May 01, 2021 - lower vaccination prevalence, reflecting a wide range of historical, cultural, social, and political factors … higher than average, because patients and their providers may view the underlying health issues as factors … For example, COVID-19 risk factors like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease occur disproportionately … Health risk measures
Using the risk factors listed in CDC (2020b), we classified persons … Two factors complicating the use of MEPS pregnancy information for our study are that we can observe
April 20, 2021 - -
19 vaccine and the logistical challenges of launching such a massive public health
effort may be factors … For example, COVID-19 risk factors like obesity, diabetes, and heart
disease occur disproportionately … the ongoing COVID-19
pandemic to examine influenza vaccination prevalence among adults with risk
factors … Health risk measures
Using the risk factors listed in CDC (2020b), we classified persons as being at … Two factors complicating the use of
MEPS pregnancy information for our study are that we can observe
November 21, 2007 - However, premium costs are only one of several factors that determine costs of health care for enrollees … Other factors, such as whether an enrollee has a deductible and its amount, also contribute to differences
November 21, 2007 - However, premium costs are only one of several factors that determine costs of health care for enrollees … Other factors, such as whether an enrollee has a co-pay and the size of co-pays and coinsurance percentages
September 01, 2022 - Update Note(s)
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December 01, 2018 - It should be noted that factors other than state of residence
can affect premiums. … Other factors include benefit packages that are more or less generous (through
the absence or presence … co-pays, for example), employer characteristics (such as
firm size and industry), and demographic factors … Premiums can vary based on a
variety of factors, such as services covered, amounts of deductibles and
September 16, 2010 - As shown in Figures 3 and 4, the PIT weight is the result of a composite
of several factors … Assigning Compositing
Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … Assigning Compositing
Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … In addition, cells with adjustment factors
greater than two times the average adjustment factor are … Assigning Compositing Factors
to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel.
September 16, 2010 - As shown in Figures 3 and 4, the PIT weight is the result of a composite of several
factors as follows … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … In addition, cells with adjustment factors greater than two
times the average adjustment factor are … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel.
August 24, 2004 - ¥ What factors affect whether employees enroll in insurance programs? … trends in the period 1987-96 suggested that decreasing enrollments have resulted from a variety of factors … Many factors affect whether or not employees enroll in a health insurance plan. … Two important factors affecting enrollment are the size of the employee premium contribution and the … Factors associated with the greater likelihood of near-elderly women with health problems being uninsured
September 16, 2010 - As shown in Figures 3 and 4, the PIT weight is the result of a composite of several
factors as follows … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel. … In addition, cells with adjustment factors greater than two
times the average adjustment factor are … Assigning Compositing Factors to Panel-Specific Weights in the Combined Panel.
August 30, 2011 - The first set of analyses are conducted to examine the differentials in pre-dispositional factors that … extensive model-based study to assess the relationship between antecedent health and health care related factors
December 01, 2004 - Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk and impact … Lifestyle Factors
Healthy lifestyles can help reduce the risk and impact of hypertension. … Percentage with reported hypertension, by selected lifestyle factors: Adults 18 and older, 2002 … Percentage with reported hypertension, by selected lifestyle factors: Adults 18 and older, 2002 … Percentage with reported hypertension, by selected lifestyle factors: Adults 18 and older, 2002
December 01, 2004 - Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, weight control, and stress reduction, can affect the risk and impact … Lifestyle Factors
Healthy lifestyles can help reduce the risk and impact of hypertension. … Percentage with reported hypertension, by selected lifestyle factors: Adults 18 and older, 2002 … Percentage with reported hypertension, by selected lifestyle factors: Adults 18 and older, 2002 … Percentage with reported hypertension, by selected lifestyle factors: Adults 18 and older, 2002
December 01, 2018 - It should be noted that factors other than state of residence can affect premiums. … Other factors include benefit packages that are more or less generous (through the absence or presence … and co-pays, for example), employer characteristics (such as firm size and industry), and demographic factors … Premiums can vary based on a variety of factors, such as services covered, amounts of deductibles and
February 01, 2002 - The 30 alignment factors for 1987 are shown in Table 3 . … The “other private” alignment factor was calculated as the weighted sum of the alignment factors … Return To Top
NMES-NHA Alignment for 1987
The 1987 alignment factors for the NMES data in … Calibration factors greater than 1 indicate that the NMES estimate is less than the adjusted NHA … estimate for a given type of service and payment source, while calibration factors less than
March 01, 2013 - Conversion
3.6.3 Components of MPC Data Collection
3.6.4 Timing
Table 2-1 Summary of Design Factors … Disposition of Contact Groups Initially Coded as Refusal, 2009 MPC
Figure 3-1 Hospital providers: Response factors … over time
Figure 3-2 Office-Based providers: Response factors over time
Figure 3-3 SBD providers … : Response factors over time
Figure 3-4 Pharmacy providers: Response factors over time
Table 3-8
August 03, 2011 - The first set of
analyses are conducted to examine the differentials in pre-dispositional factors that … The first set of
analyses are conducted to examine the differentials in pre-dispositional factors that … expenditures, and changes in the provision of health care in relation to social and
demographic factors … that are designed to investigate the association between a set of
health and health care related factors … To demonstrate the capacity to identify a set of salient factors associated
with greater probabilities
October 01, 2004 - researchers, and other professionals examining the nation's health care delivery system
and in factors … of an integrated survey design for the MEPS, none of the
household specific information that were factors … Use of MPC data to develop adjustment factors that re-calibrate or correct
21 … While the development of adjustment factors that correct for both
under-reporting and over-reporting … The vast majority of recipients would acquire adjustment factors of
October 01, 2004 - researchers, and other professionals examining the nation's health care delivery system
and in factors … of an integrated survey design for the MEPS, none of the
household specific information that were factors … Use of MPC data to develop adjustment factors that re-calibrate or correct
household reported … While the development of adjustment factors that correct for both
under-reporting and over-reporting … The vast majority of recipients would acquire adjustment factors of
U =1.
February 01, 2002 - To construct the alignment
factors, 16 NMES health service categories were
collapsed into 7 categories … For the projected NMES data, calibration factors are derived by comparing adjusted NHA expenditures by … The 30 alignment factors for 1987 are shown in
Table 3. … The “other private” alignment factor
was calculated as the weighted sum of the alignment
factors for … for a given type of service and payment source,
while calibration factors less than 1 indicate that