August 01, 2018 - Policy Factors
From a global perspective, policy changes affect insurance coverage patterns and health … establishing the reliability of a measure will
depend on the type of measure, data source, and other factors … establishing the validity of a measure will depend
on the type of measure, data source, and other factors … Factors associated with parent report of access to care
and the quality of care received by children … Factors that predict frequency of emergency department
utilization in children with diabetes-related
January 01, 2014 - To what extent do you agree that each of the following factors has influenced your decision regarding
August 12, 2012 - National estimates and factors associated with medication treatment for
childhood attention-deficit/
August 12, 2012 - National estimates and factors associated with medication treatment for
childhood attention-deficit/
November 02, 2017 - expectations account
for 80 percent of the differences between high and low customer satisfaction.2
These factors … Factors affecting response rates to the Consumer Assessment of Health Plans
Study survey.
March 01, 2016 - decision tree when analyzing an error or
adverse event in an organization to help identify how human factors … Through the application of human factors engineering (HFE)
approaches, the National Center for Patient … The primer also identifies
known risk factors for ADEs, including health literacy, patient characteristics
October 01, 2016 - were also given health
care-equity training to better understand the unique racial and socioeconomic factors … Interviewees said that rolling out QI changes to other clinics will
help determine factors that aren … Interviewees said that factors affecting QI at
this clinic are lack of nurse practitioners and onsite