January 01, 2019 - Year 2 saw the release of the third
(production) version, with continued refinement based upon feedback … Feedback and engagement via the CDS WG and with other stakeholders provided major
value to CDS Connect … Survey feedback helped the teams understand
the perceptions and reactions of the surveyed end users … • Offered review and feedback on specific aspects of the CDS Connect pilot. … Increasing feedback and awareness through stakeholder engagement:
• The value of WG feedback: The
May 24, 2023 - facilitate shared decision making
§ Evaluation of the Summary app
§ Reporting concerns and sharing feedback … – Reported at pre-determined intervals (pre-pilot, during the pilot, and post-
§ Subjective feedback
September 28, 2022 - If one is, contribute to that issue thread with your feedback.
September 21, 2018 - with the summary and use it to facilitate shared decision making
· How to report concerns or share feedback
September 21, 2018 - with the summary and use it to facilitate shared decision making
· How to report concerns or share feedback
September 21, 2018 - with the summary and use it to facilitate shared decision making
· How to report concerns or share feedback
September 01, 2018 - Feedback from each session was incorporated into modifications to the Pain
Management Summary CQL, app … Several clinicians provided
feedback to help ensure that the
layout of the clinical
information … The feedback and experiences of the OCHIN pilot team
provided valuable input to the ongoing CDS Connect … Post-Pilot Plans for the CDS
While OCHIN expressed positive feedback on their participation in the Pain … The feedback and experiences of the OCHIN pilot team provided
valuable input to the ongoing CDS Connect
March 19, 2020 - Suggestions for changing these perceptions or feedback on other ideas for
addressing maintenance would
January 01, 2021 - entries address the needs of more-experienced CDS Connect users about how to share user
experience feedback … MITRE encourages users to try the “build modifier” feature and provide feedback
to CDS Connect.
October 01, 2017 - The pilot organization and clinical setting provided real-time feedback throughout the design, development … Artifact Enhancements
The Statin Use artifact was enhanced by the MITRE team based on Alliance feedback … Research and Quality (AHRQ) Conclusion
Focus group discussions were held in late August 2017 to gather feedback … Feedback about these variations can be used to make the original artifact more widely applicable, as
September 21, 2018 - facilitate shared decision making
▪ Evaluation of the Summary app
▪ Reporting concerns and sharing feedback … Reported at pre-determined intervals (pre-pilot, during the pilot, and post-
▪ Subjective feedback
September 21, 2018 - facilitate shared decision making
▪ Evaluation of the Summary app
▪ Reporting concerns and sharing feedback … Reported at pre-determined intervals (pre-pilot, during the pilot, and post-
▪ Subjective feedback
January 01, 2017 - CAMH solicited the WG members’ feedback on refinements to the artifacts.
January 01, 2022 - Guided by the approach initially developed in
Year 4, the team solicited feedback during the October … team spent Years 2 through 5 improving the CDS Authoring Tool based on project
requirements and user feedback … Finally, the Project and Authoring Tool Leads participated in the monthly Value Set WG to
provide feedback … The team presented three topics to gather feedback and promote discussion among WG
members. … The team will continue to seek
opportunities to create a streamlined feedback loop.
September 01, 2019 - performance and updating the pilot CDS (i.e., tracking and documenting issues) based on
stakeholder feedback … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided
important input to the CDS Connect … Survey feedback provided valuable information to help understand the end user’s perceptions
and reactions … Post-Pilot Plans for the CDS
b.well expressed positive feedback on their participation in the preventive … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided valuable input to the ongoing
CDS Connect
January 01, 2019 - performance and updating the pilot CDS (i.e., tracking and documenting issues) based on
stakeholder feedback … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided
important input to the CDS Connect … Survey feedback provided valuable information to help understand the end user’s perceptions
and reactions … Post-Pilot Plans for the CDS
b.well expressed positive feedback on their participation in the preventive … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided valuable input to the ongoing
CDS Connect
September 01, 2019 - performance and updating the pilot CDS (i.e., tracking and documenting issues) based on
stakeholder feedback … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided
important input to the CDS Connect … Survey feedback provided valuable information to help understand the end user’s perceptions
and reactions … Post-Pilot Plans for the CDS
b.well expressed positive feedback on their participation in the preventive … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided valuable input to the ongoing
CDS Connect
September 01, 2019 - performance and updating the pilot CDS (i.e., tracking and documenting issues) based on
stakeholder feedback … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided
important input to the CDS Connect … Survey feedback provided valuable information to help understand the end user’s perceptions
and reactions … Post-Pilot Plans for the CDS
b.well expressed positive feedback on their participation in the preventive … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided valuable input to the ongoing
CDS Connect
September 01, 2019 - performance and updating the pilot CDS (i.e., tracking and documenting issues) based on
stakeholder feedback … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided
important input to the CDS Connect … Survey feedback provided valuable information to help understand the end user’s perceptions
and reactions … Post-Pilot Plans for the CDS
b.well expressed positive feedback on their participation in the preventive … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided valuable input to the ongoing
CDS Connect
September 01, 2019 - performance and updating the pilot CDS (i.e., tracking and documenting issues) based on
stakeholder feedback … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided
important input to the CDS Connect … Survey feedback provided valuable information to help understand the end user’s perceptions
and reactions … Post-Pilot Plans for the CDS
b.well expressed positive feedback on their participation in the preventive … The feedback and experiences of the b.well pilot team provided valuable input to the ongoing
CDS Connect