January 08, 2024 - 1.57)* NR NR Team training on the new communication approaches; Iterative review of data with regular feedback … EHR; staff training and time; framework development time; materials; registry for data collection and feedback
January 01, 2018 - benefits.13
The second call will include technologists and app developers and focus on
eliciting feedback … This database allows for the download of user feedback from app stores as well as
app categories, pricing
January 06, 2017 - them information but that
there's a channel to contribute back, to contribute ideas, to contribute
feedback … They might have 15
minutes, half an hour, while they're commuting to participate and provide their
November 11, 2015 - Based
our group's feedback, we came up with
this one in
middle. … Their feedback to me
that I should
show a group
of fruits so that people would
February 01, 2014 - Nine components were evaluated individually: clinic
reinforcement, feedback, incentives, information … that the odds are higher than the null
for the intervention increasing smoking cessation, include
feedback … incentives can be adequate to change behavior.33 The other
components with high probability of success were feedback … Evidenceb
Incentives Medium Consistent Direct Precise 3.23 (1.98 to 4.59)
Moderate for effect
October 01, 2018 - She provided feedback on the format and focus of the cyberseminar,
contributed content and slides for … The EPC program may want
to consider further development of methods for enabling simultaneous feedback … In developing the cyberseminar and soliciting
feedback from the health care organization, we also recorded … We will circulate a short electronic survey after the meeting to get folks feedback on
what was helpful … interventions focused on both
diet and exercise, more than just didactic interventions, used audit and feedback
August 03, 2011 - improvement strategies include the following:
Clinician education
Patient education
Audit and feedback … implementation and management tools (such as staff education and training, use of internal audit-and-feedback … of Innovation [mh] OR (Diffusion [ti] AND (Innovation [ti] OR technology [ti]))
#5 targets audit & feedback … , reminder systems, and financial incentives
Medical audit [mh] OR ((Audit [tw] OR feedback [tw] OR … implementation and management tools (such as staff education and training, use of internal audit-and-feedback
May 13, 2010 - They are intended to be used routinely, can provide feedback to guide short-term quality improvement … on evidence or expert opinion, supported by constituent groups, reported publicly, and amenable to feedback … and communication in the ICU: a practical new tool for palliative care performance measurement and feedback
May 13, 2010 - They are intended to be used routinely, can provide feedback to guide short-term quality improvement … on evidence or expert opinion, supported by constituent groups, reported publicly, and amenable to feedback … and communication in the ICU: a practical new tool for palliative care performance measurement and feedback
February 22, 2012 - purposes only:
Provider reminder systems
Facilitated relay of clinical data to providers
Audit and feedback … Examples include: physician reminder systems, facilitated relay of clinical data to providers, audit and feedback … strategies: physician reminder systems; facilitated relay of clinical data to providers; audit and feedback
March 02, 2012 - interventions, organizational change, pay-for-performance/quality incentives, physician detailing, audit and feedback … interventions, organizational change, pay-for-performance/quality incentives, physician detailing, audit, and feedback … A randomized clinical trial of clinician feedback to improve quality of care for inner-city children
February 23, 2012 - 2
Provider reminder systems
Facilitated relay of clinical data to providers
Audit and feedback … audit and
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: February 23, 2012
feedback … strategies: physician reminder systems;
facilitated relay of clinical data to providers; audit and feedback
December 03, 2019 - CDC does not have any
comments/feedback about the two studies included or
broader language regarding
December 03, 2019 - CDC does not have any
comments/feedback about the two studies included or
broader language regarding
March 02, 2012 - interventions,
organizational change, pay-for-performance/quality incentives, physician detailing, audit and
feedback … ,
organizational change, pay-for-
performance/quality incentives, physician
detailing, audit, and feedback … A randomized clinical trial of clinician feedback to improve quality
of care for inner-city children
August 01, 2024 - To better understand the impact and usefulness of these efforts, we sought feedback from the
TEP on … 2022.”26
In order to obtain insight into alternative styles of visualization, we also obtained feedback … Overall, the feedback from the TEP and the available usage data suggest that readers found
the visual
June 01, 2011 - study on their web page.
a) Receive b) React c) Participate d) Engage
2) A State agency solicits feedback … study on their web page.
a) Receive b) React c) Participate d) Engage
2) A State agency solicits feedback
January 01, 2018 - benefits.13
The second call will include technologists and app developers and focus on
eliciting feedback … This database allows for the download of user feedback from app stores as well as
app categories, pricing
June 21, 2021 - A
second group of key informants provided feedback on the initial framework. … another potential benefit of mental health apps.7 Some apps deliver greater
efficiency by providing feedback … Based on this
assessment, and feedback from the KIs interviews, key gaps were identified in the existing … We
solicited feedback from this group on the initial draft framework. … This is
based on whether the app is being updated regularly, based on user feedback and industry trends
July 01, 2023 - To better understand the impact and usefulness of these efforts, we sought feedback from the
TEP on … 2022.”26
In order to obtain insight into alternative styles of visualization, we also obtained feedback … Overall, the feedback from the TEP and the available usage data suggest that readers found
the visual