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Showing results for "going".

    June 01, 2019 - We're going to start off with Dr. … I'm now going to turn it over to Naomi who's going to give us an example and show us how we can take … I'm going to walk you through an example of an action plan and I'm going to start with some sample survey … We're going to need copies and supplies. … You're going to promote the training with all staff but just not saying, “Hey we're going to now do
    December 01, 2017 - We're going to talk about that in a moment. … So, if you look at slide 12, I'm not going to belabor this one. … or we're going to in-code what they're saying. … With that, I'm going to stop talking and turn the call over to, Katie, are you going to introduce Gail … are going to have.
    April 14, 2015 - Again, that's part of leadership, is to have a vision of where we're going to be going with this. … They said, "It's going to be there a long time. … This no longer works when you're going to sustainment. … Then you're actually going to be motivated to change. … They're not going to be put on [inaudible 00:53:47]. They're going to die.
    June 01, 2017 - You're going to be able to tell who means it and who doesn't. … At the end of the day, you're going to know. … We are going to keep striving and do everything we can do from our team to work with the frontline … on or what's not going on. … I'm going to take ICU as my example. I'm the champion physician.
    December 01, 2017 - Today we are going to be really briefly going over some of the critical [TeamSTEPPS 00:01:36] tools and … what's going on with your co-workers. … Now, we're going to look at how we can apply some of the tools to our CUSP CAUTI efforts. … How are we going to achieve that through CUSP? … I'm going to turn it back over to Sarah. Sarah:  Thank you so much Shannon.
    April 01, 2013 - First we’re going to have Pat Posa speak to us. … So with that I’m going to turn the call to Pat Posa. … I’m not going to focus on that today. … I’m going to try to ignore that. … Then at 2 o’clock, you’re going to remind everybody that at 3 o’clock we’re going to have our CUSP meeting
    December 01, 2017 - So here in the 21st century, not everything's going as well as we would like. … The doctors said no nurse is going to stop take off. … And I'm going to go ahead and push the results. Susan Hohenhaus: Great. … to put in so many catheters; this is what we're going to do. … Paul Tedrick: And I'm going to go ahead and post that in there too, Barb.
    February 01, 2019 - Then we're going to introduce the SOPS Ambulatory Surgery Center Survey. … I'm now going to ask Caren Ginsberg to speak, Caren. … Famolaro, Slide 31 Now we're going to talk about the new SOPS ASC. … It is going to be Thursday January 17th, from twelve to one. … I'm going to hand it over to Joann and she's going to moderate our question and answer session.
    May 22, 2013 - • Will I need help eating, bathing, or going to the bathroom? For how long? … Tips for Going Home Patients and families at [insert hospital name] wrote these tips to help you get … Going Home Too Soon? … If you feel that you are going home before you are ready, call [insert name] at [phone number]. … Tips for Going Home Going Home Too Soon?
  10. Ahcptemplen (doc file)
    January 31, 2013 - There are other things going on in my life that are effecting my health. )Check the box and write notes … There are other things going on in my life that are effecting my health. )[List tests done] ( I am … There are other things going on in my life that are effecting my health. ) 1. … There are other things going on in my life that are affecting my health. 7
    January 01, 2015 - And I am going to kind of touch on those. … Mark Schuster and he leads the CHIPRA -- I’m going to get the name wrong, Mark, so I’m going to allow … Schuster, Slide 14 So I’m going to talk to you about Child HCAHPS, in particular, and I am first going … Zema, Slide 48 I’m going to turn it over now to CHOC Children’s where Sandra and Zoë are going to tell … to go be going with HCAHPS.
    June 01, 2017 - Well, they're all good ways, so I'm not going to say, and in bad ways. … For the bedside person, you're going to know way before I am if something's going wrong. … So, when you speak up, I'm going to listen. … You have to let go of, "It's not going to work for me." … Michael: Our teams really work to vet what is going to be the initiatives that we think are going to
    June 12, 2019 - We're going to start off with Dr. … Famolaro, Slide 32 We're going to talk here about dropdown boxes. … I'm going to pass this over to Naomi Yount, who's going to talk about fielding your SOPS survey. … You're going to use the data for improvement purposes, and you're not going to do anything at the individual … We're going to now switch to the Q&A portion of the webcast, and we're going to basically go through
    September 10, 2013 - So going back to the beginning, our first presenter today is going to be Dr. Mohamad Fakih. … Again, we’re looking at an open model where – so whatever is going on with each individual nurse is going … Is it going to be good for them? … So getting a good sense of what’s really going on in your department is going to reduce your frustration … I’m going to turn it back over to Paul.
    April 01, 2022 - Pat: Yeah, I'm going to take out the defensiveness by setting up that expectation that this is going … That's what you're going to do. … going to come into the room. … It can't be every other room because every other room's not going to help me. … And so, we'll take that actual scenario, and then we'll say, "OK, we're going to role-play this.
    April 07, 2015 - Today we are going to be really briefly going over some of the critical [TeamSTEPPS 00:01:36] tools and … what's going on with your co-workers. … Now, we're going to look at how we can apply some of the tools to our CUSP CAUTI efforts. … How are we going to achieve that through CUSP? … I'm going to turn it back over to Sarah. Sarah: Thank you so much Shannon.
    April 01, 2013 - He is not going to be able to join us today, so I’m going to handle the call. … I am going to give everybody a moment to queue up. … I’m just going to push harder.” … I’m thinking this is what’s going on.” … Hopefully, this is not going to alarm the patient.
    February 01, 2019 - Then we're going to introduce the SOPS Ambulatory Surgery Center Survey. … I'm now going to ask Caren Ginsberg to speak, Caren. … Now we're going to talk about the new SOPS ASC. … It is going to be Thursday, January 17th, from twelve to one. … I'm going to hand it over to Joann and she's going to moderate our question and answer session.
    December 01, 2017 - I’m going to get started, and if I could advance the slides? Terrific, thank you. … First we’re going to have a polling question. … I’m now going to turn things over to Kathlyn who is going to talk about validation project that she’s … I’m going to talk a little bit more about that in a later slide. … December is going to feature Dr.
    April 09, 2013 - We're going to talk about that in a moment. … So, if you look at slide 12, I'm not going to belabor this one. … or we're going to in-code what they're saying. … With that, I'm going to stop talking and turn the call over to, Katie, are you going to introduce Gail … are going to have.

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