April 02, 2019 - Interventions categorized as low intensity included print- or web-based materials with tailored feedback
December 15, 2009 - Summary of Depression Care Support Elements Provided in Programs of Depression Screening With Feedback … Summary of Results for KQ1 and KQ1a: Studies Examining Health Outcomes of Screening Results Feedback … The draft systematic review was reviewed by 6 experts and was revised on the basis of their feedback. … Key Question 1a
What is the effect of clinician feedback of screening test results (with or without … However, available evidence does not support screening and feedback of results to the clinician in the
November 13, 2018 - Six trials (in 7 intervention groups) incorporated feedback on how an individual’s alcohol consumption … Randomized controlled trial of web-based decisional balance feedback and personalized normative feedback … RCT of web-based personalized normative feedback for college drinking prevention: are typical student … Personalized mailed feedback for college drinking prevention: a randomized clinical trial. … Efficacy of web-based personalized normative feedback: a two-year randomized controlled trial.
April 01, 2019 - play-based language and speech exercises, and computer-assisted input-
based programs for language feedback
January 01, 2023 - Framework on Race/Racism on Health .......................................................... 14
Feedback … The current version of this framework reflects
revisions made based on feedback from USPSTF Federal … Feedback on Draft Evidence Review
When appropriate, expert reviewer(s) with a health equity lens … (see Work Plan:
Feedback on draft Work Plan and Research Plan). … response rate and quality of feedback on equity specific issues, for example:
March 06, 2025 - Based on feedback received from Task Force members, subject matter experts, and the public, the research
March 16, 2025 - Each audience provides valuable feedback.
December 01, 2011 - stakeholders and the public to engage at multiple points in the recommendation development process and offer feedback … posted for public comment on the Task Force Web site for 1 month, during which time anyone can provide feedback
August 23, 2016 - FACT: The Task Force sought
feedback and commentary
from outside experts in
developing its recommendation
August 23, 2016 - FACT: The Task Force sought
feedback and commentary
from outside experts in
developing its recommendation
November 13, 2018 - Six trials (in 7 intervention groups) incorporated feedback on
how an individual’s alcohol consumption … Randomized controlled trial of
web-based decisional balance feedback and
personalized normative feedback … RCT of
web-based personalized normative feedback for
college drinking prevention: are typical student … Personalized mailed feedback for college drinking
prevention: a randomized clinical trial. … Efficacy of web-based personalized normative
feedback: a two-year randomized controlled trial.
May 13, 2014 - vary, the effective counseling services
include education, goal setting, and ongoing monitoring and feedback
April 06, 2004 - Intervention included feedback, advice, goal-setting.
Delivery: NR. … Intervention included advice and feedback.
Delivery: NR. … Interventions included feedback assistance
and letter follow-up. … Interventions included feedback and advice.
Delivery: NR. … Intervention included feedback, goal setting, assistance, and follow-up.
November 30, 2016 - We both invite general
comments from the public and solicit specific feedback from professional groups … to assure broad
engagement, and strong partners to help us share our information and assure broad feedback … professional and advocacy groups that might have a particular interest
in the topic to give us specific feedback … We incorporate this feedback and then post our final research
November 01, 2019 - The final recommendation statement will be developed after careful consideration of the feedback received
May 23, 2019 - Intervention included feedback,
advice, goal-setting.
Delivery: NR. … Interventions included feedback assis-
tance and letter follow-up. … Interventions included feedback and
Delivery: NR. … Intervention included feedback, goal
setting, assistance, and follow-up. … Intervention included feedback, goal
setting, assistance, and follow-up.
December 15, 2009 - The USPSTF found good evidence that programs combining depression screening and feedback with staff assisted … The USPSTF found fair evidence that screening and feedback alone without staff-assisted care supports … relevant evidence was found that supports screening for depression in primary care settings without feedback … 1 study that did not demonstrate effectiveness in improving depression outcomes offered only simple feedback … adults in the general population be screened for depression in primary care settings with integrated feedback
March 07, 2025 - A request for feedback on all active topics and potential new topics is sent to Task Force members and … The feedback from Task Force members and partner organizations is considered by the Topic Prioritization
April 05, 2021 - A request for feedback on all active topics and potential new topics is sent to Task Force members and … The feedback from Task Force members and partner organizations is considered by the Topic Prioritization
January 01, 2021 - cognitive behavioral, motivational, and supportive therapies
such as counseling, health education, feedback