
Total Results: 2,353 records

Showing results for "going".

    December 01, 2005 - And today I'm going to talk about communication. … And we're going to talk a little bit about both of these. … And we're going to talk more about that as we go. … What is my assessment of what's going on with this patient? … They have orthopedic consults going.
    March 01, 2017 - They give you medicines, take care of your wounds, and make sure everything is going OK. … nurse aides, help patients with their basic needs, such as eating, drinking, walking, bathing, and going
    December 01, 2017 - We're going to review the appropriate indications for catheter use among surgical patients and we're … going to talk about strategies that limit the duration of urinary catheter use, particularly around the … Greg's portion of the presentation is going to highlight some of the clinical perils and pratfalls of … You can kind of get a sense of the trend in the orange bars of perhaps going down. … going to be important, and maybe, again, it comes down to involving surgeons in these protocols.
    November 01, 2015 - First I'm just going to list to you the learning objectives. Each point is one speaker. … I'm going to give the slides to Dr. Safdar. Thank you. Dr. Nasia Safdar: Thank you Mohamad. … We're going to use that same theme. … But going back to the first column, the ones that are used very commonly in hospital are cephlosporins … That was my last slide I believe, and I'm going to, oh actually we have a couple of more.
    June 01, 2014 - eMeasure specifications available: No Osteoporosis: Communication with the physician managing on-going … distal radial fracture who have documentation of communication with physician managing the patient's on-going … aged 65 years and older discharged and seen within 60 days in the office by the physician providing on-going
    September 01, 2022 - What do you think is going on with this patient? … What else do you think could be going on with this patient? … What further tests or monitoring might be helpful to understand what is really going on with the patient
    January 01, 2020 - So with that, I'm going to turn this to Marc Elliott. … I'm going to again make an initial comment. … And Layla, I'm going to keep you on the hot seat for a moment. … It's like if they were going to complete it, they're going to complete it that first time otherwise … We're pretty sure it's not going to be efficient or a good thing to do.
    January 01, 2011 - You’re going to have two minutes to complete this task. … at the beginning, who’s going to do what, or how are we going to do it. … Thinking about what’s going on in the environment, keeping that situational awareness, supporting one … So we’re going to be discussing these types of behaviors throughout the whole course. … Today we're going to discuss core teamwork skills.
    January 01, 2012 - So how are you going to measure this broader definition of health literacy or the broader concept of … Can you tell us what Health Literacy Missouri is going to do to address the health literacy of the system … that we give to all physicians so that we have some comparison data, but in addition to that, we’re going … specifically asks, ‘In the last 12 months, how often did this doctor ask you to describe how you were going … doing well at health literacy, if they don’t really measure those patient perceptions, they’re not going
    May 01, 2017 - I’m going to put her on Bactrim—can you get a urine culture now, before she starts antibiotics? … I'm going to put her on Bactrim, once you get that culture. … the SBAR elements of Nurse Nohai's communication using the following prompts: S ituation – What is going … Possible Answers/Guidance : SBAR S ituation: What is currently going on with Mr. Bell? … Possible Answers/Guidance : SBAR S ituation: What is currently going on with Ms. Colbert?
    May 01, 2017 - Distractors Patient and partner are upset and anxious, asking lots of questions: “When is the baby going … “What’s going on?” “Why can’t you get the baby out?” … after no further opportunities for teamwork and communication are apparent, but aims to keep things going … Distractors (Trigger #2) Patient and Partner: “When is the baby going to be born?” … “What’s going on?” “Why can’t you get the baby out?”
    January 01, 2019 - and Why It’s Important • Health Literacy Strategies 2 Presenter Notes Presentation Notes Today I’m going … Our organizational health literacy is going to affect whether people can equitably find, understand, … I’m going to talk a bit about personal health literacy now. … Culture: Tool #10 • Encourage Questions: Tool #14 24 Presenter Notes Presentation Notes Today, I’m going … I’m going to spend the next few minutes going over some of these strategies.
    November 06, 2020 - and this workgroup could make contributions as subject matter experts participating in the dialog going … The initiative has been going on for a few months with a very strong response, and the hope is that
    December 01, 2017 - going to be doing in this project, as well as any other quality improvement of patient safety efforts … You're going to measure performance with the data that you'll be collecting. … But as you can see, there's sort of a channel here that our communication is going through, and it's … So, are we going to converge or are we going to diverge? … Are we going to have a very limited scope of thinking this is the way we've always done it, or are we
    November 01, 2016 - And I'm going to talk about that a little more in a minute. … So, I think there's a lot of—I'm very optimistic about where we see this going. … So I will now, I think, turn it back over Nancy, who is going to introduce Kevin. … I'm going to—as I did with Kate, hopefully we'll send you out their official bios. … to—that I'm going to emphasize.
    April 01, 2022 - A story without something to stand behind it, when you're going to a physician audience for example, … I can give you all the data I want, but you’re not going to get there. … I found that one of the most powerful tools is walk-arounds, or the senior leadership going out in … what will it mean in terms of resources, and that's people, dollars, whatever it may be, and how am I going … If that person is not supported, you just put a hole in the side of your boat and you're going to sink
    July 01, 2023 - Williams, I’m going to update Allison about everything that’s been going on, OK? … 35 Allison, on-coming nurse Danielle Williams, the patient Amy, off-going nurse Sounds good. … Amy (Off-going nurse): “Hello, Allison. I’m Amy and was taking care of Ms. Williams here overnight. … Williams, I’m going to update Allison about everything that’s been going on, OK?” Ms. … nurse Allison, on-coming nurse Danielle Williams, the patient Frontline SPPC-II SCRIPT  Off-going
    February 10, 2011 - They give you medicines, take care of your wounds, and make sure everything is going okay. … nurse aides, help patients with their basic needs, such as eating, drinking, walking, bathing, and going
    May 16, 2013 - They give you medicines, take care of your wounds, and make sure everything is going okay. … nurse aides, help patients with their basic needs, such as eating, drinking, walking, bathing, and going
  20. Paul Tedrick (doc file)
    June 03, 2014 - So, on today’s call we’re going to talk about some things that are pretty central to the work that you … ’re going to be doing in this project, as well as any other quality improvement of patient safety efforts … So, we’re going to hopefully define the need for creating reliability, describe the comprehensive unit-based … You’re going to measure performance with the data that you’ll be collecting. … So, are we going to converge or are we going to diverge?

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