
Total Results: 224 records

Showing results for "feedback".

    May 07, 2002 - Meta-analysis suggests that overall, screening and feedback reduced the risk for persistent depression … Some trials provided feedback of screening results alone; others provided feedback and general or specific … Three trials evaluated feedback of Zung Self-Depression Scale scores to providers. … Summary of the Effect of Screening and Feedback Feedback of screening results to providers generally … The effect of screening, sensitization, and feedback on notation of depression.
    February 01, 2021 - Expert reviewers provide feedback on the draft research plan and evidence review to the EPC. … The EPC shares the feedback with the Task Force. … All feedback is reviewed and used to inform the drafts that are posted for public comment. … The Task Force also receives partner feedback throughout the recommendation process during regular phone … Anyone interested in providing feedback to the Task Force.
    January 01, 2021 - Expert reviewers provide feedback on the draft research plan and evidence review to the EPC. … The EPC shares the feedback with the Task Force. … All feedback is reviewed and used to inform the drafts that are posted for public comment. … The Task Force also receives partner feedback throughout the recommendation process during regular phone … Anyone interested in providing feedback to the Task Force.
    May 01, 2002 - Some trials provided feedback of screening results alone; others provided feedback and general or specific … Three trials evaluated feedback of Zung Self- Depression Scale scores to providers. … Summary of the effect of feedback from screening on patient outcomes* (cont.) … Summary of the Effect of Screening and Feedback Feedback of screening results to providers generally … The effect of screening, sensitization, and feedback on notation of depression.
    June 19, 2017 - Expert reviewers provide feedback on the draft research plan and evidence review to the EPC. … The EPC shares the feedback with the Task Force. … All feedback is reviewed and used to inform the drafts that are posted for public comment. … The Task Force also receives partner feedback throughout the recommendation process during regular phone … Anyone interested in providing feedback to the Task Force.
    March 21, 2007 - - Provide patient with personalized feedback and results. … -Pilot approaches to providing feedback to patients--check for understanding. … - Require peer observation and feedback on real or simulated patients at a minimum of every 4 … -Get list of your patients who have used resources--get their feedback. … Internal system policy: - Employ longitudinal patient monitoring and feedback systems related to
    December 12, 2011 - Beginning on December 15, you will be able to view the draft Research Plan and provide your feedback … review on screening for peripheral artery disease, and will also provide instructions for submitting feedback
    May 01, 2002 - of screening results to clinicians; remaining studies combined feedback with other interventions for … Trials that examined the effect of feedback of screening results on the proportion of depressed patients … , there was no significant effect on treatment rates, but 4 of the 5 trials that combined feedback with … Ten trials measured the effect of screening and feedback on depression outcomes from 1 month to 2 years … Integrated programs included feedback, provider and/or patient education, access to case management and
    May 07, 2002 - of screening results to clinicians; remaining studies combined feedback with other interventions for … In seven trials, routine depression screening with feedback of screening results to providers generally … who received treatment showed mixed results: in four fair-to-good quality trials that used feedback … Ten trials measured the effect of screening and feedback on depression outcomes from 1 month to 2 years … Integrated programs included feedback, provider and/or patient education, access to case management and
    October 01, 2017 - Once a nominee is selected as a scientific expert reviewer, they are asked to provide scientific feedback … Reviewers are requested to provide feedback based on their individual opinions and expertise, not on
    October 01, 2017 - Once a nominee is selected as a scientific expert reviewer, they are asked to provide scientific feedback … Reviewers are requested to provide feedback based on their individual opinions and expertise, not on
    November 07, 2013 - additional efforts to ensure transparency by providing a third opportunity for the public to offer feedback … public had the new opportunity to comment on three draft evidence reports, in addition to providing feedback … providing opportunities throughout the recommendation development process for the public to provide feedback
    May 28, 2019 - After careful consideration of public feedback on this issue, the USPSTF has determined that it can best
    March 16, 2025 - required to submit your e-mail address or any personal information, but we are unable to respond to your feedback
    March 27, 2012 - USPSTF encourages everyone interested in this topic to review the draft Research Plan and to offer feedback
    May 12, 2012 - Response to Public Comments," which addresses the comment process and common themes from the public feedback
    September 25, 2012 - Interventions were heterogeneous and included various counseling approaches, such as brief advice, feedback … The intervention also included feedback about health behaviors, a review of problem drinking prevalence … -10 min Maisto et al, 2001 60 , 61 , and Gordon et al, 2003 59 Brief advice that emphasized feedback … apart, and a follow-up phone call from the clinic nurse 2 wk after each visit; workbook containing feedback … , 2009 54 Two visits, each with phone follow-up, and a workbook containing scripted messages with feedback
    September 25, 2012 - Interventions were heterogeneous and included various counseling approaches, such as brief advice, feedback … The intervention also included feedback about health behaviors, a review of problem drinking prevalence … -10 min Maisto et al, 2001 60 , 61 , and Gordon et al, 2003 59 Brief advice that emphasized feedback … apart, and a follow-up phone call from the clinic nurse 2 wk after each visit; workbook containing feedback … , 2009 54 Two visits, each with phone follow-up, and a workbook containing scripted messages with feedback
    August 18, 2014 - interventions focus on behavior change; include didactic education plus other components, such as audit and feedback
    April 01, 2009 - tobacco user identification system • Promoting clinician intervention through education, resources, and feedback

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