September 01, 2012 - We take the pulse of the knowledge of people on the floor, have little daily huddles, and help them with
December 01, 2006 - Some of these
themes included the following items: 1) Develop more rigorous typologies
of nurse floor
September 04, 2012 - Second, meeting on the unit floor increases the senior executive’s visibility among frontline staff and
November 01, 2023 - ■ Set up a bed on the first floor.
■ Put things where they are easy to reach. … ■ If you don’t have a
bathroom on the main
floor, ask about a
portable toilet (called a:
May 01, 2017 - As this illustration
shows, a “wet floor” sign may get removed too
soon, resulting in an accident.
November 01, 2017 - walker, crutch, O 2 ) – improper use
Equipment failure, bed, chair, floor
April 08, 2016 - Not attached = Sides or walls are present; floor or base of wound is deeper than edge.
December 01, 2017 - Not attached = Sides or walls are present; floor or base of wound is deeper than edge.
March 01, 2023 - • What happens to patients admitted to general medical floor rather than a cardiology
January 01, 2004 - given the option of filing the Web-based
occurrence reports either from work stations on the various floors … begins the medication error report investigation by sending
details of the event to the appropriate floor
March 11, 2008 - When the next
provider could not be located in any L&D room, the activity was listed as “off floor,” … activity categories and their operational definitions
Work activity Operational definition
Off floor
January 01, 2008 - forced hiatus taught many
teams the value of what Heifetz12 would describe as stepping off the dance floor … Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine,
Quality and Safety Research Group, 1909 Thames Street, 2nd Floor
May 01, 2004 - incomplete orders prior to their pharmacy processing or fulfillment, whenever a
pharmacy employee, a floor … nurse, or a floor unit secretary determined that an
order was incomplete or incorrect.
October 01, 2016 - Overview of the Practice
The Edina primary care clinic is housed on two floors: a main clinic with … A retail pharmacy on the first floor serves patients from the Edina clinic and other clinics within
November 01, 2014 - Initially, because the assistant director was new, the process owner was the pediatric floor manager. … during his first week and, once he became more familiar with the department's operations, he and the floor … In addition to the project team leadership, team members included floor managers, nurse managers, staff … This process was initially completed by hand, but the floor manager and former process owner helped develop … A few interviewees—an executive, a department manager, and a floor manager—noted that the Lean leader
November 01, 2019 - noted in the medical record before
patients are transferred out of the intensive care unit
to the floor
April 01, 2022 - or departments, for instance on transfer from the emergency department on the ICU or from ICU to the floor
September 01, 2015 - Conflict that takes place
during meetings can offer you a window into what happens on the practice floor … People have to fight to get the floor only to
be interrupted before they can complete their thoughts … method involves using an object (traditionally a stick, but any object will do)
to signify who has the floor … After finishing, a speaker passes the object to someone else, who
then has the floor.
April 24, 2017 - Explain the need for extra speed getting the resident off the floor before family members arrive.
June 02, 2015 - Off they go to the floor, the ICU or wherever.