September 01, 2015 - But this survey provided us with anonymous feedback, and we were surprised about some of
the results … Brown, Slide 45
Based on this feedback a change we implemented is that we trained our certified medical
February 01, 2012 - EHRs, as they hold the promise of providing the relevant clinical data for measures and
for providing feedback … EHRs, as they hold the promise of providing the relevant clinical data for measures and
for providing feedback
January 01, 2025 - The reporter must be given substantive feedback on how his or her input is being
used or responded to … requires a different type of de-identification system than ASRS,
which does not provide individual feedback
July 02, 2008 - Rapid cycles of feedback and response methods for institutional improvement were pioneered in
health … • The methods for feedback and continuous
April 01, 2004 - and
guidelines is envisioned every 3–5 years, as new evidence becomes available or
on the basis of feedback … It will also enable future followup for feedback on the applicability
and usefulness of the documents
April 01, 2013 - with them why this process is important, what you’re asking them to do differently, and to give them feedback … And then, lastly, George, the staff routinely gets feedback on typically both their infection rates and
January 01, 2024 - Beyond serving as a means for provider feedback, performance measures are intended to serve as
tools … Performance measurement through audit feedback and profiling as
tools for improving clinical care.
January 01, 2024 - The dates and venue were selected by the AAP based
upon evaluation feedback for a venue midway between … The overwhelmingly positive feedback from this conference to the AAP regarding
the importance of quality
January 01, 2024 - In response to user feedback, the computerized clinic order entry tool was
progressively refined to … Despite this positive
feedback on this feature, many also stated that, when they looked up the
July 01, 2023 - training practice scenarios, like unit‐based drills, as
opportunities for personal and team performance feedback … It enables a full‐circle communication
and provides an opportunity for feedback from the team for future
July 01, 2023 - training practice scenarios, like unit-based drills, as opportunities for personal and team performance feedback … It enables a full-circle communication and provides an opportunity for feedback from the team for future
January 01, 2003 - Best practice * Definition
Group practices:
Feedback Higher levels in the training hierarchy communicating … This behavior encourages learning practices such as dialogue,
feedback, real-time briefings, inquiry … of
learning practices such as dialogue, creative tension,
reciprocal communication, and real-time feedback … Thanks to
Steve Shortell, who provided feedback on the previous version.
April 01, 2017 - The key questions for this report were
developed through the AHRQ process with
feedback from CMS and … The key questions for this report were
developed through the AHRQ process with
feedback from CMS and … We thank the reviewer for their feedback and
understand that this report is both long and
perhaps difficult … AHRQ welcomes
feedback on specific ways to make the
information presented more useful to readers
and … We encourage
AHRQ to continue to seek input and feedback
from industry going forward.
August 01, 2009 - Providing adequate training, resources, and feedback to ensure that providers consistently deliver effective … Provide education, resources, and feedback to promote provider intervention
Action Strategies for implementation … training to
treat tobacco dependence,
Clinicians and patients have resources, and
clinicians are given
feedback … Provide feedback to clinicians about their performance, drawing on data from chart audits, electronic … Bupropion SR, in-person motivational counseling, nicotine patch, clinician advice, counseling, biomedical feedback
March 01, 2020 - non-ACE units, combining
didactic course work with simulation or
supervised clinical practice with feedback … 2016) made similar observations in their study in the ICU and a
cardiac care unit, and they used a feedback … combination of didactic course work combined with either simulation or supervised clinical
practice with feedback … units, and combining
didactic course work with either simulation or supervised clinical practice with feedback … Moderate
DiLibero et
al., 20167
Improve use of CAM;
included a feedback
loop, real time
November 02, 2017 - to gain insight into the respondent’s cognitive process as
he or she answers survey items, elicit feedback … After providing this feedback, parents were shown candidate labels for the
measures to test their understanding … useful and understandable to patients and their families, we
have made iterative revisions based on feedback … information
on quality, such as clinical measures, system process measures, and qualitative patient feedback
January 01, 2024 - Survey results from three users provided useful feedback that was then incorporated into the design.
January 01, 2024 - to reduce costs may be able to do so safely by standardizing operative instruments or providing cost feedback
January 01, 2024 - Operative Assessment of Laparoscopic Skills (GOALS), ISAT includes specific information that can provide feedback
January 01, 2024 - investigators examined overall trends in how hospitals use the electronic health record to track and provide feedback