January 01, 2023 - Asan, Onur
Enhancing self-management of T2DM with an Automated Reminder and Feedback
September 28, 2016 - Your participation in this survey
and feedback regarding your experiences is much appreciated. … reviews
Identify patients in need of recommended care
Generate patient reminders
Generate and feedback … I get useful feedback regarding
progress toward achieving quality targets.
14. … participation
Please return the completed survey by (choose one):
Many thanks for your feedback
August 01, 2011 - on topics such as blood pressure, weight,
exercise, diet, and smoking; and automated reminders and feedback … incorporating guideline-based algorithms for hypertension
treatment as well as automated reminders and feedback … take a more active role in their health care through
self-monitoring, education, reinforcement, and feedback
January 01, 2010 - An extensive literature review on experience and feedback from the various national and international … Based on this feedback
and input from GLIDES partners and other CDS contractors, GLIDES designed and … When planning for adoption, implementers should also consider incentives,
feedback loops, site-based
January 01, 2012 - groups were conducted among parents who refused, delayed, or accepted childhood vaccinations to
receive feedback … Preliminary Impact and Findings: The feedback from the focus groups was positive. … Feedback from the focus groups was used to modify the Web site.
January 01, 2011 - The application includes an active real-time feedback and alerting system for
patients and their parents … These patients will receive
real-time feedback upon entering information on their level of asthma control … usability testing sessions were conducted for the e-ASTER application and changes are being made based
on feedback
January 01, 2009 - Feedback from
providers who have used the application has been mixed. … Providers have gotten positive feedback from
their patients when using the e-AAP interactively during … One type is technical, modifying the software in response to user feedback about functioning,
January 01, 2023 - medication-related clinical decision support tool to prevent medication errors: An analysis of user feedback … medication-related clinical decision support tool to prevent medication errors: An analysis of user feedback
January 01, 2023 - The research team conducted semistructured exploratory interviews, design feedback sessions, and formative … Qualitative feedback from providers indicated that the use of the tool prompted them to make more physical … Patricia Dykes
ASPIRE is valuable and simple to use
The team conducted interviews, design feedback … Qualitative feedback from providers indicated that the use of the tool prompted them to make more physical
January 01, 2014 - Piloting Screening Module with Teens and Revising: To pilot test and receive individual
feedback from … Feedback from Clinicians: We asked clinicians (about 25 across the 2 clinics) to review versions
of … the provider print-out to give feedback on the content, format, and usefulness of the
information. … This
feedback informed revisions of the print-out as well as future plans for implementation of the … Integration of Screening Results into EPIC – Based on provider feedback, we improved the
January 01, 2018 - Therefore, we incorporated
specific methods to solicit and incorporate stakeholder feedback throughout … It was important to obtain family feedback about the screening workflow
from the family perspective … See Figure 1 for the interview flowchart to obtain
feedback from caregivers and their experience with … RESULTS
Phase One: Clinicians were eager to provide feedback about the module. … The second pre-implementation CHUG occurred in January 2016 to get review feedback regarding content
January 01, 2018 - As a result, reporting rates and completeness of the forms significantly improved, and feedback from … Data from the registry have been used for quality improvement audits and feedback, as well as health
January 01, 2023 - parameters, developing the implementation plan, and specifying procedures for ongoing evaluation and feedback
September 01, 2012 - by helping individuals self-monitor
adherence through medication logging, adherence reminders, and feedback … Specific Aims:
• Utilize patient participant feedback in the development of a mobile phone text message
January 01, 2012 - The coaching strategies
incorporate physician feedback. … Preliminary Impact and Findings: Informal feedback from physicians at the participating sites suggests
August 30, 2021 - simplicity, naturalness, consistency, minimizing cognitive load, efficient interactions, forgiveness and feedback
August 29, 2013 - Patient Centered Medical Home
Do providers respond well to
performance feedback? … Feedback to Providers on Their Data
Improves Their Documentation and
Illness … transmission for 24 months
▪ Distribution of report cards
▪ Assessment of effects of providing
feedback … No PCMH Recognition
Patient Centered Medical Home
Do providers respond well to performance feedback … Feedback to Providers on Their Data Improves Their Documentation and Performance
Providers Use Dashboards
January 01, 2011 - on topics such as blood
pressure, weight, exercise, diet, and smoking; and automated reminders and feedback … incorporating guideline-based algorithms for
hypertension treatment as well as automated reminders and feedback … more active role in their health care
through self-monitoring, education, reinforcement, and feedback
January 01, 2011 - (Achieved)
2011 Activities: The VPA was modified based upon user feedback. … After the demonstration, each participant filled out a survey regarding her feedback about the
system … other areas of development, such as major adjustments to the story-authoring tool based
on pre-test feedback
June 08, 2009 - The value of partnerships was demonstrated
in the following ways: facility team leadership feedback … Front-line staff involvement is essential throughout the improvement process; frequent feedback
helps … Feedback should be obtained frequently throughout the process. … documentation completeness reports focused on particular residents or staff
members to provide focused feedback