December 01, 2017 - both the sender and the receiver helps teams develop environments that facilitate communication and feedback
May 01, 2019 - The nurse abstractors testing the
measure provided feedback to refine the abstraction tool and thus … Specific feedback from our medical record
abstractors suggested that it may be helpful that when discrepancies
October 01, 2019 - Gathering feedback from families can help improve the care these children receive
and perhaps influence … Gathering feedback from families can help improve the care these children receive
and perhaps influence
November 15, 2017 - We
asked the nurse managers to ensure that their Self-Assessments included feedback from staff on all … The
meeting elicits feedback
from CNA staff caring for
the residents and
perspectives of the nurse
July 22, 2015 - Additionally, North Carolina worked
to create a feedback loop between primary
care practices and State … to help
counties apply for CHIO
certification and small QI
grants, perform practice
audits and feedback
July 01, 2023 - information
The team was anticipating future actions
Information was directed by name for response and feedback … Dean for response and feedback.
January 01, 2024 - to one cluster of four
practices, PA enhanced by diabetes-specific functions for patient entry and feedback … Delayed feedback of physician performance versus
immediate reminders to perform preventive care.
January 01, 2024 - RESULTS: Participant evaluation and feedback were positive. … self-management
Provider education
Provider reminders
Facilitated relay of clinical data
Audit and feedback
April 01, 2016 - – It may be helpful to get feedback from those familiar with the process before talking to the individual … Counseling: typically involve a “development plan,” providing “feedback,” or a practice committee referral
July 22, 2015 - Additionally, North Carolina worked
to create a feedback loop between primary
care practices and State … to help
counties apply for CHIO
certification and small QI
grants, perform practice
audits and feedback
January 01, 2019 - All presentations
invited dialogue and feedback. … Feedback from these presentations was extremely positive. … We received strong feedback that not only is it ethical to measure using
systematically developed measures
January 01, 2014 - Follow-up Expert Workgroup were asked to identify organizations and
individuals who could provide valuable feedback … Feedback received during public comment was then analyzed by the PMCoE Developmental
Screening Follow-up … We have also provided
feedback to the Pediatric EHR developers on elements for inclusion needed to construct
July 01, 2018 - All
presentations have invited dialogue and feedback. … Feedback from these presentations has been extremely positive. … We received strong feedback that not only is
it ethical to measure using systematically developed measures
July 01, 2016 - We solicited feedback on importance, relevance, understandability, and usability. … presented the ADHD
measure specification and testing results to this Expert Workgroup and solicited feedback … The measure development specification and testing process, including feedback from the
February 01, 2020 - A study in the
United Kingdom designed to provide weight measurement and feedback to families in a school … subsequently reported positive
changes in health behaviors, and 65 percent of parents were in favor of weight feedback … as girls get older their self-esteem related to their bodies
decreases, care should be taken in how feedback
January 01, 2020 - The final version used in field tests incorporated feedback from all of these sources. … 15
Cognitive Interviews
Survey development experts suggest cognitive interviews to elicit feedback … scripted probes to gain insight into respondents’ cognitive processes as
they answer survey items, elicit feedback
July 01, 2022 - Quality Forum (NQF) is a nonprofit organization that endorses evidence-based, valid measures and seeks feedback … In addition, based on feedback from the TEP meeting, the project team explored including a categorization … However, adherence requires timely feedback to clinicians so that they can change behaviors in real time
January 01, 2024 - designing multi-component external quality improvement interventions (ex: practice facilitation; data, feedback … visits by 20% and lowered costs by 25% 152 and the use of interactive voice response to "close the feedback … and colleagues developed, implemented, and assessed a EHR-based patient data collection and clinician feedback
January 01, 2025 - pathologist interpretation services (using a pathologist at the tissue
procurement site to provide feedback … Implementation of rapid feedback loops and critical value reporting for pathologist-clinician handoffs … by latent problems affecting the cultural focus on production, training issues,
overwork, lack of feedback
March 01, 2019 - With proper training, practice facilitators can use CRM to monitor progress and provide performance feedback