January 01, 2010 - Through dissemination of quarterly audit and feedback reports, annual practice site visits for quality … More specific strategies were prioritized
in response to audit and feedback results and involved greater
January 01, 2023 - Tang, Paul
Enhancing self-management of T2DM with an Automated Reminder and Feedback
January 01, 2023 - complete “pre-training survey”
Provide application manual to practice
Provide feedback
January 01, 2011 - Based on feedback and input from GLIDES partners and other CDS contractors, GLIDES designed and
implemented … When planning for adoption, implementers should also consider incentives,
feedback loops, site-based
January 01, 2012 - the second year, the alerts were iteratively
refined and piloted among beta users based on end-user feedback … Throughout the study, the research
team tracked process indicators such as user rates and obtained feedback
September 01, 2011 - The expert
panel provided feedback and guidance on the development of Atlas. … The user panel provided evaluative feedback on the Atlas from a user perspective.
January 01, 2011 - care, disease, and complex-care management; intensive clinical data monitoring and related
quality feedback … have broader data-capture than clinical
electronic health record systems; sophisticated analytic and feedback
January 01, 2010 - principles
in primary care HealtHcare information tecHnology systems
2010 ContraCt Summary
Based on feedback … • Include variety of end users in the design and testing process and collect their feedback throughout
January 01, 2019 - Using feedback collected through focus groups with patients and providers, the design of the app is patient-centered … tool that collects PROs to enhance the care of patients after abdominal cancer surgery, and to provide feedback
January 01, 2018 - The
progress reports were developed using feedback from PCPs and consisted of a single page
summary … Discussion
In this trial, the incremental addition of coaching and PCP feedback to EHR-based tracking … Primary Care
Provider Feedback for Improving Clinical Progress Reports on Weight Maintenance
[abstract … Provider Feedback on Weight Loss Maintenance Resources and a Novel
Intervention Using the Electronic … Provider feedback on weight loss maintenance resources and a novel intervention using the
January 01, 1995 - Initialization of warfarin dosages using computer modeling
Authors: Sun J, Chang MW Journal: Arch Phys Med Rehabil Publication Date: 1995 Volume: 76 Issue: 5 Pages: 453-6 HIT Description: Decision support and computerized medication dosing. More info... Purpose of Study: Evaluate a software for ac…
December 01, 2006 - medical issue, prompts to possible next steps, a working area to assign values or classifications and feedback
January 12, 2007 - consensus)
Principle #2: Encourage Quality Improvement
– Categorize test set by type of error
– Provide feedback … recorded and reported back to Leapfrog (Overall score)
and to the organization taking the test (detailed feedback … developed based on literature and
advisor experience
– Corollary
– Cost of care
– Nuisance (important feedback … maintenance prompting
Outputs received immediately after submitting results
– Individual site performance feedback … how physicians respond are essential)
Worry about nuisance alerting and actively solicit physician
January 01, 2011 - pressure, etc
Exceptions: diagnoses, allergies, lab abnormalities
Initial Quality Measurement & Feedback … Consequences of Missed Exceptions:
Accuracy of Feedback Decreases As Performance
40% Did … influenza vx)
Accurate Measurement and
the Virtuous Cycle for QI
Measurement and
Feedback … Decision Support
Time saving tools
Feedback becomes more accurate
Recording exceptions … Use quality measurement system to
drive focused quality improvement
• Audit and feedback
November 01, 2009 - Finally, this report provides
grantee feedback on the lack of tools and standardized instruments to … Medication adherence plays a role in that the project plans on giving feedback to
providers, primarily … These interviews will help inform the project on what
people are learning and provide feedback about … Eta Berner*
Closing the
Feedback Loop to
Diagnostic Quality
The project is designed to … Institutional Review Board (IRB)
feedback regarding use of MEMS
caps required project modifications
January 01, 2018 - Semi-structured interviews were conducted to seek feedback on SLEEPkit
focused on perceived usefulness … English, able to articulate observations regarding communication needs, and to
be able to provide feedback … For any clinicians we invited
to participate to provide feedback for SLEEPkit, we emphasized that their … Feedback of SLEEPkit Use
We interviewed a total of 30 patients and clinicians, including 22 individual … We have summarized the feedback from both patients and clinicians in the domains of perceived
November 01, 2009 - Finally, this report provides
grantee feedback on the lack of tools and standardized instruments to … Medication adherence plays a role in that the project plans on giving feedback to
providers, primarily … These interviews will help inform the project on what
people are learning and provide feedback about … Eta Berner*
Closing the
Feedback Loop to
Diagnostic Quality
The project is designed to … Institutional Review Board (IRB)
feedback regarding use of MEMS
caps required project modifications
January 01, 2023 - In each round of testing, we solicited feedback from end users about their
experience with 4PACS. … Stakeholder feedback
collected during the session reiterated key design elements like the following: … We collected
additional feedback from nineteen participants during two rounds of usability testing and … Qualitative feedback on 4PACS from feasibility pilot study participants and their providers
Patients … Conclusions
The 4PACS app was successfully designed with iterative feedback from end users and was
January 01, 2023 - either as an official member of the workgroup or as part of the public audience at workgroup meetings
January 01, 2023 - Participating in working groups and providing feedback during public comment times are key ways to get