August 01, 2023 - Factors associated with lung cancer risk factor documentation.
April 07, 2008 - collaborative model, AHRQ and DoD brought together experts in team training, health care,
aviation human factors … Information gathered from this assessment enables leaders to evaluate a variety of
organizational factors … Hum Factors 1996; 38:
8. Smith-Jentsch KA, Salas E, Baker DP. … Hum Factors 1992; 34: 277-288.
26. Shamir B. … Hum Factors 2001; 43: 641-674.
43. Kraiger K, Ford JK, Salas E.
January 01, 2017 - distribution is seen as “power-over” rather than “power-shared”
Election to leadership is often based factors … Collaboration--what makes it work: a review of research literature on factors influencing successful
July 01, 2023 - Collectively, all these factors contribute to fatigue and burnout that create additional challenges for … Acknowledge at the start that people may be stressed, distracted, and tired and that these factors can
May 01, 2023 - Safety Assurance Factors for EHR Resilience (SAFER) Guides
The SAFER … Recommendations for Developing, Implementing, and Integrating a Health IT
Safety Program
Safety Assurance Factors … Safety Assurance Factors for EHR Resilience (SAFER) Guides
VI. Alphabetical Index of Resources
March 01, 2024 - include:
Understanding and Improving Diagnostic Safety in Ambulatory Care: Incidence and Contributing Factors
September 01, 2018 - and safety of treatments to prevent fractures in persons with low bone density or osteoporosis and factors
August 01, 2015 - 12
Your responses indicate that your institution may not be ready on one-third to one-half of the factors … implementation process for a few months, and then answer the questions again to determine if any of the factors
November 01, 2017 - Evaluate the impact of the intervention’s support strategy and of contextual
factors, such as practice … pressure medication assistance
programs, in selected counties to encourage patients to
address CVD risk factors
December 01, 2012 - Improve patient safety systems to capture root causes and risk factors. … medical errors, improve the capacity of patient safety systems to capture key root causes and risk factors … Failure to address language and cultural factors in the care of LEP patients has significant implications
March 01, 2019 - Failures
Instructor Note: Create a slide showing your organizational data related to the top causal factors … Examples of contributing factors can be found on the Web site . … S Safety Concerns— Critical lab values/reports, socio-economic factors, allergies, alerts (falls,
March 01, 2017 - Slide 4: Organizational Factors for Staff Empowerment 2-4
Organizational factors that can … All these factors together lead to higher quality of care.
7. Hamann DJ. … The key factors in empowering staff include opportunities for growth, resources, information, support
March 01, 2021 - Evaluate the impact of the intervention's support strategy and of contextual factors, such as practice … pressure medication assistance programs, in selected counties to encourage patients to address CVD risk factors
August 01, 2022 - In the CANDOR process, event analysis incorporates Just Culture and system and human factors causes of … During this time frame, the Core Team will determine causal factors for the event and whether the standard
September 01, 2012 - • Collect R/E/L data
• Improve patient
safety systems to
capture root causes
and risk factors … Educating staff on common cultural and sociopolitical factors associated with the
diverse populations … • Include case examples of how cultural factors affect communication and medical errors. … • Guidance on how to report and document errors related to cultural factors (if reporting systems … will be
incorporating fields for the role of cultural factors in patient safety situations).
with participants in AHRQ's CUSP national implementation project, describes practices and "success factors
July 01, 2023 - AHRQ’s definition of equitable care includes a deliberate focus on understanding and addressing factors
July 01, 2023 - commonly occurring care- and disease-specific adverse events and associated systemic and contextual factors
June 18, 2015 - symptoms such as confusion, a sudden change in behavior,
fatigue or a fall may be caused by other factors
February 01, 2024 - After adjusting for these two factors, the number of practicing primary care physicians in the U.S. is