve our quality if we don’t change
    June 01, 2020 - nature of payment reform as it occurs in much of the health care system: “The question isn’t what’s going … Or is it really that it’s just going to overburden busy primary care clinicians and that [it] really … They’re not the questions that NIH institutes are going to ask. … They’re not the questions the CDC is going to ask. They’re not what SAMHSA’s going to ask. … [There’s] . . . almost no research on that and no active work going on in how to develop that.
    April 01, 2022 - Anne: Yeah, exactly, but at the same time you want your incentive to be something that's actually going … participate, or family members, and creating sort of a daily schedule with things like physical therapy's going … to come at this time, we're going to work with occupational therapy at this time, et cetera.
    January 10, 2022 - ensures staff are supported in times of stress or production pressures or when the day is just not going … For example, how is the day going? Are we behind? Are patients waiting too long? … Explore what else could be going on.
    January 10, 2022 - ensures staff are supported in times of stress or production pressures or when the day is just not going … For example, how is the day going? Are we behind? Are patients waiting too long? … Explore what else could be going on.

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