August 01, 2019 - minorities tend to receive a lower quality of health care than non-minorities, even when access-related factors
August 01, 2017 - However, the HSOPS instrument does not assess the specific organizational factors that determine how, … Both of these factors are predicted later in an organization’s culture evolution. … What are the critical success factors for team training in health care?
April 01, 2018 - Reporting
---- Patient Complaints
---- Patient Disclosure
Human Factors
June 01, 2017 - Several factors are taken into consideration, including:
Reviewers' priority or percentile score for
June 24, 2022 - FDA Data Consider whether sufficient data elements are available to adjust for confounding factors that … NAM2019 Data Data are of adequate quality to assess eligibility, key prognostic factors, treatment exposure … For observational, and in some cases randomized controlled trials, the method in that confounding factors … Data_sufficiency Consider whether sufficient data elements are available to adjust for confounding factors … NAM2019 Data_sufficiency Data are of adequate quality to assess eligibility, key prognostic factors,
April 01, 2015 - represented among patients
in their practice and created ways to address
language barriers and cultural factors
September 01, 2015 - All these and
many more factors impact continuity. … Many factors work to disrupt continuity. … Health educator Health educators are individuals trained to educate patients on factors
that support … It is determined by a variety of
factors ranging from the organization’s formal business structure ( … These factors help define priorities for the
practice, its capacity for transformation and improvement
June 17, 2014 - Many factors can contribute to a child’s failure to obtain a dental visit in a given year, including … establishing the validity of a measure will depend
on the type of measure, data source, and other factors … Several factors can contribute to a child’s failure to obtain a dental visit in a given year,
including … Factors affecting dentist participation in a state
Medicaid program. … Factors associated with access to dental care for children with
special health care needs.
December 31, 2015 - Disease-specific readmission risk factors have been
described for patients with sickle … Identification of Factors Contributing to Readmission
A concern raised about using readmission rates … as a quality measure is that multiple factors,
within and outside of health systems, affect readmission … Other factors leading to
readmission, such as challenges to achieving or maintaining health associated … An inherent limitation of readmission rates is that they do not indicate which factors most
October 01, 2014 - Identify clinical and non-clinical factors associated with the use of imaging with stress testing.
October 01, 2014 - Cognitive-Social Health Information Processing Model, health communication best practices, and human factors
November 06, 2020 - The discussion included the benefit of engagement with experts in the fields of
human factors, social
March 01, 2017 - Other critical factors for reducing CAUTIs include appropriate use of urine cultures and non-treatment … • Implement summarizes critical success factors for implementing evidence-based practices and
other … More importantly, research has identified six critical success factors for
successfully improving health … successful
program, and the following guidance provides recommendations to ensure that the success factors … Critical
success factors for performance improvement
December 01, 2019 - about their roles and perceived responsibilities for
depression care, pediatricians cited several factors … establishing the reliability of a measure will
depend on the type of measure, data source, and other factors … establishing the validity of a measure will depend
on the type of measure, data source, and other factors … Global mortality, disability, and the contribution of risk factors: Global
Burden of Disease Study. … Hyperactivity and conduct problems as risk factors
for adolescent development.
June 05, 2016 - increased reporting of adverse events) is a sign of a performance problem, often because
multiple factors
May 12, 2016 - Organizational factors associated
with high performance in quality and safety in academic medical centers
October 01, 2023 - transformation vary; 4) visionary leadership and a supportive culture ease the way for change; and 5) contextual factors
March 01, 2024 - Understanding and Improving Diagnostic Safety in Ambulatory Care: Incidence and Contributing Factors
April 01, 2024 - AHRQ Understanding and Improving Diagnostic Safety in Ambulatory Care: Incidence and Contributing Factors
August 01, 2022 - attend because your presence is essential to develop effective solutions to the contributing and causal factors