November 01, 2019 - , public coverage due to a disability ("public disability-related"), public coverage based on other factors … (For additional information on MMEs, including a list of conversion factors, see https://www.cms.gov
January 01, 2001 - Many factors are correlated with whether an employee has access to a health insurance
plan sponsored
March 10, 2006 - Statistical Brief #11: The Health Insurance Status of U.S. Workers, 2001
Statistical Brief #11
The Health Insurance Status of U.S.
Workers, 2001
Estimates for U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Workers Ages 16-64
By William Carroll, B.A.
For most Americans, health insurance obtained through th…
January 01, 2001 - Statistical Brief #34: The The Prevalence of Obesity and Other Chronic Health Conditions Among Diabetic Adults in the U.S. Community Population, 2001
Statistical Brief #34
The Prevalence of Obesity and Other Chronic Health Conditions
among Diabetic Adults in the U.S. Community Population, 2001
By: Marie N. Stag…
January 01, 2023 - Vistnes, J.P., Buettgens, M., & Kenney,
January 01, 2020 - Each interview averages 1 1/2 hours depending on
such factors as the size of the household.
October 01, 2001 - Education and income are
important factors that influence a
woman's health status. … Health
insurance, income, and education
are all factors that have been
associated with a person's access … Other factors that
may influence access to care
include availability of providers,
facilities, and transportation
January 01, 1999 - differences in health status must be examined carefully because
the effects of factors … differences in the definition of health and limitation, and
other social and economic factors … will allow for more detailed consideration of the associations
among demographic factors … The roles of race and socioeconomic factors in health
services research.
January 01, 2018 - representative data to better permit an understanding of how
individual characteristics, behavioral factors … benefited from MEPS research findings to better understand how individual
characteristics, behavioral factors … the
persistence of high levels of expenditures over time have been essential to help discern
the factors … eligible for a specific state Medicaid program under
the new or old rules based on a reduced set of factors
November 01, 2010 - Many factors can influence health care expenses in a particular state, including the demographic, socioeconomic
November 01, 2010 -
Many factors can influence health care expenses in a particular state, including the demographic
November 01, 2010 - Many factors can influence health care expenses in a particular state, including the demographic, socioeconomic
November 01, 2010 - Many factors can influence health care expenses in a particular state, including the demographic, socioeconomic
June 01, 2013 - Many factors can influence health care expenses in a particular state, including the demographic, socioeconomic
November 01, 2010 - Many factors can influence health care expenses in a particular state, including the demographic, socioeconomic
April 01, 2009 - concentration of high levels of expenditures over extended time periods are essential to help discern the factors
April 01, 2009 - concentration of high levels of expenditures over extended time periods are essential to help discern the factors
February 01, 1999 - Since health insurance is just one of the factors that may influence racial and ethnic differences in
January 01, 2001 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #34
The Prevalence of Obesity and Other Chronic Health Conditions among Diabetic Adults in the U.S. Community Population, 2001
By: Marie N. Stagnitti, MPA
Brief Statement of Findings
In 2001, over 59 percent of the U.S. adult community population was overweight (BMI of 25.0…
October 20, 2023 - 2016-2019
Table 3-7 Hours per Completed Pair, 2016-2019 MPC
Figure 3-1 Hospital providers: Response factors … over time
Figure 3-2 Office-Based providers: Response factors over time
Figure 3-3 SBD providers: Response … factors over time
Figure 3-4 Pharmacy providers: Response factors over time
Table B-1 MPC Sample Sizes … Deliverable OP3-15 Evaluation of 2019 Data Collection Plans addresses key factors that likely contributed … Return to Table of Contents
Figure 3-1: Hospital providers - Response factors over time
Year 1996 1997