September 29, 2023 - Based on this feedback, researchers adapted the AQS from its original use in the ED to pediatric primary … They then implemented the AQS and obtained qualitative and quantitative feedback using the System Usability
January 01, 2023 - Anesthesiology Control Tower: Feedback Alerts to Supplement Treatment (ACTFAST)
January 01, 2023 - Anesthesiology Control Tower: Feedback Alerts to Supplement Treatment (ACTFAST)
January 01, 2023 - Informs future improvement by providing feedback.
Maintains order during problem solving.
January 01, 2023 - project evaluated the feasibility of two Stage 3 Meaningful Use Care Coordination measures and provided feedback
August 01, 1990 - was developed by the investigators, and consisted of a computer-assisted system consisting of monthly feedback
January 01, 2022 - Methods: Semi-structured exploratory interviews, design feedback sessions, formative and summative … The following
activities (semi-structured interviews, exploratory interviews, design feedback sessions … We conducted design
feedback sessions with primary care providers (n=14) with the goal of receiving … feedback on the
prototype. … There
was both positive and negative feedback related to the fall prevention modules.
January 01, 2013 - In addition, our aim was to promote the adoption
of iHealth by identifying user needs, soliciting feedback … This qualitative information provided
Project ECHO with useful feedback that will be used to improve … ECHO continues to elicit
feedback from regular users of iHealth and incorporate changes. … To help with feedback and
quality development of iHealth, Project ECHO developed an ad hoc advisory … This group continues to provide feedback on a regular basis regarding iHealth and its
June 01, 2011 - manuscript pending
• Completing update of GuideLine Implementability Appraisal
(GLIA) v 2.0 incorporating feedback … those that implement the CDS while viewing issues in their development
– Understand user feedback … of these tools and how this feedback is used to modify the tools
– Understand the relationship among
January 12, 2007 - consensus)
� Principle #2: Encourage Quality Improvement
– Categorize test set by type of error
– Provide feedback … recorded and reported back to Leapfrog (Overall score)
and to the organization taking the test (detailed feedback … developed based on literature and
advisor experience
– Corollary
– Cost of care
– Nuisance (important feedback … prompting
� Outputs received immediately after submitting results
– Individual site performance feedback … physicians respond are essential)
� Worry about nuisance alerting and actively solicit physician
January 01, 2023 - Build end-user CDS dashboards that would depict user's compliance with CDS and provide feedback to knowledge … CDSC contributed to the development of the Health eDecisions standards for CDS, and provided important feedback
January 01, 2023 - points
Standardize electronic documentation, databases, and user interfaces
Create weekly outcome feedback … The feedback reports, which document a number of resident outcomes, have been key to generating enthusiasm … When Horn and her colleagues started the project, they produced only four types of feedback reports.
September 13, 2013 - for advancing the “Triple Aim” of better health and
better care at a lower cost.
Your Feedback … is Requested
▪ In a few moments you will have an opportunity to complete
a survey to provide feedback … ▪ Please take the time to complete it; your feedback will be
used to inform and improve this presentation … continued
Collaboration and Education
Pursuing Pathways to Achieve eImprovements
Your Feedback
September 13, 2013 - for advancing the “Triple Aim” of better health and
better care at a lower cost.
Your Feedback … is Requested
▪ In a few moments you will have an opportunity to complete
a survey to provide feedback … ▪ Please take the time to complete it; your feedback will be
used to inform and improve this presentation … continued
Collaboration and Education
Pursuing Pathways to Achieve eImprovements
Your Feedback
January 01, 2017 - ■ We would very much like to get your feedback; your
input is extremely important to us and will help … ■ Data and feedback
Community Care Networks
■ Are nonprofit organizations.
■ Seek to incorporate … Informatics
■ Care Management Information System (CMIS)
■ Pharmacy home
■ Quality measurement and feedback … Monitoring of ED and IP Visits, Updated with Every
Claims Payment Cycle
Quality Measurement and Feedback … for Monitoring of ED and IP Visits, Updated with Every Claims Payment Cycle
Quality Measurement and Feedback
January 01, 2012 - Overall, feedback was positive and indicated that the study was well received. … Feedback on early morning text messages was mixed but there was agreement that the frequency of messages
January 01, 2010 - Based on feedback from EHR vendor interviews, the project expert panel made the following recommendations … Include variety of end users in the design and testing process and collect their feedback throughout
October 01, 2004 - which can incorporate patient specific data into decision support and give immediate point-of-care feedback
July 19, 2007 - whether EMR systems that provide both clinical-decision support (CDS) and population-based performance feedback
July 05, 2000 - and outcomes
Supporting quality improvement efforts
Identify priorities
Monitor results
Provide feedback … and outcomes
Supporting quality improvement efforts
Identify priorities
Monitor results
Provide feedback