January 01, 2012 - The second
section lists factors that panelists believed might impact hospitalizations for the indicator … These factors are organized according to the
categories identified during conceptual model discussions … These factors are reviewed in-depth in the section to follow
(Conceptual Model: Factors Potentially … Predisposing Factors
The risk of falls increases as patients age and develop gait problems. … Another panelist disagreed and felt that these factors
should be included in risk adjustment.
January 01, 2007 - with improved
access to high quality ambulatory care; conceptually, the PQI ought to be
adjusted for factors … These factors might include the prevalence
of a chronic disease, such as asthma or diabetes, or socioeconomic … Other factors might
include insurance status and physician and/or hospital supply; but there
is a long … list of potential factors. … The postoperative hemorrhage and hematoma patient safety
indicator and its risk factors.
January 01, 2012 - "Cardiovascular disease prevalence and risk factors of persons with mental
retardation." … "Factors associated with self-reported elder mistreatment in Iowa's frailest
elders." … • The risk of falling increases as the number of risk factors increases (from 8% with no risk
factors … to 78% among those with 4 or more risk factors) (Kinney, 2004). … "Risk factors for anxiety and depression in the elderly: a review."
April 07, 2006 - separate composites for
acute and chronic conditions was worth investigating as there might be different factors … These constructs can often be
thought of as dimensions of high quality ambulatory care or other factors … However, there are other factors in addition to access and to quality that may also influence
hospitalization … Response to Comment #2
As indicated in the report, there are many factors that might influence PQI … that embedding risk-adjustment into the construction of the composite would remove focus from
the factors
July 01, 2020 - discrimination in performance among areas and improved ability to identify potentially
determining factors … Separate composite
measures were created for acute and chronic conditions to investigate different factors … However, for asthma the contrary
relation is true suggesting other confounding factors.
July 01, 2021 - discrimination in performance among areas
and improved ability to identify potentially determining factors … Separate composite measures were created
for acute and chronic conditions to investigate different factors … However, for asthma the contrary relation is true suggesting
other confounding factors.
July 01, 2021 - ........................................................................... 2
5.1 Risk-Adjustment Factors … non-risk adjusted numerators,
denominators, and observed rates are also reported.
5.1 Risk-Adjustment Factors … by Module
AHRQ SAS QI v2021 includes new and updated risk factors in the risk-adjustment models across … Specification Changes
4.0 Population Files
5.0 Reporting Rates for Specific Measures
5.1 Risk-Adjustment Factors
July 01, 2020 - discrimination in performance among areas and
improved ability to identify potentially determining factors … Separate composite
measures were created for acute and chronic conditions to investigate different factors … However, for asthma the contrary
relation is true suggesting other confounding factors.
July 01, 2021 - discrimination in performance among areas and improved ability to identify potentially
determining factors … Separate composite measures were created
for acute and chronic conditions to investigate different factors … However, for asthma the contrary relation is true suggesting
other confounding factors.
September 01, 2021 - Measures ......................................................................... 3
6.1 Risk-Adjustment Factors … non-risk adjusted numerators,
denominators, and observed rates are also reported.
6.1 Risk-Adjustment Factors … by Module
AHRQ SAS QI v2021 includes new and updated risk factors in the risk-adjustment models across … Specification Changes
5.0 Population Files
6.0 Reporting Rates for Specific Measures
6.1 Risk-Adjustment Factors
August 01, 2011 - discrimination in performance among areas and
improved ability to identify potentially determining factors … Separate composite
measures were created for acute and chronic conditions to investigate different factors … However, for asthma the contrary relation is true
suggesting other confounding factors.
June 01, 2018 - factor XI deficiency
D67 Hereditary factor IX deficiency D682 Hereditary deficiency of other clotting factors
March 01, 2008 - Research suggests that individuals faced with too many factors in
making a decision take cognitive shortcuts … the relationship between the composites and external
measures of quality and patient safety or other factors … Research suggests that individuals faced with too many factors in making a decision take cognitive shortcuts … the relationship between the composites and external measures of quality and patient safety or other factors
January 01, 2011 - The resources and time line for developing QI measures
depend on factors such as: number of measures … • What factors impact hospitalization for the health event/condition in the population of
interest? … First, the standard
model is assessed to ascertain whether the important risk factors are adequately … At this point, these risk
factors, identified using ICD-9-CM codes, can be added to the model. … When the model does not
include the risk factors of interest, then those risk factors must be specified
March 01, 2008 - Research suggests that individuals faced with too many factors in
making a decision take cognitive … the relationship between the composites and external
measures of quality and patient safety or other factors
January 01, 2005 - to the American people”
“Prevailing disparities in health care delivery as it relates to racial factors … and socioeconomic factors in priority populations”
Paired Reports
Snapshot of quality
January 01, 2021 - updates and maintenance
− Updated data: 2018 vs. 2017 HCUP SID
− Changes to specification and risk factors … models
► Removed MDCs from PDI risk adjustment models
► Added stratum-specific complication risk factors … updates and maintenance
− Updated data: 2018 vs. 2017 HCUP SID − Changes to specification and risk factors … Removed MDCs from PDI risk adjustment models
Added stratum-specific complication risk factors
March 01, 2008 - Research suggests that individuals faced with too many factors in
making a decision take cognitive … validity would examine the relationship between the composites and external
measures of quality or other factors
January 01, 2011 - The resources and time line for developing QI
measures depend on factors such as: number of measures … information from each article [i.e.,
data source, outcome of interest, population at risk, patient risk factors … or disparity factors,
exclusion criteria, stratification or risk adjustment, level of measurement ( … The process of risk adjustment allows the candidate indicators to account for certain relevant
factors … QIs need to be updated based on such factors as: recent
evidence published in the literature (particularly
January 01, 2017 - Staniscia. " The Burden of Diabetes-Related Preventable Hospitalization: 11-Year Trend and Associated Factors … Jiejin Li, Jurgis Karuza, Cari Levy, Stuti Dang, Tobie Olsan, Bruce Kinosian, and Orna Intrator. " Factors