January 01, 2018 - Many factors influence the annual level of health care expenses for families and the portion of these … Among these factors are family size; the demographic, socioeconomic, and health status characteristics
May 01, 2013 - longitudinal designs present extensive opportunities for understanding the
relationship between risk factors … policymakers, researchers, and other professionals examining the nation's health care
delivery system and factors … Consequently, the decision
to offer insurance depends on a host of factors associated with the labor … transitions in their approach to employer sponsored health insurance coverage and analyze the
factors … To minimize the impact of these deleterious factors and allow time to evaluate their
effects on survey
May 01, 1999 - The combination of these factors resulted in a response rate of 77.7 percent (.939 × .996 × .831) for … , phone availability, MSA size, and item nonresponse for employment classification were significant factors … by MSA classification, age, marital status, and reluctance to participate were found to be important factors … Internal report on factors associated with MEPS Round 1 dwelling unit nonresponse.
August 01, 2011 - using a simple approach by comparing the variation of the insurance
coverage rates and adjustment factors … The adjustment factors (i.e., the ratios of
known population control totals over the estimated population … In fact,
there is a strong negative association between percentage not-insured and the
adjustment factors … The correlation between percentages not-insured and
adjustment factors by education categories is very
November 01, 2001 - Education and income are important factors that influence a woman's health status. … Health insurance, income, and education are all factors that have been associated with a person's … Other factors that may influence access to care include availability of providers, facilities,
January 01, 2002 - (Figure 1)
Educational status and gender were key factors related to smoking status.
January 01, 2002 - (Figure 1)
Educational status and gender were key factors related to smoking status.
October 01, 2013 - Methodology Report #28: Construction of Weights for the 2011 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Component
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An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
August 01, 2022 - In terms of other factors to be aware of, MEPS began in 1996, and the utility of the survey for analyzing … trends expands with each additional year of data; however, it is important to consider a variety of factors … statistically significant should be interpreted with caution, unless they are attributable to known factors
July 01, 2004 - employees enrolled in single, employee-plus-one, or family coverage can vary by state based on such factors … All of these factors can contribute to differences in the average health insurance premiums between states
July 01, 2004 - employees enrolled in single, employee-plus-one, or family coverage can vary by state based on such factors … All of these factors can contribute to differences in the average health insurance premiums between states
January 01, 2004 - employees enrolled in single, employee-plus-one, or family coverage can vary by state based on such factors … All of these factors can contribute to differences in the average health insurance premiums between states
March 01, 2007 - Researchers have identified several risk factors that predispose individuals to developing heart disease … These factors include gender, heredity, age, physical inactivity, smoking, obesity and overweight, high
March 01, 2007 - Researchers have identified several risk factors that predispose individuals to developing heart disease … These factors include gender, heredity, age, physical inactivity, smoking, obesity and overweight, high
July 01, 2008 - employees enrolled in single, employee-plus-
one, or family coverage can vary by state based on such factors … All of these factors
can contribute to differences in the average health insurance premiums between
June 01, 2013 - time for therapeutic subclass and sub therapeutic subclasses, it is important
to keep in mind many factors … These factors include: 1) drugs are reclassified due to
changes in the Multum therapeutic classification
July 01, 2012 - employees enrolled in single, employee-plus-one, or
family coverage can vary by state based on such factors … All of these factors can contribute to differences
in the average health insurance premiums between
July 01, 2013 - employees enrolled in single,
employee-plus-one, or family coverage can vary by
State based on such factors … All of these
factors can contribute to differences in the average health insurance premiums between
February 01, 2014 - time for therapeutic subclass and sub therapeutic subclasses, it is important to keep in
mind many factors … These factors include: 1) drugs are reclassified due to changes in the Multum
therapeutic classification
November 01, 2016 - An individual's annual health care spending is a combination of multiple factors, including their need … further described among sub-populations of interest based on age and insurance status, which are two key factors