January 01, 2023 - Please use the chat for questions and feedback throughout the session or use the hand-raising functionality … health care guidelines
Performance data: clinical audits, dashboards
Clinical accountability: prescriber feedback
January 01, 2010 - concepts
• “Diabetes
Social Support”
• Organizing principles: issues, solutions, and user feedback
January 01, 2014 - ....................................................................5
Incorporation of Stakeholder Feedback … Stakeholders participating in user acceptance testing, by type
Incorporation of Stakeholder Feedback … In particular, the stakeholder discussions and feedback shaped the
plans described here for displaying … of selection of this level of detail becomes overwhelming for the user, and, based on
stakeholder feedback
November 01, 2012 - managing the topic nomination
development and selection processes for the EHC Program, along with feedback … This estimate does not
include time needed for feedback loops such as going back to the nominator for … clarification or
getting expert feedback. … information that is necessary to determine the
topic’s disposition, such as nominator or stakeholder feedback
January 01, 2014 - ....................................................................5
Incorporation of Stakeholder Feedback … Stakeholders participating in user acceptance testing, by type
Incorporation of Stakeholder Feedback … In particular, the stakeholder discussions and feedback shaped the
plans described here for displaying … of selection of this level of detail becomes overwhelming for the user, and, based on
stakeholder feedback
September 09, 2022 - only
automated, computer-driven,
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
June 12, 2012 - intraoral appliances”[tiab] OR "oral appliance"[tiab] OR “oral appliances”[tiab] OR
sensorimotor[tiab] OR "Feedback … appliance*" OR KW="intraoral appliance*" OR KW="oral
appliance*" OR KW="sensorimotor" OR KW="Sensory Feedback … " OR KW="Feedback"
OR KW="Posture" OR KW="Positioning" OR KW="Position*" OR (KW="Food" AND
(KW="handling … intraoral appliances” OR TX “oral appliance” OR TX “oral
appliances”) OR (TX “sensorimotor” OR TX “Sensory feedback … ” OR MH “Feedback” OR
MH “Posture+” OR TX “posture” OR TX “positioning” OR TX “position” OR MH “Patient
October 31, 2011 - Stakeholders may be involved with topic decision-context groups, summary guide reviews, and product user feedback
December 01, 2014 - available) in
the United States or that have just begun diffusing and that have completed an expert feedback
June 01, 2013 - available) in
the United States or that have just begun diffusing and that have completed an expert feedback
June 01, 2014 - available) in
the United States or that have just begun diffusing and that have completed an expert feedback
February 01, 2013 - This Future Research Needs follow-on project used stakeholder feedback to identify and
prioritize the … in at least one of four
conference calls to discuss the state of rotator cuff research and provide feedback … Future Research Needs for Rotator Cuff Tears
The goal of this project was to use stakeholder feedback … four
conference calls, during which they discussed the state of rotator cuff research and provided
feedback … Three conference calls with stakeholders were held to solicit feedback on the
consolidated list of research
June 06, 2015 - silent individuals to elicit their views, redirect conversations as needed, and offer opportunities for feedback … Responses to GQ 4 will be shaped primarily by information from KIs; we will interpret their feedback
September 01, 2011 - also like to thank Susan Stearns, M.B.A., M.A., for her important contributions to
the research and feedback … participating on
conference calls and at face-to-face meetings, work group members reviewed and provided
August 18, 2011 - We also modified KQ 2 to focus solely on systems-level interventions to reflect feedback from preliminary … enhancement)
Awareness-based (risk communication, self-monitoring, reflective listening, behavioral feedback … Because of the breadth of the topic for our review, we have elected, based on feedback from our TEP,
September 01, 2014 - Members of the TEP were
invited to provide feedback on an initial draft of the review protocol. … Feedback
microwave thermotherapy versus TURP/prostate
enucleation surgery in patients with benign … Feedback
microwave thermotherapy versus TURP/prostate
enucleation surgery in patients with benign … Feedback
microwave thermotherapy versus TURP/prostate
enucleation surgery in patients with benign … Feedback
microwave thermotherapy versus TURP/prostate
enucleation surgery in patients with benign
February 01, 2013 - Few applications of deliberation in the literature document formal delivery of participants’
January 05, 2017 - Stakeholders may be involved with topic decision-context groups, summary guide reviews, and
product user feedback
January 01, 2012 - available) in
the United States or that have just begun diffusing and that have completed an expert feedback
June 01, 2015 - available) in
the United States or that have just begun diffusing and that have completed an expert feedback