October 01, 2015 - What factors influence the ability of State Medicaid agencies to report the Child Core Set of health
May 01, 2023 - Several factors are involved in task assistance:
Type of situation: Some team members react differently
June 01, 2011 - Other factors, however, also come into play, including limited PCC involvement in inpatient care and … Other
factors also may present challenges. … “bottom-line” indicators, but outcomes often are less specific; that is, they may be the
result of factors … Other factors,
however, including existing professional norms and a lack of tools to share information … Factors associated with potentially preventable hospitalizations among nursing
home residents in New
February 06, 2012 - screening (chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV and
syphilis) based on sexual activity status and other risk factors … Given the difficulty specifying these risk factors, the advisory
panels recommended against moving forward … Persons who request an HIV test despite
reporting no individual risk factors may also be considered … Due to the difficulty of specifying these
risk factors, the advisory panels recommended against moving … all sexually active women aged ≤25 years is
recommended, as is screening of older women with risk factors
August 24, 2018 - practices to help make changes that can improve quality
of care for patients with cardiovascular risk factors
October 01, 2014 - – Readmission measures do not indicate which factors most influence readmissions for a given population
January 01, 2015 - ● Readmission measures do not indicate which factors most influence readmissions for a given population
May 01, 2013 - ● Rates of cesarean delivery for women without other risk factors can be influenced by the number
December 01, 2015 - Hypothermia in very low birth weight infants: distribution, risk factors, and outcomes.
January 01, 2010 - statement from the
American Heart Association, children <85th
percentile with no other health risk factors
January 01, 2011 - A
Pareto diagram is a type of bar chart in which the
various factors that contribute to an overall … This ordering helps identify the "vital few,"
the factors that warrant the most attention. … Using a
Pareto diagram helps a team concentrate its efforts on
the factors that have the greatest impact … increase their risk of death, the
death rates for each hospital are adjusted to account
for these factors … Other factors—for example, that
some hospitals may transfer out all but the most mild
or most severe
January 01, 2010 - Slide 1
Office-Based Care
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Collaboration of:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Department of Defense
Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance & Patient Safety
Focuses on strengthening the specific knowledge, s…
February 23, 2012 - rates are only partially explained by patient characteristics but are
greatly influenced by nonmedical factors … obesity correctly, or
recommended weight gains concordant with IOM guidelines.28 Provider personal
factors … should take into account
maternal and fetal conditions, gestational age, cervical status, and other factors … Many
cesarean births occur for non-clinical factors, such as provider supply and
malpractice liability … rates are only partially explained by patient characteristics but are
greatly influenced by nonmedical factors
August 27, 2018 - Ready or Not: Addressing Tobacco Use
Ready or Not... Addressing Tobacco Use
1 Ready or Not... Addressing Tobacco Use
2 Welcome by Carol Ripley-Moffitt, MDiv, CTTS
Hello, I’m Carol Ripley Moffitt, director of the UNC Nicotine Dependence Program.
Although trained as a tobacco treatment specialist, m…
October 01, 2014 - Skip to main content
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June 12, 2018 - Factors associated with parent report of access to care
and the quality of care received by children … Factors that predict frequency of emergency department
utilization in children with diabetes-related
May 08, 2018 - Factors associated with parent report of access to care
and the quality of care received by children … Factors that predict frequency of emergency department
utilization in children with diabetes-related
August 01, 2021 - from the COVID-19 pandemic have shown how our human service programs often fail to address the social factors
March 01, 2023 - This white paper describes factors that support the use of health information technology (IT) for quality
April 01, 2021 - Diet and Physical Activity for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Adults With Cardiovascular Risk Factors