April 01, 2010 - They are intended to be used routinely, can provide feedback to guide short-term
quality improvement … on evidence or expert opinion, supported by
constituent groups, reported publicly, and amenable to feedback … and communication in the
ICU: a practical new tool for palliative care
performance measurement and feedback
April 01, 2010 - They are intended to be used routinely, can provide feedback to guide short-term
quality improvement … on evidence or expert opinion, supported by
constituent groups, reported publicly, and amenable to feedback … and communication in the
ICU: a practical new tool for palliative care
performance measurement and feedback
June 01, 2014 - So I think we’ve got a lot of great
feedback on that
particular question. … provider and just having that information there in front of you is key and vital and I
think it, the feedback … If we’re
collect feedback for
those who volunteer, and that would be both from
the … that information through reporting but there’s also the
January 01, 2010 - prenatal care, during labor,
and as part of health systems strategies (quality assurance,
audit and feedback … hand-searched references of included articles to
Health System Factors
• Quality assurance
• Audit and feedback … strategies that included varied forms of auditing
of individual or group cesarean use trends, with regular
feedback … Across these studies, audit and
feedback data were most often provided at both the unit
and individual
October 13, 2011 - simply
touch on today, is focused on assessing alternative methods
of public deliberation to obtain feedback … In terms of evaluation, we obtain feedback throughout the
process both written and verbal from a variety … We obtain that feedback in a timely manner. We debrief
with all participants involved. … The CDMRP staff will give us feedback on how they felt the
consumers did. … And so the panel can read some of the feedback
that I’ve been seeing, certainly accolades to you all
August 26, 2011 - improvement strategies include the following:
Clinician education
Patient education
Audit and feedback … implementation and management tools (such as staff education and
training, use of internal audit-and-feedback … Innovation [mh] OR (Diffusion [ti] AND (Innovation [ti] OR technology [ti]))
targets audit & feedback … , reminder systems, and financial incentives
Medical audit [mh] OR ((Audit [tw] OR feedback [tw] OR … implementation and management tools (such as staff education and
training, use of internal audit-and-feedback
February 01, 2019 - and Federal partners, was also assembled for each clinical area to discuss
challenges and provide feedback … and Federal partners, was also assembled for each clinical area to discuss
challenges and provide feedback … Ad hoc conversations to obtain feedback and
recommendations with experts
Reviewed registry list with … measure concept and suggested any missing measure
concepts that should be included in the MMS (this feedback … prioritize measures for
inclusion in the MMS, as discussed above, and for collecting other types of feedback
February 01, 2019 - and Federal partners, was also assembled for each clinical area to discuss
challenges and provide feedback … and Federal partners, was also assembled for each clinical area to discuss
challenges and provide feedback … Ad hoc conversations to obtain feedback and
recommendations with experts
Reviewed registry list with … measure concept and suggested any missing measure
concepts that should be included in the MMS (this feedback … prioritize measures for
inclusion in the MMS, as discussed above, and for collecting other types of feedback
February 01, 2013 - EPCs
provided feedback on the framework using an evaluation form.
Results. … An evaluation form was developed (Appendix B) to solicit structured feedback from the
EPCs. … Open-ended questions requested feedback on specific advantages and challenges
encountered in applying … Each respondent provided feedback on the disadvantages and problems, as well as
suggestions for the … These changes were based on results of the retrospective
application of the framework and on feedback
January 01, 2010 - I would like to see the audit and
feedback data put a bit more into context with liturature
outside … of OB for audit and feedback. … This may not be possible within the
scope of the report
We do identify audit and feedback studies … “Of the eight studies in which the
primary intervention was audit and feedback of cesarean
data (not … I have some specific
feedback re: KQ4, but I don't feel my thoughts invalidate the
careful work of
June 28, 2022 - • Based on reviewer feedback, we better clarified the imprecision of most studies and
the distinction
January 01, 2020 - Do audit and feedback interventions influence physician use of cesarean?
