July 01, 2011 - Moreover, critical feedback obtained on the original review can provide useful information
regarding … Maintaining reviews:
updates, amendments and feedback. In:
Higgins JPT, Green S, editors.
January 01, 2012 - telemonitoring interventions are
most effective when a closed loop is used (measurements, sending
these, feedback … The studies that did show benefit of incremental interventions used
teams, feedback loops, and were
January 11, 2017 - And then
what we would typically do is to get the host participants to feedback weekly all of the things … Skilled facilitators should be included in the mock
session to observe and provide feedback on presentation … And last but not least, continue practicing and getting feedback throughout the process is an
June 01, 2012 - for
and/or peer reviewed the original report and 2 local experts) were requested to provide their
feedback … in a provided their opinion/feedback in a pre-specified matrix table on whether or not
the conclusions … 15 contacted clinical experts (three CER-specifics and one local expert) provided
their responses/feedback
January 01, 2013 - with input from Key
Informants (interviews with national stakeholders) and
with consideration of feedback … If
We appreciate your feedback on the organization of
results—making the report readable and usable … Thank you for your feedback.
TEP #2 Quality of the
Good Thank you.
January 01, 2012 - clear.18
Analytic Framework and Key Questions
During this project’s topic refinement, we received
feedback … regarding the scope and relevance of draft Key
Questions and feedback regarding the details of a draft … The feedback came from the topic nominators,
public reviewers, and a Technical Expert Panel (TEP)
August 01, 2021 - representatives, Federal partners and health system leaders, is also assembled to discuss
challenges and provide feedback
January 01, 2020 - , during clinic visit, automatic web-
based, via text/email/portal/phone)
● Alternative clinician feedback … The Technical Experts provide feedback on the full protocol.
December 16, 2014 - Thank you for your feedback. … Thank you for your feedback. … chemoADT vs rP alone
We appreciate the new key questions suggested by
the reviewer and the entire feedback … This is standard in most other guideline efforts (ASCO,
CCO, Cochrane)
I’m not sure whether my feedback
June 30, 2015 - We thank the reviewer for the feedback and
have responded to the reviewer’s specific
comments in the … We are hoping the revisions we
have done based on peer reviewers’ feedback
make the report more solid … current role of these tests in clinical
practice and the potential advantages or harms, or was
the feedback … Thank you for your feedback.
July 31, 2012 - The three main tailoring strategies (content matching, personalization, and feedback) are often used … Individualized feedback may have then been provided synchronously (e.g., via chat, telephone, or face … an effect of raising awareness and educating patients or clinicians (such as reminders and audit-and-feedback
December 11, 2015 - Updated, December 11, 2015
quality improvement strategies include (1) provider targets: audit and feedback … Effects of routine feedback to clinicians on
mental health outcomes of youths: results of a randomized … professional component (e.g., distribution of educational materials,
educational meetings, audit and feedback
January 01, 2012 - programs) in the United States or that have just begun diffusing
and that have completed an expert feedback … services; and (3) to
strengthen and improve the program through continued self-assessment and patient feedback … multilevel “learning loop” that allows primary care providers to: (1) “learn by doing,” using the guided
July 31, 2012 - The three
main tailoring strategies (content matching,
personalization, and feedback) are often used … Individualized feedback
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov … effect of raising awareness and
educating patients or clinicians (such as reminders and audit-and-feedback
December 09, 2009 - Note: KQ1 was revised to add this subquestion in response to feedback from our Technical Expert Panel
December 09, 2009 - Note: KQ1 was revised to add this subquestion in response to feedback from our
Technical Expert Panel
April 16, 2019 - What feedback is provided to recipients and/or instructors?
April 03, 2012 - In addition, continuing development serves to improve the usefulness of the stakeholder feedback, as … Incorporated preliminary feedback from Jeff Brown.
Kiran Shah
Requirements/Design … Incorporated feedback from LP/HP working session on 12/2.
Developed section 3.1. … Notification Email
Added HealthPlanDescription attribute
Kiran Shah
Incorporated feedback … Although DRN 1.5 allows the system administrator a way to administer rights for the selected entities, feedback
January 01, 2007 - Reduction of polypharmacy by feedback to clinicians.
J Gen Intern Med 1991;6(2):133-6.
8. … or education for physicians
(provision of patient-specific reports, physician
prescribing pattern feedback
February 16, 2011 - We reviewed these criteria with the TEP and used their feedback to clarify our approach to
the harms … We also used feedback from the TEP to correct an inconsistency
between our discussion of outcome measures