
Total Results: 758 records

Showing results for "factors".

    December 01, 2004 -

    Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk …

    Lifestyle Factors
    Healthy lifestyles can help reduce the risk and impact of hypertension …

    Considering the above lifestyle factors together, 18.4 percent of all adults reported that they … Percentage with reported hypertension, by selected lifestyle factors: Adults 18 and older, 2002 … Percentage with reported hypertension, by selected lifestyle factors: Adults 18 and older, 2002
    December 10, 2020 - addition to these national recommendations, every state is tailoring its vaccination plan to local factors … The rates at which eligible populations become vaccinated will depend on a range of factors outside … such as when members of various occupation groups are age 65 or older or have other COVID-19 risk factors … the larger groups of other essential workers who cannot work from home and adults with health risk factors … Finally, we have the other worker categories and non-working adults without health risk factors.
    January 01, 2011 - Higher ever refused rate 2.3 Evaluation of factors associated with FF interview vs. … group: 6+ inpatient stays. 2.6 Impact of interview mode on survey measures controlling for other factors … whether the differences were due to difference in interview mode or could be accounted for by other factors … estimation of at least one survey measure was not totally eliminated after controlling for other factors … Also, as shown in table 6, when controlling for other factors, interview mode was significant (Alpha
    November 01, 2022 - of this report, we present sociodemographic characteristics, medical conditions, service use, and factors … Importance of factors for choosing a primary care provider by VA coverage, 2018– 2019 .............. … Veterans’ eligibility for VA healthcare use is based on many factors, including active duty military … The rest of the estimates in this report, such as service use, factors that affect primary care choice … Importance of factors for choosing a primary care provider by VA coverage, 2018–2019 Table 6.
    December 01, 2014 - It should be noted that factors other than location can affect premiums. … Other factors include benefit packages that are more or less generous (through the absence or presence … and co-pays, for example), employer characteristics (such as firm size and industry), and demographic factors … Premiums can vary based on a variety of factors, such as services covered, amounts of deductibles and
    December 01, 2004 - Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk and impact … Lifestyle Factors Healthy lifestyles can help reduce the risk and impact of hypertension. … Considering the above lifestyle factors together, 18.4 percent of all adults reported that they exercised … Percentage with reported hypertension, by health Uninsured Expenditure Panel Survey, 2002 lifestyle factors
  7. RIA17 (pdf file)
    September 01, 2004 - • What factors affect whether employees enroll in insurance programs? … www.ahrq.gov4 suggested that decreasing enrollments have resulted from a variety of factors, including … Many factors affect whether or not employees enroll in a health insurance plan. … Two important factors affecting enrollment are the size of the employee premium contribution and the … Factors associated with the greater likelihood of near-elderly women with health problems being uninsured
    November 01, 2004 - These factors are used to multiply MEPS sample weights so that the weighted cells equal the 2002 CPS … Expenditure calibration factors are calculated for 63 cells which are defined by seven major types … These calibration factors are then 1 We did not control for insurance status when we aged the data … models Estimating expenditures requires that we calculate two smearing, or retransformation, factors … The actual cost of expanded coverage will depend on factors that are beyond the scope of our analysis
  9. Wp Nov2004 Gem (pdf file)
    November 01, 2004 - between individuals in health status, preferences for medical care, attitudes toward risk, and other factors … These factors are used to multiply MEPS sample weights so that the weighted cells equal the 2002 CPS … Expenditure calibration factors are calculated for 63 cells which are defined by seven major types … These calibration factors are then 1 We did not control … The actual cost of expanded coverage will depend on factors that are beyond the scope of our analysis
    March 01, 2011 - The amount paid for an ambulatory physician visit in the United States (U.S.) is associated with many factors … Many factors can contribute to variations in expenses across settings such as age, insurance coverage … provided and general costs associated with delivering care in different settings, a variety of other factors
    February 04, 2021 - the years 2002-04 to estimate a multivariate logistic model to identify socioeconomic and clinical factors
    December 01, 2014 - It should be noted that factors other than location can affect premiums. … Other factors include benefit packages that are more or less generous (through the absence or presence … and co-pays, for example), employer characteristics (such as firm size and industry), and demographic factors … Premiums can vary based on a variety of factors, such as services covered, amounts of deductibles and
    March 01, 2011 - Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk and impact … Lifestyle factors (see figure 4) Healthy lifestyles can help reduce the risk and impact of hypertension … Considering the above lifestyle factors together, 13.9 percent of all adults reported that they exercised … Percentage with reported hypertension, by selected lifestyle factors: Adults 18 and older, 2008 Weight
    March 01, 2011 - Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk and impact … Lifestyle factors (see figure 4) Healthy lifestyles can help reduce the risk and impact of hypertension … Considering the above lifestyle factors together, 13.9 percent of all adults reported that they exercised … Percentage with reported hypertension, by selected lifestyle factors: Adults 18 and older, 2008 Weight
    July 01, 2004 - Three factors influence the overall enrollment rate in employer- sponsored health insurance.
    July 01, 2004 - Three factors influence the overall enrollment rate in employer- sponsored health insurance.
    December 12, 2017 - persons treated for selected health conditions (mostly chronic), which are two key policy relevant factors
    February 01, 2003 - examine the persistence of high levels of expenditures over time are essential to help discern the factors
    May 01, 2006 - examine the concentration of high levels of expenditures over time are essential to help discern the factors
    July 24, 2008 - The availability of such plans varies considerably by state and firm size, among other factors.

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