
Total Results: 748 records

Showing results for "feedback".

    October 04, 2016 - We agree with this feedback and have added explicit mention of this type of data system in the text … Thank you for your feedback. … system but it must change.saundra Thank you for your feedback
    January 30, 2013 - the 2 experts that had responded to the first assessment and requested them to provide their opinion/feedback … expert panel and 5 who served as peer reviewers of the original report) were requested to provide their feedback … in a provided their opinion/feedback in a pre-specified matrix table on whether or not the conclusions … Expert opinion Cycle 2 (2nd assessment) Both contacted clinical experts provided their responses/feedback … Cycle 1 (1st assessment) Two of the 10 contacted clinical experts provided their responses/feedback
    January 30, 2013 - the 2 experts that had responded to the first assessment and requested them to provide their opinion/feedback … expert panel and 5 who served as peer reviewers of the original report) were requested to provide their feedback … in a provided their opinion/feedback in a pre-specified matrix table on whether or not the conclusions … Expert opinion Cycle 2 (2nd assessment) Both contacted clinical experts provided their responses/feedback … Cycle 1 (1st assessment) Two of the 10 contacted clinical experts provided their responses/feedback
    May 01, 2024 - Practice Center (EPC), we used a modified Delphi technique to obtain Technical Expert Panel (TEP) feedback … The TEP feedback form included brief summaries of the reports on the 13 patient safety topics we reviewed … I prefer not to rate this practice. 5 Twelve TEP members completed the online feedback form … The JHU EPC collated the results of the initial feedback and prepared a series of slides to present … process, followed by a listing of topics and the summary of findings of PSPs, and the pre-meeting TEP feedback
    June 12, 2012 - intraoral appliances”[tiab] OR "oral appliance"[tiab] OR “oral appliances”[tiab] OR sensorimotor[tiab] OR "Feedback … appliance*" OR KW="intraoral appliance*" OR KW="oral appliance*" OR KW="sensorimotor" OR KW="Sensory Feedback … " OR KW="Feedback" OR KW="Posture" OR KW="Positioning" OR KW="Position*" OR (KW="Food" AND (KW="handling … intraoral appliances” OR TX “oral appliance” OR TX “oral appliances”) OR (TX “sensorimotor” OR TX “Sensory feedback … ” OR MH “Feedback” OR MH “Posture+” OR TX “posture” OR TX “positioning” OR TX “position” OR MH “Patient
    March 03, 2014 - silent individuals to elicit their views, redirect conversations as needed, and offer opportunities for feedback … Responses to Question 4 will be shaped primarily by information from KIs; we will interpret their feedback
    September 01, 2012 - In order to promote a high signal-to-noise ratio in public feedback, we suggest that only registered … In addition, we plan to form a new advisory panel and solicit further feedback as the repository becomes
    March 03, 2014 - silent individuals to elicit their views, redirect conversations as needed, and offer opportunities for feedback … Responses to Question 4 will be shaped primarily by information from KIs; we will interpret their feedback
    December 23, 2023 - project leader will create the ratings; the center director and content expert will review and provide feedback
    March 01, 2021 - Thank you for this important feedback. … Thank you for providing this important feedback and for your insight into the disparities and barriers … Thank you for providing this feedback. … Thank you for this important feedback.
    September 22, 2014 - System level strategies include clinician reminders (paper-based or electronic), clinician audit and feedback … System level strategies, such as clinician reminders (paper-based or electronic), clinician audit and feedback … level strategies include clinician reminders (paper- based or electronic), clinician audit and feedback … System level strategies include clinician reminders (paper-based or electronic), clinician audit and feedback
    May 20, 2024 - Lastly, KQ3 feedback sought clarity on whether the question addresses the prevention or treatment of … We also held discussions with seven Key Informants (KIs), who provided overall feedback that the target … Based on the feedback that MBIs are thought to improve multiple aspects of life, the phrase “for mental
    December 06, 2011 - culture Management tools, such as training resources, internal organization incentives, audit and feedback
    December 01, 2015 - available) in the United States or that have just begun diffusing and that have completed an expert feedback
    December 01, 2014 - available) in the United States or that have just begun diffusing and that have completed an expert feedback
    December 01, 2015 - available) in the United States or that have just begun diffusing and that have completed an expert feedback
    November 09, 2011 - culture d) Management tools, such as training resources, internal organization incentives, audit and feedback
    May 01, 2024 - These included integration of ASC into EHR-based admission instructions, routine audit and feedback … Sample times for surveillance of S. aureus transmission to monitor effectiveness and provide feedback … Audit and feedback as a tool to increase compliance with carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae … Sample times for surveillance of S. aureus transmission to monitor effectiveness and provide feedback … Sample sizes for surveillance of S. aureus transmission to monitor effectiveness and provide feedback
    March 05, 2015 - Page 9, lines 3435: please give a bit more detail regarding the formative feedback given by the key … That websites should be gathering data on consumer feedback about the website or they should be reporting … There are multiple ways of getting feedback from consumers, with a forum embedded on the website only
    May 26, 2015 - Preventive Services Task Force recommends worksite interventions (assessments of health risks with feedback … We will ask the Technical Expert Panel for feedback on the search terms and strategy. Table 2.

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