January 01, 2023 - Improving Otitis Media Care with Electronic Health Record (EHR)-based Clinical Decision Support and Feedback
January 01, 2023 - Their input and feedback informed the iterative development of graphic displays to present key patient … The evaluation also elucidated important design feedback and improvement opportunities.
January 01, 2023 - and Large-Scale Simulation-Based Testing of a Novel Augmented Reality Point of Care Chest Compression Feedback … Description
This research will enhance an augmented reality headset used to provide real-time feedback
January 01, 2023 - Patricia Dykes
ASPIRE is valuable and simple to use
The team conducted interviews, design feedback … Qualitative feedback from providers indicated that the use of the tool prompted them to make more physical
April 26, 2021 - public health diseases, the effectiveness and efficiency of ICD-10-CM in public health reporting, and feedback
January 01, 2023 - Improving the Quality of Pediatric Emergency Care Using an Electronic Medical Record Registry and Clinician Feedback
January 01, 2023 - Improving Otitis Media Care with Electronic Health Record (EHR)-based Clinical Decision Support and Feedback
January 01, 2023 - Information Technology Support for Safe Nursing Care
Electronic health record feedback … Electronic health record feedback to improve antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory infections.
January 01, 2023 - Format Enhancement
Expert consensus to weight an adherence score for audit and feedback … Expert consensus to weight an adherence score for audit and feedback of practices that prevent necrotizing
January 01, 2023 - and Large-Scale Simulation-Based Testing of a Novel Augmented Reality Point of Care Chest Compression Feedback … Description
This research will enhance an augmented reality headset used to provide real-time feedback
January 01, 2019 - with prototype development, alpha testing, and beta testing that incorporated patient and
provider feedback … Feedback from patients and providers informed
revisions to the technology. … No changes contrary to evidence were made based upon patient feedback. … Overall
feedback was positive (Table 3). … Patient and Provider Feedback and Revisions
Phase Two: Alpha Testing
Provider Feedback Revisions Made
January 01, 2010 - The alerts were iteratively refined and piloted among beta users based on end-user
feedback. … the study period, process indicators will be tracked to follow the implementation
of the system, and feedback … Additionally, FluAlert’s graphical user interface (GUI) was
designed, evaluated, and revised to reflect feedback
January 01, 2010 - from the project’s clinical team and then tested with an
additional group of physicians for further feedback … Multiple rounds of feedback led to several technical
changes to the application, including a necessary … A “wish list” of additional technical enhancements was also collected, based on feedback from
January 01, 2012 - The research team continued to hold meetings with providers to receive feedback on potential process … They are continuing the feedback reports at the two intervention sites through the no-cost
extension … long as providers wish to receive the reports and
the data from their research demonstrates that the feedback
January 01, 2023 - Improving the Quality of Pediatric Emergency Care Using an Electronic Medical Record Registry and Clinician Feedback
January 01, 2011 - The application includes an active real-time feedback and alerting system for patients and their parents … These patients will receive real-time feedback upon entering information on their level of asthma control … usability testing sessions were conducted for the e-ASTER application and changes are being made based on feedback
January 01, 2012 - groups were conducted among parents who refused, delayed, or accepted childhood vaccinations to receive feedback … Preliminary Impact and Findings: The feedback from the focus groups was positive. … Feedback from the focus groups was used to modify the Web site.
January 01, 2009 - Feedback from providers who have used the application has been mixed. … Providers have gotten positive feedback from their patients when using the e-AAP interactively during … One type is technical, modifying the software in response to user feedback about functioning, screen
January 01, 2005 - Furthermore, direct experimental justification was found for providing periodic performance feedback, … decision support results to patients as well as providers," "CDSS accompanied by periodic performance feedback … feasible and appropriate, clinical decision support systems should also provide periodic performance feedback
January 01, 2010 - on topics such as blood pressure, weight, exercise, diet, and smoking; and automated reminders and feedback … incorporating guideline-based algorithms for hypertension treatment as well as automated reminders and feedback … take a more active role in their health care through self-monitoring, education, reinforcement, and feedback