April 23, 2019 - practices
The utilization of PSWP for the purposes of encouraging a culture of safety as well as providing feedback … Activities related to the operation of a patient safety evaluation system and to the provision of feedback … PSOs analyze data voluntarily reported by providers and provide feedback aimed at promoting learning
August 01, 2021 - of patient safety work product for the purposes of encouraging a culture of safety and of providing feedback … Activities related to the operation of a patient safety evaluation system and to the provision of feedback … The PSO must utilize patient safety work product for the purpose of providing direct feedback and assistance
The utilization of PSWP for the purposes of encouraging a culture of safety as well as providing feedback … Activities related to the operation of a patient safety evaluation system and to the provision of feedback
March 01, 2020 - “ 80 percent of hospitals that work with
a PSO found that the PSO’s feedback
and analysis was … Among hospitals that work
with a PSO, 80 percent said they find the PSO’s
feedback and analysis on … Feedback and
recommendations provided by the PSO to the
provider are also protected as patient safety … nearly
all of them say PSOs are
Eight of every 10 hospitals that
work with a PSO say the feedback
January 01, 2019 - The PSO’s utilization of PSWP to encourage a culture of safety and provide
feedback and assistance to … related to the operation of
the PSO’s patient safety evaluation system (PSES) and the provision of
July 01, 2021 - The PSO’s utilization of PSWP to encourage a culture of safety and provide
feedback and assistance to … related to the operation of
the PSO’s patient safety evaluation system (PSES) and the provision of feedback
January 01, 2016 - PSO
■ Conduct all Patient Safety Activities required
under the Act and Rule (6)
■ Provide feedback … PSWP reported to the PSO,
or accessible by the PSO
pursuant to functional
reporting, is PSWP (5)
PSOs analyze data voluntarily reported by providers and provide feedback aimed at promoting learning
PSOs analyze data voluntarily reported by providers and provide feedback aimed at promoting learning
February 15, 2022 - Utilizing PSWP for the purposes of encouraging a culture of safety and of providing
feedback and assistance … Operating a patient safety evaluation system (PSES), and providing feedback to
participants in a PSES … Using and will continue to use PSWP for the purpose of providing direct feedback
and assistance to providers … practices: Off
Utilizing PSWP for the purposes of encouraging a culture of safety and of providing feedback … Option II at this time: Off
Using and will continue to use PSWP for the purpose of providing direct feedback
February 15, 2022 - procedures in place to utilize PSWP for
the purposes of encouraging a culture of safety and of providing feedback … activities related to the operation of a patient safety evaluation system (PSES),
and to the provision of feedback … Will the entity use PSWP for the purpose of providing direct feedback and
assistance to providers to … procedures in place to utilize PSWP for the purposes of encouraging a culture of safety and of providing feedback … extent practical and appropriate: Off
Will the entity use PSWP for the purpose of providing direct feedback
September 01, 2009 - • Can the PSO provide feedback and assistance that
may be used by providers to minimize risk to patients … • Has the PSO documented how it will (does)
communicate with, and provide feedback to,
participants … If the PSO is actually providing feedback to participants on
a provider’s patient safety work product … Has the PSO received patient safety work product from a
provider seeking review and feedback? … Part III, Attestation 15:
Using patient safety work
product to provide feedback
and help to providers
November 01, 2023 - of the Common Formats, the PSOPPC convenes an Expert Panel to review the public comments and provide feedback
April 01, 2023 - PSOs analyze data voluntarily reported by providers and provide feedback aimed at promoting learning … The utilization of PSWP for the purposes of encouraging a culture of safety as well as providing feedback … Activities related to the operation of a patient safety evaluation system and to the provision of feedback … How can I provide feedback on the Common Formats? … AHRQ welcomes feedback, especially from all users, to improve the current Common Formats and inform the
January 01, 2020 - PSOs provide feedback to healthcare providers aimed at
promoting learning and preventing future patient … The OIG found that among hospitals that work with a PSO:
► 97% find it valuable
► 80% found the PSO’s feedback … analysis of patient safety work product (PSWP)
• Operates a patient safety evaluation system (PSES) with feedback
January 01, 2022 - The NQF
convenes an Expert Panel to review the public comments and provide feedback for AHRQ’s
consideration … Activities related to the operation of a patient safety evaluation system and to the provision of
feedback … • How does the PSO provide feedback and
assistance that may be used by providers to
minimize risk … Has the PSO documented how it will (does)
communicate with, and provide feedback to,
participants in … Will (or does) the PSO use patient safety
work product to provide direct feedback and
assistance to
January 01, 2022 - The PSOPPC convenes an Expert Panel to review the public comments and provide
feedback for AHRQ’s consideration … Activities related to the operation of a patient safety evaluation system and to the provision of
feedback … • How does the PSO provide feedback and
assistance that may be used by providers to
minimize risk … Has the PSO documented how it will (does)
communicate with, and provide feedback to,
participants in … Will (or does) the PSO use patient safety
work product to provide direct feedback and
assistance to
January 01, 2010 - complete and accurate data are entered into
the PSO database to ensure accurate data analysis
and feedback