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Showing results for "feedback".

    January 01, 2023 - The project team successfully created CEDAR, publicly released the tool, and modified it based on feedback … • Integrated Stakeholder Feedback: The project team obtained and integrated feedback from four target … In the Option Period, the project team enhanced the RI in response to ongoing feedback from the user … The Option Period RI development employed an Agile process, which allows for ongoing regular feedback … The objective of stakeholder engagement focused on capturing feedback on CEDAR’s relevance to users’
    September 01, 2022 - Development Process The CEDAR RI followed an Agile process characterized by regular feedback from and … As an early adopter of this Resource, however, the CEDAR project can provide feedback and help shape … MITRE documented qualitative feedback during think-aloud sessions. … Pilot testers provided feedback using assessments hosted on the Qualtrics platform. … Multiple activities involving end user communities were completed during the project and feedback
    January 01, 2023 - involve internally developed systems, good relations can help developers obtain early and frequent feedback … Postimplementation Considerations Lesson 12 :  Develop a process for collecting feedback on the tool … AHRQ-funded projects recommended having a process for collecting post-implementation feedback on an ongoing
    June 30, 2023 - Develop a user-centered and clinical workflow-compatible CDSS by engaging key stakeholders in iterative feedback … workflow-compatible clinical decision support (CDS) tool by engaging key stakeholders in iterative feedback
    January 01, 2021 - Stakeholders then interacted with the tools and provided feedback. … Post-RCT Follow-up Interviews In response to some of the qualitative feedback we have received from … The taxonomies were revised both in terms of content and labeling based on stakeholder feedback. … These sessions were recorded and relevant feedback was abstracted from each session. … After each round, we summarized all of the participants’ feedback, met with the research team and the
    January 01, 2011 - Results: User feedback led to significant improvements in the design of the UHR. … The scheduler interface was altogether revised in response to feedback. 6 Figure … novel patient decision support features into the UHR; 2) refinement of the UHR in response to user feedback … In addition, the interface was improved in several areas of the PHR, based on the feedback given during … Support for this assessment came in the form of feedback elicited from clinical staff during the exit
    January 01, 2015 - Feedback from the second focus groups demonstrated qualitatively: 1) The program was easy to navigate … Whether used on a laptop, a tablet/pad, as a kiosk, or similar, the focus group feedback was positive … In addition, feedback from clinicians regarding the feasiblity of the eCoach tool as part of patient … The feedback indicated that specific vocabulary (e.g. … Feedback also recommended that information be presented as BOTH written words on the screen AND as an
    January 01, 2011 - Based on feedback and input from GLIDES partners and other CDS contractors, GLIDES designed and implemented … When planning for adoption, implementers should also consider incentives, feedback loops, site-based
    January 01, 2012 - the second year, the alerts were iteratively refined and piloted among beta users based on end-user feedback … Throughout the study, the research team tracked process indicators such as user rates and obtained feedback
    January 01, 2010 - Through dissemination of quarterly audit and feedback reports, annual practice site visits for quality … More specific strategies were prioritized in response to audit and feedback results and involved greater
    January 01, 2010 - The expert panel provided feedback and guidance on the development of Atlas. … The user panel provided evaluative feedback on the Atlas from a user perspective.
    January 01, 1997 - "Unfortunately, this system also lacked a feedback mechanism that would confirm the prescription's transmission … All practitioners were primary care physicians...Provider Enrollment: Feedback was elicited from HAP
    January 01, 2010 - The study team also utilized health literacy experts to provide interim and final feedback on content … A second pilot test was completed in January 2010 with two physicians and feedback was collected from
    January 01, 2011 - care, disease, and complex-care management; intensive clinical data monitoring and related quality feedback … have broader data-capture than clinical electronic health record systems; sophisticated analytic and feedback
    January 01, 2012 - usability principles, the team conducted evaluations with two or three participants per cycle for quick feedback … Overall, the feedback was encouraging.
    January 01, 2019 - Once we drafted the personas, we sought feedback from subject matter experts, including members of the … We conducted 5 feedback cycles, incorporating new feedback after each cycle. … We shared the refined design guidelines draft with subject matter experts through four feedback cycles … , and modified them based on their feedback. … We triangulated the themes with the data gathered through group discussion feedback forms and individual
    June 01, 2006 - questions and concerns Distributed a redline document for each organization to review and give feedback … advice from their own counsel Attorney was engaged to represent MSeHA – he reviewed all the feedback … and created the “final” draft” for organizations to review Received feedback on the latest
    January 01, 2010 - The study team also utilized health literacy experts to provide interim and final feedback on content … A second pilot test was completed in January 2010 with two physicians and feedback was collected from
    January 01, 2011 - Feedback from the focus groups was analyzed and the Web site is being modified to reflect the input … Preliminary Impact and Findings: The feedback from the focus groups was very positive.
    January 01, 2012 - usability principles, the team conducted evaluations with two or three participants per cycle for quick feedback … Overall, the feedback was encouraging.

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