March 01, 2013 - Multi-Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting: Alternative and Emerging Technologies in Health Services Research
Multi-Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting:
Alternative and Emerging Technologies in Health
Services Research
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health a…
December 01, 2005 - And then IT solutions can encourage
prevention and patient education, help you work through preventive
January 01, 2018 - site)
Data Sources/Collection/Analysis
Multiple activities and sessions were conducted between Fall … , which is a key construct in
multiple behavior change theories (32) and often utilized in obesity prevention … Spruijt-Metz D, O’Reilly G, Jordan-Marsh M, Gotsis M, Pentz MA, et al. mHealth
approaches to child obesity prevention … Evaluation of an After-School
Obesity Prevention Program for Children. … A true challenge for any
superhero: an evaluation of a comic book obesity prevention program.
June 01, 2009 - In outpatient settings, the most common CDS
features are prevention / screening, drug dosing, … Software designed without attention to workflow and usability may fall victim to the
“designer bias, … better system design.”221
A well-trained tester must be aware of the many biases that exist and not fall … Prevention of
Mar;77(3):194-8. misidentifications. In: Shojania KG, Duncan BW,
17. … Primary care: is there enough time
Ergon 2006;37(3):283-95. for prevention?
June 01, 2009 - In outpatient settings, the most common CDS
features are prevention / screening, drug dosing, … Software designed without attention to workflow and usability may fall victim to the
“designer bias, … better system design.”221
A well-trained tester must be aware of the many biases that exist and not fall … Prevention of
Mar;77(3):194-8. misidentifications. In: Shojania KG, Duncan BW,
17. … Primary care: is there enough time
Ergon 2006;37(3):283-95. for prevention?
June 01, 2009 - Care Example
Preventive care Immunization, screening, disease management guidelines for
secondary prevention … Most alerts fall into the less severe category
because the current state of the art in CDS systems is
June 01, 2009 - Care Example
Preventive care Immunization, screening, disease management guidelines for
secondary prevention … Most alerts fall into the less severe category
because the current state of the art in CDS systems is
January 01, 2012 - Prevalence of obesity in adults with mental
retardation: implications for health promotion and disease prevention
January 01, 2005 - Dispensing cabinets can track all medications used, automatically generate a refill
request when supplies fall … Where errors originate
The National Coordinating Council for Medication Error and Reporting and Prevention … education; monitoring; and use."1
National Coordinating Council for Medication Error and Reporting and Prevention
January 01, 2011 - consideration of
the role of workflow and effective use of clinical alerts and reminders, with an emphasis on
prevention … eventually implemented on a
pilot basis in three clinics (the two GIM clinics and one FCM clinic) in the fall … that hold-outs and barriers could inhibit an improvement process
and that there was potential for fall … Accessed on 1-31-2007 at:
August 27, 2009 - However, the pit fall here, the problem is that the quantitative out-patient data are limited and in … addition to the current alerts not necessarily being what prescribers are looking for, another pit
January 01, 2018 - In fall 2016, a two-year grant was secured from AHRQ, to
pilot-test a Social Knowledge Networking (SKN … Purpose
In fall … involving coordination of care among multiple entities and health
IT, e.g., risk assessment for sepsis prevention
July 01, 2011 - Lobach,
his EPC report actually will be coming out in the fall, so this is very unusual, that he is … release of the findings from this report, and the actual report will be out in
full some time this fall
January 01, 2023 - potential for
improving vaccination during hospitalization.10 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … immunocompromised patients), as well as links to the state immunization registry, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention … odds of vaccination with the intervention groups while the
overall vaccination rate continued to fall
September 17, 2007 - Connecting for Health Common Framework Resources for Implementing Secure Health Information Exchange
Electronic Prescribing (e-RX) Standards;
second teleconference in a series of four on the
Medicare Modernization Act
e-RX Pilot Evaluation
September 17, 2007
Rochelle Woolley, MPH, MS
Woolley & Associates
June 01, 2008 - as decision support, but what I wanted you to see is there are a number of other
things that also fall … interest is improving the quality
and value of physician and other professional services, disease prevention … Department of Defense, the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
March 01, 2017 - Institute of Medicine: Committee to Study the
Prevention of Low Birth Weight. … J Am
Med Womens Assoc 2001 Fall;56(4):133-6, 149-50.
11. Lu M. … Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. … Low-birthweight
prevention programs: the enigma of failure. Birth
17. … Preconceptional health promotion:
progress in changing a prevention paradigm.
January 01, 2018 - Evidence-based Contingency Planning for Electronic Health Record Downtime - Final Report
Title Page
Title of Project:
Evidence-based Contingency Planning for Electronic Health Record Downtime
Principal Investigator and Team Members:
PI: Christian Wernz, PhD
Co-I: Raj Ratwani, PhD
Co-I: Terry Fai…
January 01, 2011 - In addition,
because medication management has been identified as one of the primary areas for prevention … An ATSM-PLUS participant could fall into none, one, or more than one of these groups at
any given time … The
global burden of chronic diseases: overcoming
impediments to prevention and control. … Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. … Department of Health and
Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion; 2010.
January 01, 2007 - Proc AMIA
Annu Fall Symp 1996:699-703.
18. Sands DZ, Safran C.