
Total Results: 1,396 records

Showing results for "feedback".

    July 15, 2014 - Practice C: good coordination, limited planning/replanning and monitoring; improved with CTA-derived feedback … colleagues about new, faster ways to use EHR to get their work done Provide Clinicians with Feedback … OASIS documentation • Change management  minimized barriers ► Provided clinicians with timely feedback … Hardware maintenance data from IT support to address need for field support • Elicit and respond to feedback … Functionality, Workflow Clinician EHR Use as Intended Need for Ongoing Training Provide Clinicians with Feedback
    October 19, 2022 - QUESTION: How did you get the user feedback? … The challenge is often that people do not know what they want or need until you show it to them, so feedback … Experience Designer in digital health, one of our greatest challenges has been gathering continuous user feedback … elbow" support to clinicians and form relationships with clinicians and patients such that getting feedback
    January 01, 2023 - and Large-Scale Simulation-Based Testing of a Novel Augmented Reality Point of Care Chest Compression Feedback … Description This research will enhance an augmented reality headset used to provide real-time feedback
    January 01, 2023 - and Large-Scale Simulation-Based Testing of a Novel Augmented Reality Point of Care Chest Compression Feedback … Description This research will enhance an augmented reality headset used to provide real-time feedback
    January 01, 2020 - Avidan, Michael Organization: Washington University Research Profile: Anesthesiology Control Tower: Feedback … The Anesthesiology Control Tower: Feedback Alerts to Supplement Treatments (or ACTFAST) study applied
    January 01, 2023 - and Large-Scale Simulation-Based Testing of a Novel Augmented Reality Point of Care Chest Compression Feedback … Description This research will enhance an augmented reality headset used to provide real-time feedback
    January 01, 2023 - Early feedback on the Format suggested that its impact could be greater if software developers and other … A Federal Workgroup of 19 members was convened to review the MSWG’s work, provide feedback, and share
    January 01, 2023 - However, formative research and feedback from practicing clinicians indicates that it is extremely difficult … Further evaluate the impact of feedback on practice variations in a manner that explains the potential
    January 01, 2023 - Improving the Quality of Pediatric Emergency Care Using an Electronic Medical Record Registry and Clinician Feedback
    January 01, 2023 - Improving the Quality of Pediatric Emergency Care Using an Electronic Medical Record Registry and Clinician Feedback
    June 30, 2023 - Project Description Publications Despite incorporating end-user feedback … iMatter included three main components: SMS messages for real-time collection of PROs, personalized feedback … These results highlight that even with the incorporation of end-user feedback in the design, traditional
    March 15, 2021 - information technology tools that provide both clinical-decision support and population-based performance feedback
    January 01, 2018 - The baseline surveys generated personalized feedback that was accessible to both mandated groups and … There are eight main components, including My Coach, Feedback, Strategies, Know Your BAC, Daily Log … Feedback contains personalized normative feedback based on user input from the baseline surveys. … Participants also said that Daily Log, Coach, and Personalized Feedback to be the most useful. … used to generate a participant profile and a personalized feedback. 3.
    January 01, 2023 - PROM rates for confounding factors, a randomized trial of text reminders, and creation of comparative feedback … impact on patient outcomes may come from the fact that many studies either did not include timely feedback … to doctors and patients or used research staff to provide that feedback. … Repeated exposure to written comparative surgeon feedback based on PROMs data and discussion of this … Surgeons provided constructive feedback on the reports with valuable suggestions for how to make the
    January 01, 2023 - During the project each toolset was evaluated and refined according to feedback from sites that used … Additionally, the team received feedback that the toolsets contained a daunting overall volume of information
    January 01, 2010 - An extensive literature review on experience and feedback from the various national and international … Based on this feedback and input from GLIDES partners and other CDS contractors, GLIDES designed and … When planning for adoption, implementers should also consider incentives, feedback loops, site-based
    January 01, 2011 - (Achieved) 2011 Activities: The VPA was modified based upon user feedback. … After the demonstration, each participant filled out a survey regarding her feedback about the system … other areas of development, such as major adjustments to the story-authoring tool based on pre-test feedback
    January 01, 2011 - on topics such as blood pressure, weight, exercise, diet, and smoking; and automated reminders and feedback … incorporating guideline-based algorithms for hypertension treatment as well as automated reminders and feedback … take a more active role in their health care through self-monitoring, education, reinforcement, and feedback
    January 01, 2012 - The coaching strategies incorporate physician feedback. … Preliminary Impact and Findings: Informal feedback from physicians at the participating sites suggests
    January 01, 2002 - Web-based server containing information about the patient, documents (such as lab reports), and treatment feedback … Physicians were sent e-mail messages informing of them of the referral or providing feedback about treatment

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