May 07, 2020 - Screening with no feedback of results to providers.
September 19, 2023 - Monitoring of Hypertension 1) trial examined the effect of home blood pressure measurement and automated feedback … single included trial evaluating supplemental home blood pressure measurement accompanied by automated feedback … 7
Standard prenatal visit schedule plus home blood pressure measurement 3 times/wk with automated feedback
December 01, 2010 - care CG: 103 (69)
Dyer et al, 2004 (39) United Kingdom IG: 102 IG: 87 IG: 79 NR IG: assessment with feedback … CG: 98 (62)
Hendriks et al, 2008 (28) The Netherlands IG: 166 IG: 75 IG: 67 100 IG: assessment with feedback … usual care CG: 17 (39)
Peri et al, 2008 (40) New Zealand IG: 73 IG: 87 IG: 85 NR IG: assessment with feedback … CG: 131 (44)
Shumway-Cook et al,
2007 (36)
United States IG: 226 76 IG: 77 NR IG: assessment with feedback … CG: 101 (52)
Wagner et al, 1994 (23) United States IG: 635 IG: 73 IG: 60 IG: 35 IG: assessment with feedback
May 15, 2013 - brief intervention † , motivational interviewing, action plans, written materials, and personalized feedback
January 26, 2016 - .6 Studies included a range of additional treatment
components along with providing screening result feedback … Two trials assessed mini-
mal additional intervention beyond screening or feedback of
screening results … assessed the effects of screening plus provider supports in postpar-
tum women,16,17 and 2 trials assessed feedback
May 15, 2012 - in a trial of young adolescents 10 who were given brief clinician counseling with computer-assisted feedback … five intervention studies 12-15 that used telephone counseling sessions packaged with tailored risk feedback
April 06, 2004 - Effective interventions to reduce alcohol misuse include an initial counseling session of about 15 minutes, feedback
December 01, 2013 - In addition, the USPSTF seeks feedback from the public on its draft research plans, evidence reviews … who wish to be authors should expect to provide component drafts, supporting materials, comment, and feedback
May 01, 2021 - 7
Standard prenatal visit schedule
plus home blood pressure
measurement 3 times/wk with
automated feedback … ing of Hypertension 1) trial examined the effect of home blood pres-
sure measurement and automated feedback … single included trial evaluating supplemental home blood pressure
measurement accompanied by automated feedback
August 02, 2018 - have multiple sessions, and involve a
primary care team.1 Most interventions involved giving general
feedback … The most commonly
reported intervention component was use of personalized norma-
tive feedback sessions … technique.1 Most trials in young adults involved 1 or 2 in-person or
web-based personalized normative feedback … Personalized normative feedback was often combined
with motivational interviewing or more extensive cognitive
September 03, 2020 - Screening with no feedback of results to providers.
August 27, 2020 - Screening with no feedback of results to providers.
December 01, 2013 - In addition, the USPSTF seeks feedback from the public on its draft research plans, evidence reviews … who wish to be authors should expect to provide component drafts, supporting materials, comment, and feedback
May 23, 2019 - interventions to reduce alcohol misuse in-
clude an initial counseling session of about 15 minutes,
July 01, 2012 - a trial of young
adolescents (10) who were given brief clinician counseling
with computer-assisted feedback … 5 intervention studies (12–15) that used
telephone counseling sessions packaged with tailored risk
October 01, 2015 - interventions can be delivered in the
primary care setting or can be referred to community
settings with feedback … Effective behavioral inter-
ventions in pregnant women who smoke include coun-
seling, feedback, health … include
implementing an identification system for tobacco us-
ers; providing education, resources, and feedback … The USPSTF found con-
vincing evidence that behavioral interventions (such as
behavioral counseling, feedback
January 01, 1996 - The effect of screening, sensitization, and feedback on notation of depression.
April 01, 2009 - tobacco user identification system
• Promoting clinician intervention through education, resources, and feedback
August 18, 2020 - Evaluating personalized feedback intervention framing with a randomized controlled trial to reduce young … young adults aged 14-24 y with a history of risky sexual behavior
e-KISS (1 computer-based tailored feedback … adults aged 18-25 y, report drinking alcohol
Intervention 1: one 5-min computer web-based personalized feedback … session
Intervention 2: one 5-min computer web-based integrated personalized feedback session
March 20, 2018 - increased sun protection behaviors in adults included mailed print materials containing personalized risk feedback … and an interactive educational computer program on skin cancer prevention that provided individual feedback