March 01, 2021 - Identify the practice, organization, and contextual factors associated with higher and lower levels of … improving the delivery of ABCS services over time in relation to practice, organization, and contextual factors … The national evaluation team has used qualitative methods to identify contextual factors in each region
April 01, 2015 - Workforce and patient
satisfaction surveys can be helpful in identifying factors
that contribute to … care and good relationships between
patients and providers and among team members were
Multiple factors
January 01, 2018 - that assesses CAP severity and recommends site of care (e.g., hospital or home) based on five clinical factors … departments that have ready laboratory access, but primary care practices use only the four other risk factors
August 01, 2017 - Barriers to medication safety included themes related to patient- and family-level factors (competency … Some of these factors include a breakdown in health professionals’ communication, medication discrepancies … Now, let’s consider the reason each of those contributing factors have occurred. … Considering these potential contributing factors or causes, what systems could be implemented to prevent … Three patient-level factors were reported as obstacles to medication safety and included: (a) competency
April 01, 2024 - Funding Available for Incidence and Contributing Factors to Understanding and Improving Diagnostic Safety … AHRQ is interested in learning about the incidence and contributory factors of diagnostic error within
April 23, 2024 - Training for Learning Health Systems Scientists
January 16, 2024
Researchers Identify Risk Factors … Improve Mortality Surveillance
October 24, 2023
New Data Resource Provides Insights on Factors
May 20, 2016 - Manage Prevention Strategies
for Postoperative Patients
Avoid risk factors for acute renal failure … dietary self-management skills.5
• Carefully monitor and set up protocols to address the following risk factors … Risk factors for acute postoperative renal failure in
thoracic or thoracoabdominal aortic surgery: A
September 01, 2018 - 75 years with no history of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and for those who have one or more CVD risk factors
May 17, 2016 - Identify the risk factors that are most common among neonates
for bloodstream infection and screen … Recommended Practice: Assess neonatal patients for risk factors
• Assess all neonatal NICU patients … Risk factors for neonatal BSI include2-5:
○ Gestational age at birth <32 weeks or birth weight <1,500 … to best practices
specific to the age of the child, type of central line, and other patient-related factors … Care
Introduction: Essential First Steps
Recommended Practice: Assess neonatal patients for risk factors
March 01, 2021 - These factors were largely captured in the practice survey, with some information collected in the practice … Context
In addition to organization and infrastructure, the surveys included questions about contextual factors … ESCALATES, to capture in a structured manner the context, such as cooperative structure and external factors
January 01, 2016 - Slide 40
SAY: For a risk factor assessment to make a difference, all the risk factors identified in … on the part of staff and a tailored approach to each patient based on the individual patient’s risk factors
June 01, 2019 - This
persisted after adjusting for gestational age and sociodemographic factors, with standardized … Additionally, we
currently do not know what factors underlie the variation in readmission rates. … Unscheduled readmissions to the PICU:
Epidemiology, risk factors, and variation among centers. … Community factors and hospital readmission rates. … Hospital readmissions for childhood asthma: The role of individual and
neighborhood factors.
January 01, 2022 - The group set out to identify what factors influenced patients with IDD to seek care outside of primary … Based on this and other factors uncovered during the PSO analysis, the group started a dialogue with
June 01, 2022 - These contextual factors, collectively known as social determinants of health , profoundly impact care … in which it is delivered—dynamics such as access, cost, patient and clinician behavior, and social factors
April 27, 2022 - Diagnosis also involves uncertainty and evolves over
time.8 All of these factors make diagnostic errors … The missed
opportunity may result from cognitive and/or system factors or may be attributable to more … blatant factors, such as lapses
in accountability or clear evidence of liability or negligence.
2. … Factors and impact of physicians’
diagnostic errors in malpractice claims in Japan. … Contributing factors for pediatric
ambulatory diagnostic process errors: project RedDE.
April 04, 2016 - We will use
the information to develop summary reports about what factors may affect the
implementation … PROBES: Internal factors—like staffing, policies or procedures, other issues inside the
practice? … External factors affect your practice's ability to make changes and
improvements related to ENSW (includes
July 01, 2015 - —
• Developed an electronic questionnaire that screens
adolescents for social and behavioral risk factors … The system supporting the screener
automatically flags risk factors and uploads the results
to the … The screeners produced important
information on youth’s social and behavioral health-
related risk factors
April 01, 2015 - Lessons Learned and Implications for Others
• Five key factors were identified as
important for the … satisfaction scores after accounting for continuity and access to care and controlling for other
July 01, 2018 - explains the importance of planning for sustainability from the beginning and provides an overview of factors