12. … Do audit and feedback
interventions influence physician
use of cesarean? … Do audit and feedback interventions influence physician use of cesarean?
12. … 17
Do audit and feedback interventions influence physician use of cesarean? … 119
Do audit and feedback interventions influence physician use of cesarean?
December 01, 2018 - Updating the pathway using asynchronous feedback by stakeholders as necessary;
8. … the pathway, including assessing available guidelines, pathways, and other
evidence and providing feedback … The platform also provides a means for pathway
users to provide instant electronic feedback to clinical … Review evidence and the
pathway prototype with key
stakeholders and elicit feedback
3 1 3 0 1 0 0 … Recurrent CDI: Treatments have been updated to reflect IDSA recommendations: please review and
provide feedback
August 24, 2018 - *[tw] or neuro-feedback*[tw] OR Neuro-therap*[tw] OR neurotherap*[tw] OR (autonomic*[tw] AND train*[tw … :ti,ab,kw or "mind-body":ti,ab,kw or [mh "Biofeedback, Psychology"] or biofeedback*:ti,ab,kw or bio-feedback … *:ti,ab,kw or neuro-feedback*:ti,ab,kw or neuro-therap*:ti,ab,kw or neurotherap*:ti,ab,kw or (autonomic … * or TX Neurofeedback OR TX neuro-feedback* OR TX neuro-therap* OR TX neurotherap* OR (TX autonomic* … * or neuro-feedback* OR Neuro-therap* OR neurotherap* OR (autonomic* AND train*) OR “Combined Modality
December 14, 2017 - Thank you for your review and feedback. … Thank you for your review and feedback. … Thank you for your review and feedback. … Thank you for your review and feedback. … Thank you for your review and feedback.
June 01, 2011 - a) Receive
b) React
c) Participate
d) Engage
2) A State agency solicits feedback on health care priorities … a) Receive
b) React
c) Participate
d) Engage
2) A State agency solicits feedback on health care
July 26, 2012 - 23-24, p. 8, lines 36-37), for example, or studies
that focused on quality data used for provider feedback … Specifically, provider
feedback and benchmarking do not include data
that are public and were therefore … just individual clinicians, but also perhaps system-level
changes in quality improvement, resources, feedback … As the
authors have not reviewed the literature on
confidential feedback, they do not feel it is
appropriate … Although interesting, the relative merits of public
reporting verses confidential feedback to
April 01, 2012 - Feedback
on the working version was obtained from the EPC program at the May 2011 EPC meeting. … All
feedback was incorporated into the final report. … The Tufts EPC
expanded the initial
list of gaps based on the original CE review and feedback from … development in this area
will continue as EPCs gain more experience in FRN work and the program receives feedback
August 06, 2018 - *[tw] or neuro-feedback*[tw] OR Neuro-therap*[tw] OR
neurotherap*[tw] OR (autonomic*[tw] AND train*[ … ti,ab,kw or "mind-body":ti,ab,kw or [mh "Biofeedback,
Psychology"] or biofeedback*:ti,ab,kw or bio-feedback … *:ti,ab,kw or neuro-
feedback*:ti,ab,kw or neuro-therap*:ti,ab,kw or neurotherap*:ti,ab,kw or
(autonomic … * or TX Neurofeedback OR TX neuro-
feedback* OR TX neuro-therap* OR TX neurotherap*
OR (TX autonomic … * or neuro-feedback* OR Neuro-therap* OR
neurotherap* OR (autonomic* AND train*) OR “Combined
November 01, 2022 - In preparation for virtual KI Panel meetings, we sent the KIs a feedback form via
Qualtrics to introduce … them to the proposed new requirements and seek their
feedback. … The introduction to the task indicated that we sought feedback as to
whether each of the proposed new … For each KI meeting, we gave the KIs a summary of their collective feedback.
4. … The results of this second feedback were used to determine the degree of
consensus about the importance