April 01, 2013 - facilitated a discussion
among the stakeholders to generate a list of additional research gaps and to gain feedback … We requested specific feedback for each domain of the PICOT
framework, and provided time for additional … open-ended feedback. … Research Needs report will be publically posted for a period of 4 weeks, during
which anyone can provide feedback … The Webinar participants also gave feedback on the list of gaps identified in the original
March 01, 2014 - Benefits cited
included identifying and prioritizing topics for research; providing pragmatic feedback … Benefits cited included identifying and
prioritizing topics for research; providing pragmatic feedback … Keown et al., 200822
Not discussed Not discussed Identification of research question,
feedback … the SR process have you typically involved stakeholders (e.g.,
developing key questions, providing feedback … impact are critical in terms of ensuring that we have the key
perspectives on the report and providing feedback
April 20, 2022 - , during clinic visit, automatic web-
based, via text/email/portal/phone)
● Alternative clinician feedback … The Technical Experts provide feedback on the full protocol.
April 01, 2022 - nonpharmacologic* or non-pharmacologic*).ti,ab.
16 (exercise or physical therapy or cognitive or behavioral or feedback … nonpharmacologic* or non-pharmacologic*).ti,ab.
16 (exercise or physical therapy or cognitive or behavioral or feedback … or non-pharmacologic*).ti,ab. (295)
7 (exercise or physical therapy or cognitive or behavioral or feedback
November 01, 2019 - Creating a wireframe
prototype allows local healthcare stakeholders to provide feedback regarding usability … Wireframe prototypes should be developed
and reviewed with the appropriate stakeholders to solicit feedback … Early usability feedback from these team members pushed our team to consider alternative CDS
order set … Improving Adherence to Otitis Media Guidelines
With Clinical Decision Support and Physician
April 01, 2022 - nonpharmacologic* or non-pharmacologic*).ti,ab.
16 (exercise or physical therapy or cognitive or behavioral or feedback … nonpharmacologic* or non-pharmacologic*).ti,ab.
16 (exercise or physical therapy or cognitive or behavioral or feedback … or non-pharmacologic*).ti,ab. (295)
7 (exercise or physical therapy or cognitive or behavioral or feedback
January 01, 2023 - The feedback from the Key Informants will inform the approach our project team uses to
organize the
March 01, 2011 - heavily
influenced by context; (6) ideas from newly involved people can change the intervention;
and (7) feedback … different ways in which components
are thought to act to influence an outcome; nonlinear pathways and feedback … cohort evaluation, case evaluation and realist evaluation; and action evaluation, which provides
early feedback … ,
patient education, facilitated relay, electronic patient register, patient reminders, audit and
feedback … interesting information that’s come out of it has come out of qualitative
discussions, focus groups, and feedback
October 26, 2012 - criteria
Step 5: SP to review preliminary list of evidence
gaps based on those stated in the CER, SP feedback … The project team
compiled a final list of research questions taking the feedback of the Panel into … accompanied by preliminary research questions drafted
by the EPC across each gap, was submitted for feedback … Following this feedback, the second survey of research
questions was submitted to Panel members for … The project team also
sought feedback from the stakeholders to identify key published studies and ongoing
April 01, 2012 - In addition, continuing development serves to
improve the usefulness of the stakeholder feedback, as … Incorporated preliminary feedback from Jeff Brown.
1.0 Kiran Shah 12/4/2009 Requirements/Design Milestone … Incorporated feedback from LP/HP working session on
Developed section 3.1. … Notification Email
Added HealthPlanDescription attribute
1.1 Kiran Shah 12/17/2009 Incorporated feedback … Although DRN 1.5 allows the system administrator a way to administer rights for the
selected entities, feedback
January 03, 2023 - encompass some degree of telehealth going forward.
1 https://www.cff.org/community-posts/2021-10/
April 18, 2007 - thank our colleagues at Duke
University and students at the University of North Carolina who provided feedback
June 13, 2013 - truly begin.
Become familiar with the material
Conduct an informal group
Hold a mock session
Get feedback
January 01, 2018 - o What feedback is provided to recipients and/or instructors?
November 08, 2011 - Based on the feedback received during the public comment period, KQ 3 was modified to include relapse … The original KQs were not modified based on the feedback received.
July 22, 2011 - health education or self-help materials
Requests to keep drinking diaries
Written personalized feedback … motivational interviews, cognitive behavioral therapy, action plans, written materials, and personalized feedback
September 13, 2011 - Based on the feedback received during the public comment period, KQ 3 was
modified to include relapse … The original KQs were not modified based on the feedback received.
June 01, 2013 - Members of the
TEP were invited to provide feedback on an initial draft of
the review protocol, which … either: (1) progressive
relaxation training or (2) stress management training
with cephalic vasomotor feedback … This
RCT found no significant differences between metoprolol
and cephalic vasomotor feedback in the
June 01, 2022 - panel was convened to develop a prioritized research agenda for PCOR in depression
and to provide feedback … Assessment of Value and Burden
Some clinicians participating in this effort provided feedback at the … The project team sought feedback on the app design from co-investigators on this
project, other clinical … The Stakeholder Panel
discussed the questions and provided feedback through a series of virtual meetings … Based on the Stakeholder Panel’s feedback, the questions were reorganized into four
overarching themes
June 01, 2011 - We obtained feedback from two technical experts at
our institution and pilot-tested this framework on … We obtained feedback from each of
these EPCs. … Technical Expert Review
Once we developed the initial version of the framework, we sought feedback from … The framework and worksheet were refined after receipt of feedback
from the technical experts. … We obtained
feedback from each of these EPCs.