December 15, 2010 - Netherlands
IG: 166
CG: 167
IG: 75
CG: 75
IG: 67
CG: 70
IG: assessment with feedback … CG: 50
IG: 79
CG: 80
IG: 66
CG: 60
IG: complete geriatric health assessment with feedback … New Zealand
IG: 73
CG: 76
IG: 87
CG: 85
IG: 85
CG: 83
IG: assessment with feedback … , 2007 36
United States
IG: 226
CG: 227
IG: 77
CG: 76
IG: assessment with feedback … : 635
CG: 607
IG: 73
CG: 73
IG: 60
CG: 59
IG: 35
CG: 33
IG: assessment with feedback
December 15, 2010 - Netherlands
IG: 166
CG: 167
IG: 75
CG: 75
IG: 67
CG: 70
IG: assessment with feedback … CG: 50
IG: 79
CG: 80
IG: 66
CG: 60
IG: complete geriatric health assessment with feedback … New Zealand
IG: 73
CG: 76
IG: 87
CG: 85
IG: 85
CG: 83
IG: assessment with feedback … , 2007 36
United States
IG: 226
CG: 227
IG: 77
CG: 76
IG: assessment with feedback … : 635
CG: 607
IG: 73
CG: 73
IG: 60
CG: 59
IG: 35
CG: 33
IG: assessment with feedback
September 21, 2015 - interventions can be delivered in the primary care setting or can be referred to community settings with feedback … Interventions
Effective behavioral interventions in pregnant women who smoke include counseling, feedback … include implementing an identification system for tobacco users; providing education, resources, and feedback … the USPSTF found that behavioral interventions in pregnant women (including behavioral counseling, feedback … The USPSTF found convincing evidence that behavioral interventions (such as behavioral counseling, feedback
November 13, 2018 - have multiple sessions, and involve a primary care team. 1 Most interventions involved giving general feedback … The most commonly reported intervention component was use of personalized normative feedback sessions … technique. 1 Most trials in young adults involved 1 or 2 in-person or web-based personalized normative feedback … Personalized normative feedback was often combined with motivational interviewing or more extensive cognitive
November 15, 2018 - activity, sedentary behavior, or a combination thereof, including but not limited to: assessment with feedback
November 15, 2018 - activity, sedentary behavior, or a combination thereof, including but not limited to: assessment with feedback
November 15, 2018 - activity, sedentary behavior, or a combination thereof, including but not limited to: assessment with feedback
July 11, 2017 - .3
Interventions categorized as low intensity included print- or
web-based materials with tailored feedback … goal setting and planning, monitoring and feedback, motivational
interviewing, addressing barriers to … Interventions categorized as low intensity included print- or web-based materials with tailored feedback
October 01, 2014 - Most included audit
and feedback, problem-solving skills, and individualized
care plans. … interventions focus on behavior change;
include didactic education plus other components, such as audit and feedback … combination of 2
or more of the following strategies: setting specific, proxi-
mal goals; providing feedback
January 26, 2016 - Studies included a range of additional treatment components along with providing screening result feedback … Two trials assessed minimal additional intervention beyond screening or feedback of screening results … the effects of screening plus provider supports in postpartum women, 16 , 17 and 2 trials assessed feedback
September 01, 2015 - cessation
Quitting smoking
2 behavioral
Actions such as counseling,
feedback, health
September 01, 2015 - cessation
Quitting smoking
2 behavioral
Actions such as counseling,
feedback, health
March 31, 2016 - activity, sedentary behavior, or a combination thereof, including but not limited to: assessment with feedback
May 15, 2013 - nutrition, physical activity, or both, including one or more of the following elements: assessment with feedback
January 01, 2010 - Continuity
of care offers opportunities to sustain individual
motivation, assess progress, provide feedback … self-
confidence, or reimbursement; low patient demand;
and lack of supportive resources.3,69 Further,
feedback … HRA feedback,
alone or in combination with single-session
counseling by a clinician, is generally ineffective … Feedback from current or previous assessments
can help personalize health risks and health benefits
as … Personalized feedback can be biological
(laboratory or physiological test results), normative
March 20, 2018 - online programs, 45 , 46 or appearance-based images. 37 Fourteen of 16 trials included tailored feedback … In 1 study of a single primary care physician counseling session with risk assessment and feedback compared … 5
131 (76.0)
43.2 (16.1)
High skin cancer risk: 173 (100) d
PCP counseling using tailored feedback … risk factor
473 (80.3)
38.3 (14.8)
NR j
Interactive online program (1) with tailored feedback … cancer risk: 76 (76.0) b
Moderate skin cancer risk: 18 (18.0) b
PCP counseling using tailored feedback
November 16, 2020 - cognitive behavioral, motivational, and supportive therapies such as counseling,
health education, feedback … early in preg-
nancy provides the greatest benefit to the fetus.12,13 Other inter-
ventions included feedback … Studies of other intervention types (health
education, feedback, incentives, social support, and exercise … A randomized trial of self-help
materials, personalized feedback, and telephone
counseling with nonvolunteer … Ultrasound feedback and motivational interviewing
targeting smoking cessation in the second and third
July 01, 2007 - The AHRQ has conducted focus groups of
clinicians (2004–2006) to solicit feedback about the read-
ability … These letters are an
important source of feedback to the USPSTF.
May 07, 2020 - Screening with no feedback of results to providers.
May 07, 2020 - Screening with no feedback of results to providers.