January 01, 2017 - Health care professionals, researchers,
experts, and the public gave feedback
on the report before … People with gout gave
feedback on this summary.
May 01, 2018 - What feedback does
the app provide to
patients? … What feedback does
the app provide to
patients? … What feedback
does the app
provide to
patients? … Data-driven personalized feedback to patients
with type 1 diabetes: A randomized trial. … Data-
driven personalized feedback to patients with type 1
diabetes: A randomized trial.
September 01, 2018 - We received feedback
from health-system representatives, enhanced our tables, and created an exercise … We received feedback from
health-system representatives, revised our tables, and created an exercise … We also received feedback from AHRQ
about making the legends of the tables more explicit for readers … After we received their feedback, we refined our
quality measure indexed report and then shared it with … We
also received feedback from physicians, pharmacists, and a nurse.
February 11, 2019 - representatives and Federal partners, was also assembled for each clinical area to discuss challenges and provide feedback
November 27, 2012 - Your feedback is appreciated. … Thank you for your feedback. … Thank you for your feedback. … Thank you for your feedback. … Thank you for your feedback.
September 01, 2016 - Health care professionals,
researchers, experts, and the public gave feedback on the report
before … People with depression gave
feedback on this summary.
May 26, 2016 - Monitoring of interventions
The 26 experts who provided feedback on Horizon Scanning System reports
January 29, 2015 - specific decisionmaking needs and circumstances;
a close relationship with the end-user and iterative feedback
September 02, 2013 - members of the public who are selected by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to provide feedback
September 02, 2013 - members of the public who are selected by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to provide feedback
December 01, 2013 - ..................................................... 1
Digital Medicines (Proteus Digital Health Feedback … Overall high-impact potential: digital medicines (Proteus Digital Health Feedback
System) for chronic … ES-3
Digital Medicines (Proteus Digital Health Feedback System) for
Chronic Conditions Requiring … Long-term Drug Therapy
Key Facts: The Proteus Digital Health™ Feedback System (Proteus Digital Health … Overall high-impact potential: digital medicines (Proteus Digital Health Feedback System)
for chronic
January 01, 2016 - point-
of-care diagnostic tests, system-level strategies such as
clinician reminders or audit and feedback … Combining education for patients and providers with
practice profiling (audit and feedback) and academic … a
Combination of physician education, patient education, and audit and
feedback + + +
Combination … : education,
delayed prescribing, communication training, electronic
decision support, audit and feedback … rapid multiviral testing
in adults), insufficient (clinician and patient education
plus audit and feedback
June 01, 2015 - available) in
the United States or that have just begun diffusing and that have completed an expert feedback … They may also be prompted
to provide feedback before or after periods of potential hazardous alcohol … from patients; patient feedback
can hypothetically be used to dictate emergency responses or other … group), weekly
text messaging assessments (SA group), or twice-weekly text messaging assessments with feedback … for their planned or recently finished
weekend drinking behavior and received real-time positive feedback
February 01, 2019 - The second round of health system content expert interviews provided positive feedback
on the products … We elicited feedback on sources and presentation of evidence used in guideline
development, including … As with the initial interviews, we met as a team to discuss feedback and came to a
consensus on the … Visualization of core functionalities
Software Selection
Based on feedback from health system content … Finally, additional feedback would be useful from a wider range of potential users and
August 10, 2015 - We agree that the feedback from the Key
Informants (KIs) is a key component of this
technical brief … KI Reviewer 1 Background Guiding Questions: We saw these previously and gave
feedback; I don't think … Key Informant feedback was
integrated into the findings; the KI feedback is a critical
addition to … The KI feedback
related to how products are used (p.13), staff training (p
14), individual hospital … We agree that
the addition of KI feedback is a key
component of the report.
January 01, 2011 - Closing the information loop
by providing feedback at all stages of the research process is vital. … Feedback
demonstrates to representatives how their input is being used, further supporting their … consumer involvement and make EHC Program researchers aware of them
Develop a process for providing feedback
September 01, 2007 - time);
independent outsourcing of report collection and analysis by peer experts; rapid meaningful
feedback … IT Architecture for Post-Marketing Surveillance
Feedback: Feedback to incident reporters and … analysis modules, along with workflow and communication tools can be used to provide
meaningful feedback … Feedback Summary reports and
Reporting modules and data
validation and verification
September 01, 2007 - time);
independent outsourcing of report collection and analysis by peer experts; rapid meaningful
feedback … IT Architecture for Post-Marketing Surveillance
Feedback: Feedback to incident reporters and … analysis modules, along with workflow and communication tools can be used to provide
meaningful feedback … Feedback Summary reports and
Reporting modules and data
validation and verification
May 01, 2017 - Health care professionals, researchers,
experts, and the public gave feedback
on the report before … People who have had CDI gave
feedback on this summary.
June 01, 2014 - ..................................................... 2
Digital Medicines (Proteus Digital Health Feedback … Overall high-impact potential: digital medicines (Proteus Digital Health Feedback
System) for chronic … Lower end of the high-impact-potential
2. * Digital medicines (Proteus Digital Health Feedback … Intervention: The Proteus Digital Health Feedback System is a networked medication
adherence-monitoring … Overall high-impact potential: digital medicines (Proteus Digital Health Feedback System)
for chronic