May 14, 2013 - same outcome
Conjunctural causation: impact of one factor contingent on presence or absence of other factors … 21 Level 3 PCMH clinics, low preventive service use (PSUTD) was found to be related to a variety of factors … with (complements) statistical methods
Identifies interactions between contextual and instrumental factors … Supports linkage between implementation and impact factors
Limitations of fsQCA … eligible and solid denominator for targeted
Quantitative result of “Patient Clinical Outcome”
Many factors
March 01, 2021 - form was used by the national evaluation team to collect data from each cooperative on how certain factors
August 01, 2022 - The boxes represent different categories of contributing factors. … The major contributing factors are the focus of the solutions meeting.
September 01, 2016 - Carayon’s research belongs to the discipline of human factors engineering, in particular macroergonomics … She has developed human factors and systems engineering methods and the SEIPS model to improve patient … Lauer Safety Award from the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society for contributions to the human factors … She is the editor of the Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care and Patient Safety … Return to Summit Agenda
Kerm Henriksen, PhD Senior Advisor, Human Factors and Patient Safety Agency
May 01, 2015 - PMID: 23690380
The authors examined contextual factors identified as important for interpreting and … Five thematic domains were identified for contextual factors: 1) the practice setting, 2) the larger … PMID: 23690393
The authors identified and compared factors driving the practice care models of 25 … However, few factors or strategies were correlated with clinic performance measures or the presence of … Organizational factors and change strategies associated with medical home transformation.
January 01, 2024 - Rural/Inner-City Residents
Rural Health
Sex Factors … The authors investigated factors related to variation in hospital-level emergency department (ED) admission … The researchers determined those factors that are associated with nursing homes' success in implementing … They concluded that the learning from On-Time QI offers several lessons associated with facility factors … Exploratory study of nursing home factors associated with successful implementation of clinical decision
February 01, 2024 - AHRQ Views: 20 Years of Innovation From the Digital Healthcare Research Program
Study Highlights Factors … Study Highlights Factors Influencing Provider Burnout in Federally Qualified Health Centers
Pressures … Prevalence, contributing factors, and interventions to reduce medication errors in outpatient and ambulatory
August 01, 2022 - The team is interdisciplinary and has human factors expertise. … of the CANDOR process of investigating the root cause of how an error occurred, including the human factors … The CANDOR process recommends that organizations take a systems approach with human factors integrated … Slide 24
Human factors engineering is about redesigning the system within which humans … Whether the organization has determined, based on the analysis of the event and other factors, that
March 01, 2014 - Hum Factors 1995;37(1):20-31.
Flin R, Yule S, Paterson-Brown S, et al. … Hum Factors 1995;37(1):123-36.
Mohammed S, Ferzandi L, Hamilton K. … Hum Factors 1999;41(1):61-71.
August 20, 2015 - Examine the critical success factors for sustaining the CANDOR process. … Examine the critical success factors for sustaining the CANDOR process. … However, there are several critical success factors for sustaining the processes and realizing the desired … The critical success factors include:
Identify and develop program champions. … Organizations need to address external and internal factors that can benefit or impede sustainability
June 01, 2023 - Attempting to “fix” behaviors of others without an awareness of the factors that may be causing them … What factors inhibit you or others from saying you are not safe or contribute to an inability to do so
April 02, 2020 - Subspecialty and referral-specific factors; and
5. … Patient-related factors.24
Diagnostic performance is the outcome of these processes within a complex … affecting diagnostic performance and measurement, such as payment systems, legal factors, national … The pursuit of better diagnostic performance: a human factors perspective. … Factors associated with
diagnostic error on admission to a PICU: a pilot study.
August 01, 2022 - alert overrides highlights the need for decision support systems that take user, drug and institutional factors … Association of social risk factors with home dialysis and kidney transplant rates in dialysis facilities … Factors associated with telemedicine use for chronic disease specialty care in the Alaska Tribal Health
October 01, 2014 - health care services are organized, delivered, and financed and the interaction and impact of these factors … Congress a report regarding prevailing disparities in health care delivery as it relates to racial factors … and socioeconomic factors in priority populations.
July 01, 2015 - seem to represent the “gold standard” in measuring quality, but an outcome is the result of numerous factors … differing characteristics within a population, such as patient health status—can help account for these factors
December 14, 2021 - Efficiency/timing
• Hospital environment
► Physical surroundings
► Meals/food
• Parent and child factors … Efficiency/timing
• Hospital environment
► Physical surroundings
► Meals/food
• Parent and child factors
March 01, 2013 - to assess potential reasons for a specific instance of a fall and to remediate possible contributing factors … implied understanding that falls have a multifactorial etiology and that attention to multiple risk factors … Patient-specific risk factors include patient age (particularly age over 85, sometimes called the “oldest … Here we describe this infrastructure in terms of factors that may affect implementation of a patient … One study explicitly assessed the effect of some contextual factors on intervention success across 34
March 01, 2023 - Approach training, they adopted an electronic tool that allows the healthcare team to monitor risk factors … When risk factors are identified, patients have a conversation with VA healthcare providers, particularly
March 01, 2021 - Identify the practice, organization, and contextual factors associated with higher and lower levels of … improving the delivery of ABCS services over time in relation to practice, organization, and contextual factors … The national evaluation team has used qualitative methods to identify contextual factors in each region
January 01, 2014 - mitigate that event or even prevent it from occurring again.
Interdisciplinary, human factors … The team is interdisciplinary and has human factors expertise. … of the CANDOR process of investigating the root cause of how an error occurred, including the human factors … The CANDOR process recommends that organizations take a systems approach with human factors integrated … Whether the organization has determined, based on the analysis of the event and other factors, that the